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For the last 35 years, music lovers have been getting together from noon to 3 p.m. every Wednesday fhanged from every Wednesday from noon to 3 pzmjat the Admiral Coontz Recreation Center. Betty Parsons Miller is one of two founders of the weekly dances, and still presides as the "Bishop of the Backbeat" for the Uptown Strings band. "[ think it's good ministry," said Miller, the drummer. "Music lifts your spirits and makes you feel good.” The dancers come from all over. Some are married, some are widowed. A few are as slow as molasses, while hanged from andj others could outlast a teenager. Regardless of ability, it would take a disaster to keep them from the dance floor. [I changed this from the phrase ‘tripping the light fantastic.’ because I didn't know what it meant until I looked it up and thought maybe others would have the same problem.) Ronald Reagan was president when Martha Williams attended her first Coontz dance. "After I retired, Ifinserted I’, but not sure if it was intentionally left outhwasn't going to sit on my fanny and watch TV," said Williams, 90, of New Canton, Ill. "You look forward to this. You want to know who died, who's sick and who's had surgery. This is the highlight of your week." Weldon Calvert, 83, [Changed from Eighty-three-year-old Weldon Calvert of Hannibal goes to dances around the area, but always keeps the Hannibal gig on his calendar. He and his dance partner, Manon White of Quincy, IIl., are both retired teachers. "Llove to dance," Calvert said, "At this stage of the game, dancing is an important part of our lives." Admission is just $3 and everyone brings a dish for the potluck. Don't have a partner? Don't worry. There's always someone with whom you can drift around the floor.

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