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Surface-to-surface field artillery missile
Bui/t by: Martin Marietta Corporation



Two-stage missile. Main body is cylindrical, with a long tapered nose. Control is
by means of three movable tail-fins on the
first stage, deftection of the first-stage
rocket exhaust, and three !arge vanes at
the rear of the second stage.

Range: at least 350 miles.

Speed: over 3,000 m.p.h.
Development of Pershing was started in 1958
to replace the U.S. Army's Redstone. By
then, the Government order restricting U.S.
Army missiles to a range of less than 250 miles
had been cancelled. As a result, although
Pershing is only about half the size and weight
of Redstone, lt has a considerably longer range.
Belog a solid-propellent missile, it is easier to
transport and handle and can be prepared for
firlng more qu1ckly. The missile and its
support and firing equipment can au be
transported on four M474 tracked vehicles, as
shown hi the picture opposite. Firing trials
have gone exceptionally weil, with 28
complete and 3 partial successes in the first
32 Jaunchings, and Pershing will become operational before the end of 1962. Jt has been
ordered also by the German Army.

First and second-stage solid-propellent
rocket motors are produced by Thiokol.

Jnertial system by Bendix Eclipse-Pioneer

Nuclear type.

Length: 34'.

Body diameter : 3' 4".

30,000 lb.


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