When A Vision Comes To Me

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When a vision comes to me

One day when darkness was more intense than ever

the young Tomas was in his computer along with his
cat, while other young people were partying and
talking about his week the people considered him as a
computer whizz, any computational problem which
need a solution Tomas was always there, but he did
not imagine that night was going to meet his fate.
Suddenly the lights went out in his neighborhood and
all that he listened was the hum of his cat and planes
passing, Tomas was not too worried it was a normal
situation , but when he heard a voice into his mind
saying: "Look under your bed , peek under your bed,
search under your bed " he felt curiosity, however he
decides to look under his bed what mystery was
under the place where he slept, slowly he picks up the
covers and incredibly the floor reflects how he future
looks like, Tomas sees himself leaving his home but
with a black beard and a sinister look on his face with
his computer in his hands, in another vision appears
Tomas winning the lottery with his computer, later
Tomas sees himself literally connected to his computer
with wires from head till computer ports, at other
times Tomas appears hovering over humanity while
the world was destroyed by an earthquake, huge
cracks and meteorites but again with his computer,
without stopping Tomas continues seeing the visions
that are under his bed and another revelation comes

in to view, Tomas realizes that he had controlled the

technology and the impossible, that is, anything that
Tomas will write on his laptop is going to become true
when he knew this his was away from his bed and
though: I'll be the end of the humanity and there will
be no tomorrow for another person if I keep using this
computer, I have to avoid this beautiful computer but
before that, Tomas wanted to know if what he saw was
not a dream, then he opens a notepad from his laptop
and write: Now my cat is a talking cat and press
enter. So Tomas calls his cat which tells it: say
something and I'll give you the salmon that my
mother bought, only he did not listen response, the
silence was a relief for Tomas until his cat says:
seriously I hope that it will be salmon, . When Tomas
hear his cat, shut down his computer and then decides
to test the external environment and goes out to

Student: William Felipe Valest Nitola

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