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Some people prefer to stay in the same type of work all their life,

and others prefer to change their jobs from time to time. Discuss
both views.
There is a controversial issue relating to whether or not job
hopping could act as a substitute for traditional role of staying in
same workplace for life. It goes without saying that both sides of
the arguments will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is
First and foremost, working in the same type of work for ones
career life-span has its positive underpinnings. This is because a
stable job with a steady income offers one a sense of security,
especially in todays highly competitive society, as well as the
feeling of togetherness that comes from working with the same
colleagues for many years. However, on the negative side, doing
the same work in the same company with the same people in the
same environment may well breed a kind of lethargy, a lack of
motivation or job-satisfaction. Hence, it may be difficult to
generate fresh zeal or energy towards work after so much time.
Besides that, job hopping makes one possibility to learn and
gather diverse experiences from different companies and different
jobs. It is due the fact that the new working environments could
turn out to be a great opportunity to show ones talent and
abilities and to gain confidence in oneself. However, new
colleagues may take time to bond and to get to know them well
may prove difficult. Therefore, it could also take longer to
establish a rapport with the manager.
In conclusion, I totally agree that job hopping is so much
desirable, as its merits can clearly be seen. It is expected that a
culture of job switching will become popular in our society, in
order to build up competitiveness among the job seekers in the
foreseeable future.

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