Darkness Byron

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Lord Byron - Darkness

England 1816 April ?

-Napolean war-ed everywhere
-French Revolution(1792-1802)/Napoleanic Wars(1803-15)
1816: The Year without a Summer
-Food shortage caused by eruption of Mount Tampora in Indonesia
-England trying to fix their economy post-war
-The Great Re-Coinage
-Ely and Littleport Riots
-People at the inn got drunk and started harrassing the upper-class because
of low-wages and high grain costs. Magistrates responded with this:

Not a lot of food/money in post-war England, temperatures lower and more
rain because of Mount Tambora erupting, the largest eruption anyone living
had ever lived through. Food shortage went through the winter, into April,
when Lord Byron left England for a long stay in Switzerland. Byron was doing
better by July after meeting Shelley, but while he was in Switzerland writing
"Darkness", he was quite depressed.

The Poem
-Time is really important
-Punctuation, Enjambment, Blank Verse
-Depressing as the above, hopeless/loveless
Outline "colors" of certain words with harmony
-Colors being emotinal content/perspective framed in

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