February 21 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 21, 2016

Why cant a spiritual and devotional life wait till one gets old? Bhagawan
lovingly explains, giving us an important message.

Young age is like a delicious fruit. You shou

sweet and delicious fruit to God. It is not po
worshipping God after retirement in old age
body becomes weak, the sense organs lose
and the mind becomes feeble. Start early, d
reach safely. Start praying to God right from
you do not undertake sacred actions when y
and mental faculties are strong, then when
them? What can you do when the sense org
all their power? Hence practice offering the
of your mind and heart to God with total fait
age. This is truenaivedyam (food offering). M
today do not make such offerings. When the
become weak after indulging in all sorts of s
pleasures, they think of offering them to Go
offering leftover food.

- Divine Dis

Prayer is for the mind what food is for the body. Baba
21 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:ij`nI dyr qweIN koeI mnu`K,bu`Fw nhIN ho jWdw,au`nI dyr qweIN auh,A`iDAwqimk jIvn Aqy swDnw krn
leI,ieMqzwr ikauN nhIN kr skdw?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,iek sMdyS dy ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: jOvn dI aumr,iek svwidSt Pl dI qrHW huMdI hY[ies im`Ty Aqy svwdI Pl nUM,Bgvwn nUM Aripq
kro[buVHwpy iv`c,jd quhwfw SrIr kmzor ho jWdw hY,ieMdRIAW AwpxI SkqI Ko idMdIAW hn Aqy mn kmzor ho jWdw
hY qW Bgvwn dI pUjw krnI sMBv nhIN huMdI[jldI SurU kro,hOlI hOlI g`fI clwau Aqy smyN isr,AwpxI mMzl qy
sur`iKXq phuMc jwau[bcpn qoN hI Bgvwn dI ArwDnw SurU kr dau[jd quhwfw SrIr qkVw hY Aqy mn mzbUq
hY,aus vyly jy qusIN piv`qr krm nhIN kro gy qW ikhVy vyly koeI piv`qr kMm SurU kro gy?jd quhwfIAW ieMdRIAW
kmzor ho jwx gIAW,qusIN kI kr skdy ho?ies leI jvwn aumr iv`c hI,pUry ivSvwS nwl,Awpxy mn Aqy ihrdy dy
KuSbU Bry Pul nUM,Bgvwn nUM Aripq kro[ies nUM hI Bojn Aripq kihMdy hn[bhuq swry lok,ies qrHW dw Arpx
nhIN krdy[jd aunHW dIAW ieMdRIAW ,hr qrHW dy Bog Bogx iv`c kmzor ho jWdIAW hn,auh ienHW nUM Bgvwn nUM

Arpx krn leI socdy hn,ieh aus qrHW hI hY ijvyN koeI Awpxw bicAw hoieAw Bojn Bgvwn nUM,Aripq krdw
hY[(16 julweI,1996 dy idvX pRvcn)[
ijs qrHW Bojn,SrIr leI zrUrI hY ausy qrHW pRwrQnw,mn leI zrUrI hY[(bwbw)[

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