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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 22, 2016

How do we progress towards the state of perfection? Bhagawan lovingly

explains and encourages us today.

Every person is liable to commit mistakes without being aware

of it. However bright the fire or light, some smoke will emanate
from it. So also, whatever good deed a person might do, mixed
with it will be a minute trace of evil. But efforts should be made
to ensure that the evil is minimised, that the good is more and
the bad is less. Naturally in the present atmosphere, you may
not succeed in the very first attempt. You must carefully think
over the consequences of whatever you do, talk, or execute. In
whatever way you want others to honour you, or to love you, or
to behave with you, in the same way you should first behave
with others, and love and honour them. Then only will those
honour you. Instead without yourself honouring and loving
others, if you complain that they are not treating you properly, it
is surely a wrong conclusion.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 63

Whoever loves and serves all, him the Lord loves and honours. Baba
22 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:AsIN,pUrxqw dI siQqI v`l ikvyN qr`kI krdy hW?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn Aqy
swnUM,hOslw idMdy hn[
au`qr:hr mnu`K qoN,jwxy-Anjwxy iv`c,zrUr koeI nw koeI glqI huMdI hY[A`g jW rOSnI ij`nI mrzI cmk vwlI
hovy,aus iv`coN QoVw bhuq DuAW zrUr inkldw hY[ausy qrHW, jd koeI mnu`K cMgy krm krdw hY,aus koloN ku`J nw
ku`J,mwVw krm ho hI jWdw hY[ies dy bwvjUd mnu`K nUM pUrI koiSS krnI cwhIdI hY ik mwVy kMm dI qulxw iv`c,cMgy
kMm izAwdw mwqRw iv`c hoxy cwhIdy hn[ieh kudrqI gl hY ik qusIN ies qrHW,pihlI koiSS iv`c nw kr sko[quhwnUM
cwhIdw hY ik qusIN jo ku`J vI krdy ho,g`l-bwq krdy ho Aqy kMm pUrw krdy ho,aus qoN hox vwly nqIjy bwry zrUr
soco[qusIN ijs qrHW cwhuMdy ho ik koeI myrw sqkwr kry,myry nwl ipAwr kry jW myry nwl brqwau kry,ausy qrHW
quhwnUM,dUijAW dw sqkwr,dUijAW nwl ipAwr jW dUijAW nwl ivvhwr krnw cwhIdw hY[ies qrHW krn nwl hI dUjy
lok quhwfw sqkwr krn gy[jy qusIN ies qrHW nhIN krdy qW ieh Skwieq krnw,ik PlW mnu`K myrw sqkwr nhIN
krdw,ieh quhwfI glqI hY[(pRym vwihnI, A`iDAwey 63)[

ijhVw vI mnu`K,iksy nwl ipAwr krdw hY Aqy aus dI syvw krdw hY, aus nUM hI Bgvwn,ipAwr krdy hn[(bwbw)[

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