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Ballfield Lane

Ballfield Lane
South Yorkshire
S75 5EF
Tel: 01226 382568
Kate Davies BSc, MEd.

22nd February 2016
Dear Parent/Carers,
At Darton College, we have been given an amazing opportunity, Deadline Digital has kindly
offered to film the college during the school day at various locations inside and out at the
college using a drone.
We will then be able to share the film with our learners, parents and carers on our website.
Deadline Digital is fully licensed, insured and has permission to complete aerial work from the
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). To check out some of their work or to see what is involved
please visit the following web page
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Derbyshire at the
college on the number above.
The drone will have a 5m cordoned area and landing site situated on the field and within the
Atrium. The drone will not fly directly over any children at any time as an extra safety
We hope that the filming will take place over the next few weeks hopefully completed
before the Easter holiday but as it is weather dependant it may take a little longer.
Learners will not be identifiable on any of the footage used, and care will be taken to check
this before the footage is shared on the website.
Yours sincerely

Ms K Davies

Registered Charity no. 1062490

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