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a Pr. Spas Orsisderteuton réservés Progriéte des Editeurs Le1ezi6, BOSWORTH & C2 paris. LONDONM. 8, eddon St Regent St WIEN LWollzeile a ZURICH, NEW YORKT.Btarms( Franz Drdla Compositions pour Violon et Piano. age. ase sh Melodie, Fst postion, Neto Dia Ope WH MgO Moe Andante Copyright 1908 ty Bomrorth & Ce. IL Lage. sasig sootirig Dialogue. First position. oderutly Difficlt Allegre. 27 NPA. M 120 2 fee 5 =F ‘Copyright 1908 by Bowwerts & Ce I. Lage, Sehwierig: Tarantella. First position. Diffiult. o.81 NOAM 180 4 0 gt gel : = er Ree. ieeets See ca ; ari Caypriett {000 by Bosworth «Co. L bis m1 Lage. Zeit, Wiegenlied.— Slumber Song. — Bereeuse Upto Thied position. sy ee Beis ate iS =e fattites spots eee ey ee eee DeLee De ee Ee Pe amiculimae POPP pI Pe bln I. Lage ig shin Madrigale. Up to Third position. aint Digit 07.25.4160 4 tor. Anjos oy 8% rise g Copyright 1906 Wy Bosworth & Ce NO 733. Bosworth & Co. Leipzig, Wien I, London W, Paris, Zurich,V. eer | ~~ Compositions pour AVA r a SVIOLON: | avec “eeompagnement nt de iano. 1 surkavon Chopin. sire OF G7 Nea. arrangiert Maan 4} Op.22A4 leichteVo rtagssti iicke | Potite BalladelAtite Ballad)» BK) Op.20. Libelfentany...... acs a | Op.2L. Congertino ss ungrrise Weise (inHngaian Style) Eu. “pWarer ‘Geter. (ries 2 Op. 25. Consenfino ius Line tage A. Aa Op.23A4 leie fteVortr aysstiicke. | 0p.26Rhapsodic fora whan yer panecginrentwe tut Lace) | Op. 97/Traumbil@(Dream Picture)...» 130 240 2 ae yung ener ts 3) Op 29. Sancta Caecilia 2M A.80 Bur | feeree “= Op 34. Concert in Gy 8 Sheet | Op24. Congertino onal Op.35.Concert in M8 Bf {OH i [La beg) 2 ' Op.33.Scéne de Carneval...a1s04600 ).Op.37 Tendress -SAL80 U8 at LEIPZIG. BOSWORTH & C° paris. a A LONDON.W. SES ZURICH. NN) WIEN.I.Wollzeile 39. J . A a CFS Cy NewYork, 7. B.HAI FRANCIS DAY & HUNTER. rer 8908. 1402

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