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ignation: A 123A 123M - 02 Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products' ‘yan ‘Scent in ines cl ae ea at ens pd "isnt oe ae raya he Drm ee 1. Scope LL This spesideaion coves the requirements for zine eating (gahenisn) by the ht ip proves om on andes] ‘rods mae or rolled rsd and loge shapes, casts, Pines, ars and tis 112 Ths oeicaon cover bth unfarcated prods and fubvicated produc, for cumple, asemed st products, Stara! rons, lange aes lend Bot welds ‘efre galvanizing and wie work bisa um uot sel we This species so oversee! forgings an to ‘isigsicarport st plces abated before plans ‘or whih aro larg tobe cetfged (reese hand {0 remove exces svanicng bah meta). ‘Tepe re ie pac vit eed 153 Thin specication does not spy o wie, pie, tbe or stelshct which is galvanized on speck or cnn Ties, oo te estan 2 age (00299 [0.76 ma) thc, 14 The glvaniing of haare stmt that te 1 be cenit erodes ane remove exer is (ach ‘5 bolt ad siniarteaded fame, eating and rolls, ese ad forged tea) shall bein scuedance wih Spee EiStea ATSWA ISIN 1 ubvictd reinforcing sel bar asemies are covered ty the poset specifcton ‘The plvaniing of separate ‘enforcing tel hrs sl en accordance wil Specibeaton ‘N16 T87M. 116 This specication is splice 10 orders in thr Inchpound unis (5 A128) oF St unis (as 1259. tk Frnt ulead St untae net cepa enc equivalents ‘Within the text ofthis specication and where apeoent, SI ‘nie are shown in paentises, Each sytem all be sad Independently of he oer without combining vac any voy Inte ease of orders in ST units ll esting and ispcton oe pe bmn Tinea Te tall be done wing the etic equivalent of the tet or inspection method a appropriate, Inthe ese of ord ia SI ts sch sal esate othe gavin when the nr ed 2 Referenced Documents 221 ASTM Stand ‘A4TIA TM Speciation for Foie Maleable Hoa Catt ‘ox? ASOTA 90M Test Method foe Weight [Mas] of Coating on "noni Steel Aricer ith Zinc or Zne-Alloy Costing AME Practice for Saleguarding Aint Embriement of ‘oe Dp Galvanized Sista! Sel Prod nd Proce Se for Deetng Embree ATSWA IS3M Speciation for Zine Coating (Hot Dip on ASOUA SSIM Procter Saftguading Assan Warpaae ‘sn Dist Daring Hot Dip Calving of Ste! A renbliee ASS Practice for Proving High Quay Zine Coatings any AGA'T6M Speidention foe Zin-Costd Galenized ‘Stel far for Concrete Reinecement™ [ATH Practice for Rep of Daag an Uncoated Areas of Hot Dip Gland Coane ‘A De2 Temialogy Relig to tlie Cate Stl Pro ee 6 Speen or Zine! 47 Test Method for Messen of Mota and Oxide ‘Coming Tsnencs by MicronopialEseionion of & (Gros Sexton 602 Test Mth for Abu Sampling of tale and Tnorganie Casting 1396 Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by Sine yeas tena “Ay a 12018 1200-02 MagncticHeld or Eddy. Carel (Beceomagnati) Tet Mette 3. Terminology (See Fig. 1) Define: 5LL1 Tho following terms and detnitons especie hie specication, Terminology ASOD cotans other tems ad 32 Defnion of Tors Spc to Ths Sanda B21 erage coating thekner, tbe average of these spesimon coating ticks. 3.2.2 Hack, a) dense the conan of ot galvanized caeewise csi. For purposes of this specication the word lack doesnot refer he olor or condones, 0 a hurace deposit contamination, 3.23 coating dicks grade, the america ale fom Table Lat the narocton of atrial catgory snd 2 3.24 grow hss clin, whe oni intermeties preset ims alaniand coming in 2 foom other than fly {spre pimples ped sel spot they were removed rom he ouing. The EStsions a sed iu nd we rly Rockod of Munseecinea Ate ‘rte whose Sutace is reso ha 60 (10099, Z S« Test arin Sample Sichcompoted ot Each Specimen (5 of more measurements widely ‘Sapersod) most have imum average Coating | | Milne cine toe EactTest rice nthe Sample ( Specimeng sac) must ‘ve Minium Avorago Coming Theensos of (Table 4 5s Singleanecimen Articles Aces wax Srac fra soil Urs a 20s. (109.0009) careqeeree > PE Pyn as | Spocimene| Each Specimen ( or more measuramenis wily lsprsed) mast ‘have Mum Average Coating Thickness of (Table) +1 grade [A Test Arcles (Specimens) Topsthr must have Mnumum ‘Average Coating choos f (able 1) "1 Sing and Mul Speinen Atioe Gy a 12a 2-02 HSL so a eT ety et gy Abroogh contac with iting raps csi to ata or 3210 specimen coating thickness, nthe average tik 32.8 mata category nthe gave cas oe ype af smateral or proces of manuf or bth hat oily ‘scribes unit of produto fom which» ut of rot ‘made. Fo example ar rating belong tthe ee sp.” indi etngy othe extepory “pp,” ce 3.26 mul specimen orl, a nt of podut whose surice ten i arene thn 160 i(100000 min) For Theknes testing purposes, ales whose sures sro it ‘renter an 150 nae sid in tre cotinia al Sesion, nominally eq in sure are, cach of which ‘onrttes a specimen Inthe cas of any ch lcd ton ‘tang tnt than one ral elogary ee el cnet ‘gees tinted in Table I th econ wil contin re tas one spesmen (ce Fh 327 sompl na cllection of indivi nis of prod from a single fot sles in cordance wth Section 7 td Intend wo rptsent tt lt for ucepece Irs ame is ‘ken as rpesening thelr acceptance sale all be {Sten at oun tn hot wnat rps fo ne peeved ‘qa or npearance of ay individual ul the Bt Bin Simple The sample consists of one or est rile 328 shglespecinen aril, ma wt of prac bose src arc regal oo en han 160 in 100000 tn or that is cenmfiged or there sity tanled in Iae faltanizng proves remove exc glvasizng ball {ce snc) For tka testing perpons the nie race fies of each nit of podut conser specimen Ia hs ase ‘anys arle coaning moe than one str eegoey sts ices ange as delineated io Tae 1, ste ‘tl enti more en ope semen (ee Fi 1). 3129 specimen. the sue ofa sadn tet aie ors portion of et are, upon hich hess measuc- ‘eat are to be pred, bch ex monber of t,o = Imember of u sample repressing that fo For magnetic ihcknos measrenens, specimen otlads any ea of the surice which subject procs sich as fame cating, ‘mithining, reading. cc) thet ean be expecta to res Surge cndtons no representative of the perl suze ‘Saiton ofthe test ari, os dsqulified Wythe measure ‘pout mabed. The minum average coating hicks prac for any specimen sal be one costing grade bow tat ued for te apropite master clegry an hckes ‘able |For santof pod whose wrface area og 0 fos tha 60 in (100000 ma he entire race ses ‘ech esac consis specimen Inthe case ofan arco ‘Slainng ore tha ae al ctgary or el kn fangs os deisted in Table I, hat are wil coma more than one Species a5 appropiate (se Fi 1D ese fom no kth fie ts easement on specimen, then each mexrementlsation it sled 0 prove he ‘rides persion (al appieabe deco) of estos for the so eepry ofthe tail wih the coins a he species volume 3.2.1 fs aril, yon indivi ont of rodut hat amber ofthe sample and teamed fr conformance to part of ths spettston “4. Ordering Information 4.1 Odes for catings roid under this specifi stall ine the following "ELT Qui amber of pieces tobe galvanize) and total wep “C12 Description (pe and size of prods) and wih, ‘113 ASTM specication dsgnaton end year of ue ‘114 Mati entation (ee 5.1 sie conditon £15 Sampling pln if ierot fan 73, 8 SAPD utes es ‘£17 Special requemens (pei sticking, heavier cot ing weight) “18 Tiging or ice ienifaion method ‘5. Materials and Manufactare 1 Sel oF om The speciation, grade, o designation au tpe and depee of rcacecomtmiation ofthe Hon Stel in als to be galvaniod shall be saps he chuer othe hotipgavaizspor o galvanizing fone Sanaa ad sin, cata pan ol seca ee leat cx ‘Sul ong of he pe heeled mae Gee Dee SE ig ite aa San ‘Shop ony at ens cosy wih ed meres 152 Fabrication ~The desig an fication ofthe post tobe galvaned we the esponibie ofhe designor andthe faichtor Practices A145, 4 384, and 385 provide guidance for stl fateeaton fr opium tip alanis snd hi te complied within bot design and fabian, Conslation Teowoon th designer abet a slant pyre ‘ngs in the design ad arian prose wl elas hare bien 53 Castngs—The compesiton and het treatment of on snd st castings shal confor peicatons designated by ‘he puctaser: Some pes af castiags have Boon known 0 My a rasa 123m 02 Sow potatial problems with peedspusiion to beg em Tried daring cemal ermal cleo hoi eavaning Tis de roponsbiliy of the purchaser to et wet ot sharp allw fr th ously of sch enbritine pon a. The roguiemcns fr mulleale tran aslags tbe [pbanized sal be sd in Specification A, ‘Sa Zine~The sine wel it the gavansing bah shall ‘conform to Spesention BI ine ally i uso ws the ‘ted to make tha alloy shall conform to Speciation B 6. ‘SS Bath Conposiion The molen cel inthe working Volume othe glenn bath sal comin noes than 2 ‘rere vale of 94.0% rn by wei, tebe orcas lat ese ale spa he we tema ‘Sones ga ra aly 6. Coating Properties 61 Coating Thicbnets—The avenge thickness of citing {oral specimens tse sal conor tothe regent of ‘able tor the cater and cents of the maria eng salvonized Minimum avenge tikes of song Tor any ‘ida specimen one coating gra les than hat req in Table 1, Where poduce conssing of vaus material ‘ras for cash thchnes tango std tai cacpoy of ‘terial shal ea shown in Table I In theese of ods ‘nt ionomers, nthe ese of ores in iced unis, the mesued yal shal be Sonreidtoconting pe nis) the ase of Tble 2 The speitcton of outing Hicks. heir than the requ by Tale abl he sabe 0 ‘muta greet between the galvanize and the prcasee, (Fig. 2 16 2 grphic representation of the sampling and ‘petites delieaton spt Pig 3 we argc oct thon ofthe cating hiss inspection tps) “Gl For ate whows sue sen eater than 16D in (00000 mm) (ulespeimen artes, each estate in the sample mate met the approgrisc minima svemge ‘tag tiekness grade fequsemeats of Table I, ahd ek Specimen coming thickness grade comprising. tat vera a a ii eee och pcan ‘ewidy doped wie at sone ag ais de hay Components average fr cach test ale sal average ot es than ne ‘Soatng grade below ta equied in Tate | “3, Forareles whose auc re eal orl tan 160 in {10000 mn’ inghe-speimen rks) the average ofall est ails inthe spl ust eet te aprons ‘minima average coxng thickness grade requienons of Table yap fr each sti apcimen cots thks shall be notes than ane coating tae below ta eq 1613 No individual measurement, o caster of manure: ments at the ae gener leon ona est speinen al be iis specie provided tat when those mesturancas ate ‘vend wih tether dpered measurement to determine the sposinen contig thickbess grade for hat specie, the Nore 4te soning kes ge Te | pet the mi tm abe net hgh ef ome he ges Spal cha ory ncn cas {ea reaver tmp because of chemo ers codon) ha "jsyos bow ate yet (retirees eng Amen ps phan hn tows a aageme seaseasan| 5 aes ace pg et Cary Ti Or do ae ws TG TE, Rp a 12918 1200-02 scorigtarere [a] ase Tsay Taos G3 Contng Tne rapectn Slaps [ibe ston te prin ead te he ed fa ot ‘her ose pr nee, bts a Sng (Plmgcoter tyosheag mh he er ee Seva Seti st ey are {62 Fiish—The crating shall be conimous (exept as wovidel teow) end as reasonably staal ad ufo $8 thickness the weigh size, shape of the tm, ad ecssry Indigo ee droge dipping and rin pean ‘the glvaciing hele wil permit. Except fr fc exces ating thickness which woul rr wth the are of the roduc, or make i dagorus olan edge eas rps), ‘ection fr nnn coating sal made ony for pay ile exces outing tot rested to desi facet such es, joins, or special ninage problems (xe Not 0) Since furice smother i 4 relive tent minor roughness fics not itfere withthe intended ae of the od, ot roughoes ta eld fe arsosved (organized) farice condition, ts coms, or sl ret tae hal oot be grounds for rection (See, Note 7). Suice ris ltd defence lated to devi detain, fabiano dese by Prot A 389 shall tbe rows for rejection The ze cong on trend components Of ties galvanizd under this speciation shall conor 10 that rue i Speccaon & 53/4 159M. Sores that remain uncatl alr galvanizing shal be renovated in accor ance withthe ethos in Paco A780 nlse ded the purser lo eave the uence for sabe {et reovation bythe pcs 1621 Each aca abet emotion shal be In. [25mm] ‘ore in te namomest dinero, 1622 The toa are sabe fo renovation om cach ate shal be no more an V2 of 1% of he asetbe sce ren tobe tte on that acl, oF 36 in? pe shrtoa [256 ea per ‘nai to] of pec weigh, whicheter lx, Siokeda cee AH Se cw rnd SSE Seances oe sp n,n and or 623 The thicknes of renovation sal beta reuied by te inc wade rene eg nd of 6 except tha for renovation using te pty te {chou of renovation sal be 0% ir han at requied Dy Table but not greater han 4.0m 162: When sea reguing rensaton excel the rte reso vil oe soe peng Nowe 5 Therein the Sut of» ain pte ite hemi ye cin They en Now 7a wih a ep fr aig hy be si bal ips sgt oat (63 Tirade Components in Assembles The tn cating on cx heads al ot be subjected wo acting, ling. ‘rinsing oo opeaion. less piel tore te scar incl treads are pot probed rom bing {amped orrstagpd ater alvenising Costing sal oan the rogarments of Speciation A TSW 153M 14 dppearance—Upen shipment fo the galvanizing cig, glazed als shal be foe fom coated es, Diss le depois, and gross dross incksons. Lamps, projections, lobules or heavy deposits of zc which will etre with the sided se of te mara ll 00 Bo Pesta. Phin hols of in (125m diameter or more {Ral be cen sod ressnay fe fom enon sme Mac the zine coming camed by tongs or ther ems use! i ising the acl arin the slanting operation sal at Ie ease or eect ul such mas ave expose the bse ‘etl apd he hare metal rss exceed lowsble maximus ffom 62.1 and 622 Te pecs sal be handled 0 ta er talvaniing they wil ot feeze opetior on cling, “kn Doping i Qy rasn tzsm 02 12. mayo opi tl ok a i 165 Adhronco—The sno coating shall witht hang ‘omnis with th nae and these oo cong aa he Nore ®Alnh ne il miyteSrelsergboiing in grote ogo ele ener by terete oe ‘ity tp es ng aa tary ene 1. Sampling 711 Samping ofeach ot stall be pecormod for cnt "72" Alot sunt of predation or shipnet om whic 2 sample i taken for fing, Unless otherwise agreed pon ene th planer apd the prunes och within thi speiteaton the To stl ea flows For tting st a fvaizrs lity, aot oe o more ails ofthe eae ‘Spe and soe comprising single err ces snge delivery tad, whichever isthe small, of any number of articles ‘ewid a 4Ft bythe gaviniae, whan these have bose falvnizd within single production sit an in the sane Sah Foret by the paras livery he cons oF the single ord o he sgl delivery la, whichever i the alle slot the tient etait accordance with theabove is mained and carly ected he ent byte pan 713 Th mod of selon ad number of tet epcient Shab apes upon betwee the galvanize andthe purchaser ‘Otherwise tet pct bal be yee tom om fh tI his se the minimum number of spcsnees om, sel ear ns Sn cdi ok tpn ee oases fe Maho ‘ean hee og lb ge en es 74 Ast specimen which fais confor ta eguement of this apeieaton sal not be wed fo dering the onfeemance tote elements. 1 Tet Requnomens—The flowing tts sil be oon acted to ensure atthe zine cong being arabe in cordance wi thi speciation, The epcitying of sts fr ‘hesion ad eben! sal be sj oral gree nen erwen the gainer and purchaser Vil sspection ff the costing al be made for compliance ith he regi 12 Thicker of Contin Tet—The tikes of costing ktconned ty ane of mote of he toe mths sce as fans 32.1 Magnetic Tle Messrements—The ices of the coating sal Ho detained by maga hcknss gape smeasremens i accordance with Practice 376 unless the ‘thos decid 8.22, 423, ae 82-4 ae and For cach ‘pacino (on dest i 3.29) five or more mesures ‘Mai'be made at poi widely pened ‘og the "lume sep th specie so ao eset a uch ctl he eae nutes wen of eet seem, The Norge ofthe five or more mensuret thn ae for each ‘paver sth pede contig kn 2. Foraices whos fice ae sre han 160 ‘n® (10000 um’) (nulcpecnon ales Seed In 526) th avrgs of the tres specimen coating Uaekest {Ns forth startle A specimen mtb ve or ach stl ewer wh ali sks wine gue: Stet foreach pectin a et aril "52.2 For ales whowesirfice aren sequal 1 o es tan 160 in*[100000 mm") (einge-specsen ails a Aeerbed in 3.28), the average of all specimen. coating thickness grades isthe verge cosine Wickes forthe sample. 82.1.3 tn the case of treed conponents te ices of owing shal be mason portion ae aie does at ‘acd any tea BLA The eof agree messrement methods is 2 rope forge ais, an i apropentefr aller rics when hres fon tere ares fo te abs tp oat Rat on be uric ing Price B78 shal be trie by sipping txt stk «apace ‘emove fom test arc, o grupo est ais inte case ff very sl ech anal ei crate with Tet Metiod AA 909 uns the meio dese 821, 823 or 824 are wid The woah of outing pert ae ‘hus determined i converted to equivalent coving duchess ‘aloes in ecordace wih Tbl 3 unig po dowa a propria) The shen of coating ths obtain he eat ‘ice conng Dickow, othe exe of specie revel ffm texas he apecinen avrge coating Wickns 3221 The siping mobo un desactve tet and npn fr nee pcten aces ba so race oe ‘rulespcinen ale 1823 Meghing Before and After Genising—The avers weit of cing sal be determined by weighing ais ‘lea afer genic, sobctig Ge Bt wept fo th second and ding he rly te arora ols the mnths deserted i 821,822, 08.24 are we. The iat ‘ight shal He deere ler pcting nd Syne ad he Scand afer colag Wo ambit tempera. The weight of ‘ating peut eh termined ocnerie outlet ‘ning tices vals aecrding Tale? (oundine up ot owns appropri). The thicker of oting tas One® thetet acl coating Wiloes. 1829.1 The weighing baer td afer method is appropri foe singe specimen arises, bu not pac To al shot dans lat wl fae tt fw ae “Gly w 12s t23m 02 ‘Seirwap ote sed igs) one 124 Srescopy—The hicks of coming al be Ste rinod'hycnescena and pial mesrenet cee (ice wt ear Mod B47 sles be mod deed $25,823, or82 3a wed The thickness doer 2 pt vale, No ln hn ech aan sl be ‘unis losiom othe tet ace which set wey fers ar acc 0 fo epee of te whe Suto ofthe estar Thea erg oe hn Hv 241 ‘The micoscoy meio io sce ead is sopropit fosinglepeinen wick, pt or 2 Referee Metta the eon of & dpe over Ahtinee of couing enstemety th dpte sal Be ‘Shea fw 12:51 For matéspesinn sca, ey amp hl be tale nd oc of aa, whch umber fst aces asthe spl which aed to coon Gantt be dw, he he samp Sze ale previous Sete manera wily spend sts which oni ‘Sou were ae “ll be Guba tae sc wl omtiot tenew empl. Thienow spi hl mens ‘stg gene cine gage wc be tence or Scccy agit reference tera hehe nar false ashe ito wt soning ais by inks et ane nom-senorming al, [reve nonce rein ssodce i 2. 3253 or singlespecinetaicy snow snp shel be tale rnd feo al, Wich a te Sumber ft ares athe spl wich ued ono {othe spt The ent rth sew sage ll Beaded by mun sreeot between th purse nd (pivmzs be ts fend be note by then ‘Sipe, the gahanier bas the ng sot oor ‘nfoming sic y ivi eo regaenize nom ‘Sttoonng weer recat boeing as inacodance wih 62. 23 Ldkor Detrine adhesion of thse costing So these he tase met ct or prying with pot ‘Toot aif apd wih ones pense {Coding torneo of he ting Tess sal ‘seni onthe cnn ain ema ‘lye cating ocx te bse meta advance ‘fe ne ont Bono ss tong aod sr os oF cents (pois of lovest cong site) to eemine “Sher ee conting Likewise do nt me renova of al en cordance with Practice A143, Thee tests shall noe be ‘ogre ules song cvdeee of embleret is pen 9 Inspection, Rejection, and Retest 91 Ipoton by the Gatanza—It ithe responsibilty of the galvanize to ensure complanes wih ths specication, ‘Thi shall be sehieved yan implant iepetonprogmn signed to maintain he cing thks, sh and pear ance ihn the requires ofthis secifeton ler the 32 Iapetion By the Parchser~Te Puce sal ‘epee! mater by ipo er cue ‘iw inject, the puchoe's pect, or a Independent Inspector The inspector epreoning the parchasr sal have ‘coastal ier to tho ares ofthe alvanize' ay ‘which concem the application of the ze coming to the Tn edsed wile work on he inact of th prc s ‘ong perfemed. The galvacizsrsal aed he sspector all reno alte tsa him tht then oan Bing Fomahed in aceonaace with he speccton. 93 Lacaton—The material shal be inspected the gal sizer’ plan po shipment However By ascent the ‘purchasers nat robbed fom making ese which govern the [Scence or jet of the mater is own abot ‘Srelserhere, 94 ReimpectonWhen inspection of materials dete ‘mine conformity wis he visa oqaement of 62 Warants ‘ejection of he gn is ot peed From srt the lot and sub ce ga for acepance fer he hat ‘einoved ay nonconforming artcles ad Tele he with 3 The samplig planta was wed when he lot was st inspected sill be ed for resampling of 8 sed Tot. By ‘uted agreement, He gavanaer is not probed fom Satmiting the fo eosin ae savtng and reoving none ‘Stofrming acs aout replacement ofthe nonconlornin Stick In sich ene, the mower sal Be ened a ‘ew fot oe paper of mpc and aeccpnne, 36 Matra th have ben joe for esos ober hat cmtrisement ae not roibied from being ipl and fegalvanzed apd again subi foriaspection a estat ‘which tine they stall conform Yo tbe requirements of this Species 10, Centteation 10.1 When spect in the purchase oder or contrat, the parce sal be furnished serierion that spl ee ‘Sting cach ot hve oon ites xd or nepred a td by ths speciation and the rguvemcets have been met Wien speci inthe archaea contact, repo of the tet eau be Rib 1. Keywords 1.1 exatiags—sinc; galvanized conn: sel products icon zine comings rode Gy ran team 002 nite ne na wee) ste a a I Sat ema pe ot Designation: A 153/A 153M — 03, = Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware’ Sop ete nna ote ee Seape 1.1 This apes cover rine costings apie bythe Iot-lip process onto und ste hardware 112 Thi speciation i nde fo Be apical ohare ware tens it te etlged or olhervise ado to remove ‘cess gavonizng bath metal (ee ng). Coating chess (re regent rec hi 13 This specication is applicable wo ones in site inch-pound vais (as A158) or tS nits Cs A1S3M) Inch-pouhd tuts sed SI ais are act wecosanlyexaet Sule. Within the teat of this speciieton and whee ‘Soop 1 uns are shown n baat, ach syn shall ‘eu ndepeadenty of hee witout combining vals ia iy mayne cast of dee do Sti all eng td Inspection dhl be dane using the metic eguvalet of he ts ‘inspection mets as aprapiteIn theeaseo rb ‘Soh stl be sated wo he glvnic whonthe der Pinced 1A This stondand doesnot purport aes al of the safey concerns. fo, ctsoclted ith fs we. It 8 he responsibly of he aor of histori stablch appre rate sey and health practices and determine he epic iy of regulatory maton pir 0. 2.1 ASTM Sandan ‘A9QIAIM Tes Matid for Weight of Costing on Zine Coated (Galvanized) on of Ste Aries" AAS Prcice fr Salud Age Ebritiement of Hot ip Galvanized Structural Steel Produc and Proce thie for Detecting Embritamen™ AKS Pratce for Proving High-Quality Zine Coatings ‘HoeDp? ATAD Pts for Rep of Damage and Uncoated Arcs “oF Hot ip Galvez Contig sven 90 Ut pv hi rel 203 108 STMT "om mot af on a ‘8.902, Terminology Relig to Metaic Coated Stes rd 16 Speciation for Zine (Sb Zin)? B49? Tex Method for Measures of Meta and Ose ‘Coating Thickeses by Microscopie! Examination of « rout Seton G2 Te Meo Ate Saigo Mic an B36 Practice Tor Messing Coating Thickness by Magneifield or By-Caen(leetonagnet) Tet Method [F470 Gai er Fastener Sapling for Spied Mecha al Propane sad Pexfrance Inspection [P1789 Terminology for F16 Mechanical Faster 2 Terminology 2 Defions LL The following terms and detnition especie to this speciation, Terminology A 902 consis other tr and ‘inion eating to metalic cated sel products. Terni ‘ean fen. 32 Defion of Terms Spe © Ths Sundar 32.1 average contig thknes, nthe average of te specimen soning thickness ales for the samples a epestn ot 32.2 are sp, n—uncoted meas onthe surface ofthe ‘tel part tat conn no mearrablein costing. 5.23 dre inclusion, nthe rnin inert. rest na gave coating nfm ahr thn the er ‘ow othe canting 3.24 indi measurement, nthe reing from 3m neue thickness gnuge of gle coating spot eke ote Iicoscpi rating of coming hikes see in an optical tcoseope ton sp tol et a Se ya ssn 325 impocion ov, y—the guatiy of iat! pas eaned, fed and pve together Mone te i at ‘ppoprate conaner ats being subied for soepane => spon. 526 malleable caving, ma stk atl Ua has Been subjected wo prolonged ancl to dear o apie he ttc remoe sum afte crbont pono fn convert {be carbon tw rapa, which ormis plas defomation in ‘Speen witht rapa ‘S27 sample, ea collection of india wits of product ‘fom single npston lo sete in acorns ith Soon (and td Yo represen that inspect a oe aceon. 328 specimen, nan ivi tt aril wpon Which fame 3.29 specimen coating hicks, tbe average hicks ‘tom ao estan ve te messuretiens ons spon, when ‘ch mesironen Insti je sleed to provide the nest ‘Epps ial oplcable drectons) of cations wii he ‘pecines volume S210 ieaded aman, mt sections of tel pa tha ave tea foed before ht gavanizing 4, Materials and Manufatore “41 Seo or rom Feros also be tp rine canted shal cofora © specications designated bythe purer “42 Zine~The tne wed fe the coving stl confer 0 specication Bf ad shall beat let egal to he grade Seg Prine Weve : alvniing tah then he xe mati soo make hat aly hal enfoom to Speiestion 6 "422 The moken meal inthe working volume of the toning bah sal contain ot es than a average vale of Si.0% in by weight oss) cn i ehh ‘oe pe te fied pe Tr lene an eed 153m-03 ete zhang a aa man dala ey abe ae he Safeguard 43 Mixa Coating Weigh Mav) or Minin Cotig ‘hciess—The mis coating Weight [as] o the min ‘rotted in Table forthe mater alepey snd ches of Pr n which the atl eles "14 Thmadad dries Tho tin esting on tds sll ‘ot be subjected to cting. ling. of Hsing ol opt (Goan specially sthorze y the purchaer In oder ‘not ovrupping llovancss, ppg te tals of aus ot {upped ber fer galanin emt prob "US Touchy and Repar-fare sot Wn re found on prs afr glvnizing sal be enovted by we of he methoss Found in Pacice A T0 i te allowing citrine met The tore sot sal have an re ting ot ore than eof te ‘Sorace rs to be canta excoting teed ses of he pio Ste bare pte shal at che any tended ae the ce, The thoes of the repair shall be unl 10 the SKrrounding galvanized coating except fr reps made by ms contin zne dst n which case the ches ofthe ‘pu sal Be $0% gre ha ths tne of the ga ‘zed owing required forthe class of stra, but hal ote ‘sree than 40 ils [10 Repairs measurements ‘all be ede accordance wih Practice A790. Th gave ‘aor all make reps else ested by the purchase ‘diver ema tneprd for sberquetrenoveuon ty the purser ‘S1 Tho shcenated aril all be fie fom uncostd reas, sts fx depos, dos inlsions, abd oe pes ‘fprjectos tat wouter ith he need se of te Stolen, or ter defects ot consistent with good galvanizing 52 Tho zine coating sal be smo and esonaby ui fo i hikes. om 2S fetes tee, Mine sas ‘tdi wie de of at uh at TABLE 1 Thcknwe Wo Meal of ic Contig fr Varo Cars of ter tet === aie as EE ie hamene van tien amt Sota Be, MRR RE gig Seieeeeems ge RRS RS Se Sitrmat SR ie a Gp a 1500 150m-03 enim te need mind en onion pt Nor > Se pcm plone a cen fut of athe had ie mast sams a nel ee Th ip cm ara ey cd Te cere win ttn cg or er a pst Nyheter dept eee 5.3 Emiiement i pte contin of sel dat x oldworked, depeding on such facts a the tel pe {seoph evel ging chats cine degre of od tort an pavaizng proves The gavin, te dsignet {dh ticator al tae reasons asin eben The precautions to fabricate rope an prepare the mater for galvaniing 1 proven embritiomen ave deserbed ie tm ce chien ate Ta [per toperie Sel rb se ten i 54 Mallee castings sal be of such ompositon a wi reslde the possibility tht they bev embry he Eatenising proces, oF thy shall be eer cooled fm the alo sbsequly betteated 0 fo uamunie het tue embatiemea| 5 The ic cou shall ere tenaciously tthe sutice [Se Ie gaveized mati cvered by thie speioton intent a oer beatae depres hat enaes he ie Sug osteo compress beyond the lint of elt, fry cracking or aking of the coating resulting fom he ‘ending obit sal ot be case fr econ, 6. Sampling 641 Test specimens sll be sleet random fom each 162 The method of slction and sale ie shal bape ‘pon betwen the gael the purchaser Ohere, he ‘pl ste sled fo est tal be flow 62 Aspecinen that filo cfr tos equement of ie ‘pecan sal ot be wsd to deemine he conformance to (64 The med of sampling for stnes a ae reed to ex the sandal ofthe Fastener Quality Ast deer in Guide F149. Sample qunties std defaion of em oar ined in the referenced speifeton, 7 Tost Methods “LL Tet sll be made to ensue that the zine costing ie ‘ing famihed in acorance ith thi peication and ‘poted fo the folowing A Thiknes of coming ia 43, 723 Enmbrieonet in 53 and $4 214 Adres in 55, 12 Thickness of Coating 72.1 The werge Weigh of he zinc costing shall be etic by weighing specinone aor picking snd ying ‘std-agin afer gavoning nls the matbod serie 722 9723 a ‘Siem ag happen 10% Rae me 722 In he case of mate asectel after galanin, ‘he eight of coating sal be determined by sping oe ‘Bow specimens acon with Test Mabiod& 9A 9044, ‘rth avenge tines of coating hal be termine’ with de ‘he of a magnetic hikes gage in confor with Practice 376 les the method descied in 7.21 ot 72.3 5 used TRE tn te cae of fens such at bol ty and screws th dtrmination of th tikes of eoting sal be Imads 00 potion of the aisle that Jose ot inl ny three 112.3 The tines of contng sal be determined by cos section and opts menssrenent nls he met descr in721 or 722 i ws. The tikes thus detente i 8 ‘ont ale No fs thane sch messiness ade [lacaton on the test atl which ae as wily sea ‘estar. The average of o less than ive such measurements isthe specimen costing thkaess ‘nitement sal be eed in tcardance wth Price A ‘The ous shall be pererme trough sprue! fete the alvanizr and dhe purchase. 74 Adherence Determine aereoe ofthe ine cating © tesa oth ae cn etn prying with he point ‘of stout ie, opted wih coasidembe pressure sn aman ‘Ending removes portion othe cating. The adherence shall ‘be condeed nado th cotng ais of tthe fr Slayerofatin sano exp the ase metal in vance of the Toit pint Do aa se eng eared outages o corer (Goins offowest coating athcreae| determine ween of lating Lies, dont ue removal of al pair othe “ting by porng or whiting determine fae. 1 The inspector rpreseating the purchaser sball ave con al ims wile wrk ote contacto the ps Js being perfomed, o tas ress of the manufrs work Seki concert ho apleton of the sine aang 10 he ‘terial nfred, The anufctrr sal aor he isp i resonable fait ost hit he ne cote thing fami in seocdtce with ta specication All ‘tepcton and tts shall be mae he pace of mance rir wo ahipmenta, ule oervise pecid, nd all be 0 ected no nerf umes with she operation (Qh a 5a 153003 9 Rejection and Retest 9:1 Foe all galvanic ence tone fsenss that mat moet he requirement ofthe Farner Quality Ak te folowing sections we usd to detente rection sod tt 32 When pra ispetion af materi to determine com: ‘omic with Wal equenents of Seton 8 wean ee: thon of the guvanier tne pried fom song te [ovand sbmiing i once agin for lspction "93, The umber fspacmen in sample of ot pemited ofl eonfoomace tess Sal be aged pn between te {vaizer tnd the pochaee routs ofthis speifeton, two adtonal sets al be very respect, orth Tot of maa repented by dh ‘Specimens sal Beret 1 Matra a tase Ben jd forrest tan cbritement arent pobbited fom teing spp, re ‘as and mbt fo tes and eect. They sl ten Confeem to the requtenens of tis spectenton. Packaging occote ale ay bl be aed oer ei espe ‘bythe prchnc instr conto, wit thew to be ‘made ofthe aise being akon conser, 1.1 When speci in the purchase ok o contact, the purchater sal be fused eeicabea that spe sore ‘Sealing ech inaption lot have bao te ted nop ‘deel by te peieaton nd he ogee ave Don ‘hot. Whe pei in be prchase ade content = epert 12 Keywords 12.1 comings, ste; galvanized coatings; sol banat, ine cot sel produ, mele coat ne ouings, sts ons laseeasedaaggn oveasy rec can

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