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Pick Flower Project

1. Game functionality Changes:

a. We need to create new levels with new features and objects.
b. In current source code, when board is full with flowers, users can
remove random flowers from board using coins.
Change- Instead of user using coins to remove random flowers, Game
should automatically remove random flowers when board is full
c. When target is completed, User get score for remaining moves and
flowers like candy crush
2. Characters : Need to create a new flower/angel like main character. Will
buy from graphicriver
3. On Field Powers: In current Source code, When user connects 5 flowers,
Multicolor flower is created. It can be connected with any fowers.
Change- It can be moved anywhere in the field, regardless of moving
spave available or not.
New Coding: Connecting two powers to create new powers ( Like in cany
4. Objects:
Flower Bombs: which explode after few moveslike candy crush
Time Flowers: Increases times in time levels
Spreading Water. Like choclate in candy crush
Birds: Birds Moving from one box to another after every user move
Monsters: Available in source code
Seeds: Availble in source code
5. Animation : Buying from graphicriver and replacing in source code
6. In- App Purchasing : Buying Powers and lives.
7. Ad Network : Chartboost , Adcolony, Revmob, applovin
8. Sound : Buying from graphicriver and replacing in source code .
9. Social Sharing: Available in source code.
10.Power Wheel: User can roatate it every 24 hours to gain power.

All Graphics: We can buy all the graphics from graphic river
and simple replace them in source code. No need to create
new graphics. Except Spin wheel
All Sounds: We can buy all the sounds from audio jungle
and simple replace them in source code. No need to create
new graphics
Dropped the idea of reward mode plus swapping powers

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