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How to Make a Wiki 101

Step One: Logging In

1. Go to
2. Click the “Log In” button in the upper left corner
3. Type in the following email address:
4. Password: Manitoba
5. Click on your designated workspace (i.e. group one will click on

Step Two: Editing

1. To begin editing click the “Edit” tab

2. Delete the text that is already in the workspace
3. Begin creating your wiki using the following:
a. Title
b. Names of group members
c. Definitions of your elements
d. Examples from the texts that relate to each element
4. Bold all titles and adjust font sizes
5. Sub-titles should be smaller than the main title
6. When inserting passages from the short story, be sure to use italics
7. If you would like to change the color of the wiki go to the “Settings” tab and click
“Colors” which is located on the side bar.
8. To return back to the editing page, click the “Wiki” tab

Step Three: Adding a Page

1. Click on the “Pages & Files” tab

2. On the left side, click on the “New” drop down menu and then select “Create a
3. A box will pop up and ask you to name your new page, please title it “Working
With a Wiki”
4. Click “Create Page” and double check that your page now appears in “Pages &
Files” document area
5. Return to the “Wiki” area and locate the “Navigator” box on the right (it will have
a scroll bar next to it) and be sure your new page is within that box
a. Anytime you would like to edit this page or switch back to your main
page, you’ll want to use the Navigator box and click “edit” under the page
you would like to work on.

Step Four: Working From Home

1. If you would like to edit from home, please consult your group members first. To
access your wiki refer to Step One.
2. If you would like to show your parents your finished wiki simply type in the URL for
the correct group. For example, if someone in group two wanted to show someone
their wiki they would type in:
3. When working from home always be sure to SAVE all of your work!

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