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--- 8 -V-j 2014

-- j---

j---E t-E E--Jq -

h LT h vu J--Eo vu-P (Mass) .

C v-N A--P. DE SI v v (Kg).
vu-P, --E N-h. F N N--
. h-j N L-T -y--{ . C
po P. DE SI v u, v v
(Kg. Wt). 1 Kg. Wt = 9.8 u.

| K-~2014 --h -C.

|: -C -bd 55 \-
dq vU Bh-gj L. @/ --/ --/--/ H/ / / --/ u-n- |
K~ * N G-hC.
-h: 10 Vj * -j- .
*J C: 10 d.

-C. F vu-P - C- v--x C.

Eo vp

t-E E--Jq

p-t-q @ x

t-E E--Jq @ x q
v-- --- N- C.
|: 50 \- jq, vT--a,
-oK, -, t, >-F-J
o--@ vU Bh-gj L.
-h: -j- *-* N.
*J C: 22 d.

-Nu N

t-E E--Jq -Nu N-

@, @, @ x q- v-
@ q: H, , , ,
@ q: H, H, HH, Hq.
@ x q: u--q, Tx
y *, G>- - -, -p-t-q, v xE, u x--q.
*J C: 10 d-.

Eq, j--

j---E Eq -d-u -
jq NN qx v--E --h y-EhC.
q, x: Hq (Jq) 100, u*-
>--- (H) 50, d
p- - - (-) 20.
-h: -j * - --a.
*J C: 16 Vj.

q, --y
--y--E -d-u
- jq (q) vd vA--C-
C d Kh -- Ey---C.
S: - - 2, t--@1, -vq2, --vq Kb 1, Jf--@1,
v-@1, uZv-@1, u bK1,
--v--@1, -@1, -1.
-h: -j * - --a.
- C: 17 Vj.

-o- --x

-A-----E -v- -v- -- -f

-o- -- -d- --Kh --h-
S: -o- -- (-v-Lx) 14
-|-: ---A -- --q-- -|- L. -- ---E/ -->- --E/ Lf- --- ----J -v--u ---C.
--: 18 --* 27 --x --u ---L.
--h: --j- --* --- - ---a.
-*--J --C: 29 -d

'v-- J-NA N?

v Lh, vu--PE - v h. - J-- -F --

vu-P v-
--- - v
E x, E v,
v vu--PE a- N vu-PE v- B--.
vu-P SI v v (Kg)

B Y- - h

J -



\-J (A
-d d-dq,
-D v- v
(\E )
v--u v-- v--
(~v J-, %g
G d)
y- (~-vxE A -
J--- E d- j N- \-

-E v-:
SI v m/s.
- Eo .O./- (kmph)
x -h. Eo El-J J-
m/s N- kmph a-
1 Kg = 1000 g.
m/s N- 18
- L.
.- -%g
-o-- u q
-q x, K--
kmph N- m/s a-
5 L.
Nv- h ---C. -D-E kmph N
vu-P - Kg J---h-o.
N Eo u ux -h. u
1 y = 100 Kg.
u N Eo L yE--
1 v o = 1000 Kg = 10 yx
g-v v-

~v uv
u u (M) =
vU Lq- (C): Do -v-- E
L yE-
~v (neutron star)
. - (Centi) 100
%g G (black hole)
M < 1 --E, M = 1 vq-E,
*-hC. Lq---- 100 N- y --
M > 1 ---E, M > 5 j- o. n n (Lower Fixed
(White dwarf) vu--P
-E Ey-*-h.
Point) 0C F vO-- nEo *h n y
Je J-NA u
vt, u ~- (missiles)
n n (Up Fixed Point) 100C F J

vu-P 1.4 x-L.

j---E ~uEo C-h.
nEo *-hC.
Do v-- J-NA . vu-P
A (C) = 3 108 m/s. A
N 3 1030 Kg (1.4 M
h L -- u v---. A vU -- (F): F vO-- n 32F,
u). ~v vu--PE -a--E
p-- n 212F \. C,
v- -t v 'j
v-- J-NA (Chandrasekhar Limit)
n u \- 180
. DE - , N-u -x
E v- --T-h.
N-- N->-.
v-- J-NA vu--P A-l v- (Knot) v-Eo , j-E
Ly g-v : g-v- SI
i - vu-P v (atomic

v vU Ly (K). N g-v vmass unit - amu) up v.
CJ N- . u

1 amu = 1.6 1027 Kg. -,
Ly- N-- .
E n. y Eo
vu--- amu -h.

K = C + 273
Ny vu--PE 1053 Kg J---h.
x Eo d vE
F -. A * xp Ly Eo Y--h --T-h.
-E v-
EKg - AE - u vU Lq-, vU --, Ly g-v-
- Eo \--.
u -Eo L-- O--
Eo *a- L - --x
N, - Eo u (Pitot
'> -Eo --T-h.
F 32
K 273
= =
Tube) - -h.
= -u


Lq-, -- g-v- 40 vU l
--u-E SI v d b (Hz)
40C = 40F





. g h y. C p g-v- v- j (R), j
1) -E SI v.
C g-v * p g-v- v-h
(Ra) . j 0 * 80
2) CGS, FPS, MKS uC. x- a- Bv- L N--, j 491.7
nx v C g-v (Temperature).
* 671.7 180 N---o.
3) >-133 -
gE v-: K (4.2 J), W (SI
vh - .
h-n- u J
J--h - Ey*-.
1012 S
F p- n
373 K
10 S
210 K E K
1) 10 x
F vO-- n
273 K
108 -x
2) ux-
- o v.
u g-v
5) -d -q 1) - q v
(Galactic Year)

J AJT --E d
t -q
(Cosmic Year)
2) DE N 200
NL-x -q-.
-O --G-v--, --- --Lq- -- --

--- 8 -V-j 2014

Directions: (Q.1-5): Read each sentence to find
out whether there is any grammatical error in
it. The error if any, will be in one part of the
sentence. The number of that part will be the
answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5.
1. The manager says (1)/ that (2)/ the loans will
be sanctioned (3)/ by September 2014. (4)/
No Error (5).
2. I don't think (1)/ Mr Ravi Raj is having (2)/ a
lot of property, (3)/ bequeathed to him by his
grand father. (4)/ No Error (5).
3. The clerk said to the officer, (1)/ "I had
already contacted (2)/ the Head office before
(3)/ you instructed me". (4)/ No Error (5).
4. The ministers as well as (1)/ the Chief
Minister have expressed (2)/ their profound
satisfaction (3)/ over the implementation of
development schemes. (4)/ No Error (5).
5. The employees would not (1)/ hesitate to
oppose you (2)/ even though (3)/ you are the
Managing Director. (4)/ No Error (5).
Directions (Q.6-10): In each of the following
sentences, a word or a group of words has
been printed in bold. From the five answer
choices given below each sentence, pickout
one which substitute the bold word/ group of
words correctly without changing the meaning. If no correction is required, your answer
is 5, i.e. no correction required.
6. The striking employees have made the management to accept their demands.
1) accept their demands.
2) to have accepted their demands.
3) to have been accepted their demands.
4) to be accepted their demands.
5) No correction required
7. The government has taken keen interest
in bringing about transformation in the lives
of poverty-stricken people.
1) The government took keen interest
2) The government will have taken keen
3) The government would have been taken
4) The government has been taken interest
5) No correction required
8. How I wish I am the most intelligent man
in the world.
1) I had been the most intelligent man
2) I were the most intelligent man
3) I will have been the most intelligent man
4) I shall have been the most intelligent man
5) No correction required
9. His friend tried to play a tricks on him on
April Fool's day.
1) tricked
2) played a trick
3) playing a trick
4) play a trick
5) No correction required
10. His business has been gone downhill ever
since his friend left for America.
1) went downhill
2) go down hill
3) going downhill
4) going downhills
5) No correction required
Directions (Q.11-15): Rearrange the following
sentences A, B, C, D, E, F and G in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph
and answer the questions given below them.
(A) Wild apricot fruits are attractive, delicious
and highly nutritious.
(B) In the Himalayan region of the country, local
communities know it by different vernacular
names viz 'Chulli', 'Shara', 'Khurmani',
'Chulloo' etc.
(C) Wild apricot is an important tree-borne oil

Bequeath = to leave property to others
Vernacular = indigenous, native
Tandem = one placed behind the other
Scarcity = lack of something
Euphoria = an irrational feeling of wellbeing
Thrall = influence, attraction
Emulating = imitating
Decayed = spoiled
Rout = spoil, deceive, defeat
Dispel = drive out
Woo = attract

-- j---

Comprehension is the heart of the English section in SBI

Clerks recruitment exam. A number of candidates tend to

leave this topic because they feel it is very time taking.
But, with a little focus and preparation, you can easily grab full
marks from this topic. Luckily for Clerical exam, they won't
give you difficult passages which involves technical words.

His friend tried to play a tricks..

General English
seed of the mild hills and dry temperate
region of the country.
(D) For most of them, wild apricot fruit has been
serving as an important source of edible oil.
(E) It contains Vitamin A, Carbohydrates,
Protein, Phosphorus and Niacin in higher
quantity than majority of other common wild
and cultivated fruits.
(F) For some families, major portion of the crop
is utilised for the preparation of the distilled
alcoholic liquor.
(G) The hill farming communities of these
regions have been maintaining wild apricot
trees on their farmland bunds and adjoining
crop land as part of farm forestry/ agro
forestry practices.
11. Which of the following is the FIRST
sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E
12. Which of the following is the SECOND
sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) F
13. Which of the following is the THIRD
sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) G
4) F
5) E
14. Which of the following is the FOURTH
sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) F
4) G
5) E
15. Which of the following is the LAST
sentence after rearrangement?
1) G
2) B
3) F
4) D
5) E
Directions (Q.16-20): Below is given a single
word with its meaning in different contexts as
options. You have to select all options which
are synonymous with the word when the context is changed. Select the correct alternative
from 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5) which represent all
those synonyms.
A) Pardon B) Forgive C) Refrain D) Abstain
1) Only C
2) Only B 3) Both A and B
4) A, B, and C
5) All A, B, C, D
A) Cleave B) Mound C) Zenith D) Pinnacle
1) Only D
2) C and D
3) B and C
4) B, C and D 5) All A, B, C and D
A) Shield
B) Slap
C) Guarantee
D) Provision
1) Only A
2) Only C
3) A and C
4) A, C and D 5) All A, B, C and D
A) Recurrence
B) Oftenness
C) Repetition
D) Oscillation
1) Only C
2) Only D
3) A and C
4) A, B and D
5) All A, B, C and D
20. ZERO:
A) Nought B) Cipher C) Love D) Zephyr
1) Only B
2) A and B 3) A, B and C
4) A, B and D
5) All A, B, C and D
Directions (Q.21-30): In the following passage,
some of the words have been left out, each of
which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each

number and fill up the blanks with appropriate

D) euphoria E) developments F) declination
words to make the paragraph meaningful.
1) B and C
2) A and D
3) E and F
...(21)... over the world, rights related to infor4) B and E
5) C and F
mation technology that are already legally
33. The internet version of Encyclopedia
recognised are daily being violated, ...(22)... in
Britannica ...... 'odour' as the precept resulthe name of economic advancement, political
tant from the sense of smell.
stability or personal interests. Violations of
A) prescribes
B) ascribes
C) describes
these rights have ...(23)... new problems in
D) subscribes
E) explains
F) discusses
human social systems, such as the digital
1) A and C
2) C and E
3) B and D
divide, cybercrime, digital security and privacy
concerns, all of which have ...(24)... people's
34. Nirupama Rao says ......, she has realised
lives either directly or indirectly.
that being bureaucrat in a position of power
It is important that countries come up with
is actually being in a position of great
the guidelines for action to
...(25)... the incidences of maliA) haughty B) delicately C) serenely
cious attacks on the confidentialiD) lively
E) calmly
F) stealthily
ty, integrity and availability of
1) B and F
2) A and D 3) C and E
electronic data and systems,
computer-related crimes, con4) A and F
5) D and E
tent-related offences and viola35. If detox diets can't get rid of ...... roll
tions of intellectual property
of fat around your abdomen, sign
rights. ...(26).... threats to critical
yourself up for a spot of liposuction.
B.Krishna Kumar
infrastructure and national interA) stubborn
B) intractable
ests arising from the use of internet for unlawC) emulating D) fascinating E) miraculous
ful activities are of growing ...(27).... The harm
1) A and B
2) B and C
3) E and F
incurred to businesses, governments, and indi4)
viduals in those countries in which internet is
36. In today's volatile economic environment,
used ...(28)... is gaining in ...(29)... and impordiversification has become a ...... compotance, while in other countries, cybercrime
nent for risk management.
threatens the application of information and
A) decayed
B) critical
C) rout
communication technology for government serD) crucial
E) raw
F) gross
vices, health care, trade and banking. As users
start losing ...(30)... in online transactions and
1) A and F
2) B and F
3) C and E
business, the opportunity costs may become
4) B and D
5) D and E
37. Competition is tough in the seed market,
21. 1) Entire 2) Lot 3) Great 4) All 5) Much
which may explain why marketing gimmicks
22. 1) scarcity
2) whether
are often used to ...... farmers.
3) and
4) for
5) hardly
A) dispel
B) collect
C) punish
23. 1) created
2) bent
3) pressurised
D) woo
E) attract
F) ask
4) risen
5) stopped
1) C and F
2) A and D
3) B and D
24. 1) distanced 2) affected 3) exaggerated
4) E and F
5) D and E
4) advanced 5) cropped
38. The company's popularity has ...... to its
25. 1) engage
2) conflict
3) war
lowest level.
4) combat
5) struggle
A) increased B) slumped
C) refurbished
26. 1) But
2) More
3) Addition
D) declined
E) went
F) tarnished
4) Beside
5) Further
1) A and E
2) B and D
3) E and F
27. 1) concern
2) nature
3) pattern
4) C and F
5) A and F
4) important
5) matter
39. This book ...... falls into the category of spir28. 1) really
2) figuratively
3) widely
itual eminence.
4) never
5) tandem
A) never
B) always
C) clearly
29. 1) fear
2) days
3) positivity
D) often
E) probably
F) reader
4) width
5) scope
1) A and F
2) B and F
3) D and E
30. 1) tracks
2) measure
4) C and E
5) C and F
3) confidence
4) mind
5) grip
40. The flight ...... got away four hours late.
Directions (Q.31-40): Each of the following
A) how
B) eventually
C) ever
questions consists of a single sentence with
D) moreover
E) ultimately
F) then
one blank only. You are given words as answer
1) B and E
2) A and D
3) D and E
choices and from the six choices you have to
4) A and C
5) C and D
pick up two correct answers either of which will
make the sentence meaningfully complete.
31. Agricultural scientists say productivity can
be improved by improving water resources,
1-3; Replace 'be' with 'have been'.
improving ....... to rural finance, information
2-2; Replace 'is having' with 'has'.
and communication technology, and tech3-5
5-4; Replace 'are' with 'were'.
nological perspective.
A) approach
B) assess
C) access
(Q.11-15): C A E B G D F
D) excess
E) assets
F) situation
1) A and B
2) B and D
3) E and F
4) C and E
5) A and C
32. The ...... of the modern cosmetic industry
have meant that women are more in thrall
to the cult of beauty than ever before.
A) launch
B) advancements C) downfall

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