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Taleem e Ghosia written by Sayyad Shah Gul Hassan Qalandari Qadri

Ramatullah Alaeh. This is a unique book in its easy to understand writing style by
writer on very topic of Islamic Tasawwaf and Sufism. Qalandari Qadri Sufi order but
the same teaching those all other Sufi Orders preach, in sense of Sufis and
Tasawwaf. Writer very clearly described all ups and downs for the wayfarer of this
very way of Sufism and Tasawwaf, along with practicable experimental lessons.

MASSIVE EVENT - SUNDAY 7TH FEBRUARY 2016 in Jamia Masjid Ghousia, Albert
Road, Aston, Birmingham, B6 5NA for Eid Milad-un-Nabi!
All who rejoice on the Mawlid of the Noble Prophet are requested to attend this
mega event with dozens of scholars and naat reciters from across the UK!
The event will commence straight after Maghrib Salaah (4.30PM) and food will be
Two mini buses will leave from Dar ul-Uloom Qadria Jilania (Walthamstow) after
Dhuhr Jamaat (1:30PM) for those who are unable to drive

Hazrat Sheikh Abul Qaasim (r.a) states that once Sheikh Abu Bakr, Sheikh Abul
Khair, Sheikh Ibn Mahfooz, Sheikh Abu Hafs Umar, Sheikh Abul Aas Ahmad Imkaani,
Sheikh Abdul Wahab (r.a) and himself (r.a) were all in the presence of the great alGhawth al-Azam (r.a) It was a Friday, the 30th of Jamadi-ul-Aakhir 560 AH. During
this time, Sheikh Qaasim (r.a) states that a young handsome youth came into the
blessed court of the great Saint. He sat with great respect, and then said: O Friend
of Allah! May there be Salaams upon you. I am the month of Rajab, and I have come
to give you glad tiding that this is a good month for the people. They should thus do
many good deeds in this month. Sheikh Qaasim (r.a) states that on another
occasion, a youth again came to the Darbaar of al-Ghawth al-Azam (r.a) and with
great respect said, I am the month of Shabaan. I have not brought any glad tidings,
but have come to inform you that in this month the people of Arabia will be in
difficulty. There will be wars fought in Khorasan and there will be sickness in Iraq
through which many people will die. Sheikh Qaasim (r.a) states that after a few
days, news reached Baghdad of these happenings in Arabia and Khorasan and he
states that during that time a disease spread in Iraq killing scores of people.

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