The Film Starts of With 2 Sister (Samantha and Abbey) Aged 18 and 11

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The film starts of with 2 sister ( Samantha and Abbey)

aged 18 and 11 goes for a workshop which is located in a school.
Samantha (older sister) walks off to go to the toilet and Abbey follows
her and stands outside the toilet leaning on the wall. She suddenly
hears a music and someone laughing, so she looks around to see
where its coming from, she sees a little girl sitting on the floor playing
with a doll. Abbey slowly walks up to the possessed girl, the
possessed girl looks up and abbey freaks out. The possessed girl starts
to run away and looking back and laughing, Abbey runs after her, she
loses the little girl. After running around looking for the possessed girl
abbey stops to catch her breath, the possessed girl appears from
behind, attacks Abbey and ends her life. Samantha comes back in
scene and looking for her little sister Abbey, at this stage she's all
worried and nervous, because she cant find her little sister, suddenly
the possessed girl appears behind Samantha attacks her life and ends
her life too. The possessed girl drags the 2 dead body which is
Samantha and Abbey on the floor.
The mother then comes looking for her children, she runs to the main
office and sees no one there so she runs inside the school and sees
Samantha's glasses on the floor, the mother started crying really loud
as she was very frightened. She sees the possessed from a far end and
freaks out, she looks away and looks again and the possessed girl is
gone, the mother quickly tries to get out of the building, she starts
running and sees the possessed girl standing outside the building, the
mother then starts screaming and the possessed girl started to laugh
really loud. She runs towards the gate and sees the possessed girl
closing the gate and laughing. This then ends with a cliff-hanger.

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