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Cast notes

Name: Esha Jeer

Character Name: Abbey
Age: 13
Why we chose this person: We chose this person as she does
drama, which means she will know how to act properly. She was also
a suitable actress as she looks similar to her older sister
In the film, Abbey is presented as a little sister who attends to a
workshop with her older sister (Samantha). This is shown at the
start when they walk into the school. Abbey is presented as a
normal school girl who is dressed in her school Pe kit, who get
distracted really easily. When she sees the possessed girl she tries
to get closer to the possessed girl and puts herself in trouble.

Name: Manmeet
Character Name: Samantha
Age: 17
Why we chose this person: We have chosen this character as she
volunteered and also because she has done drama before, which
means she will know how to act properly.
Samantha is represented in our production as an older sister who
takes her little sister for a workshop. She is dressed in casual
clothes, which is white and black. This is done as she just came for a
workshop. She loses her little sister so she walks around the school
looking for her and suddenly she sees the possessed girl.

Name: Aayushi Oza

Character Name: Possessed girl

Age: 13
Why we chose this person: We chose this person as she does
drama and also because she's had past experience of acting in
films, which means she will know how to act properly. She was also
a suitable actress as she had long hair, which was very helpful.
In the film, the possessed girl is presented which a doll that she
plays with. Who appeared out of nowhere in a school. She starts to
distract the little girl and attacks her and her sister at the end. She
is dressed in a blue summer dress which her hair at the front, and
makeup on to make her look scary.

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