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Classroom Policies

Line Expectations: Hands folded; mouth closed, straight line in ABC order.
Breakfast Expectations: Grab food and get to seat by the time the song is over OR
announcements come on. Students will eat and listen silently. Teacher will explain and
clear up procedure.
Zero Noise Signal: Hand high in the sky=no talking/zero noise. Students will finish what
theyre saying and put hand in air.
Hand Signals: leave seat; sharpen pencil; restroom; water and question.
Rules and WB TPR:
Follow Directions the first time
Activity listen with your whole body
Respect all people places and things
Work hard and do your best
Line Procedures: There are three things we need to do before we can leave the
classroom for specials, lunch or any other time:
Straight line
Quiet line
Shirts tucked in
Walking Procedures: No Running! SW walk silently in a straight line.
ABC order
Stopping points along the way to specials
Washing Hands Procedures: SW wash hands and line up on side of building until every
S has finished. Then, SW line up in cafeteria on line-one foot on either side of tape.
ABC order
Hands behind back
Mouth closed

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