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: Lower limb bones



: Wirono


: 4-1-11

I . Choose one precise answer.:


The following bone belongs to be a member of the free lower limb:

A. Ischium
D. Ilium
B. Pubis
E. Cuboid
C. Acetabulum


The following statement about pelvic girdle is true:

A. Transmits the weight of the lower
D. Is formed by a pair of hip
body to the upper limbs
bones called coxal bones
B. Supports the visceral organs of
E. Some of the strongest ligaments
of the body support the shoulder
C. Attaches the lower limbs to the
appendicular skeleton


The posteroinferior bone of coxae, often called your seat bone is:
A. Ischium
D. Acetabulum
B. Pubis
C. Illium


One of landmarks for the Ilium is:

A. Obturator foramen
B. Linea aspera
C. Intertrochanteric line


At the ankle joint, the tibia and fibula articulate with the:
A. Cuboid
D. Cuneiform
B. Calcaneus
E. Navicular
C. Talus

II. Answer


D. Auricular surface
E. Intercondylar eminence

A if numbers 1,2 and 3 statements are correct

B if numbers 1 and 3 statements are correct
C if numbers 2 and 4 statements are correct
D only if the statement number 4 is correct
E if all statements are correct

The following statements about femur are true:

1. It cannot be palpated because it is
3. Which is where the helps to
covered by large muscles
secure the head of femur into the
2. Double bones of the thigh
4. It is only the weight-bearing
bone of the lower limb


The following statements about tibia are correct

1. It is classified as a Sesamoid bone
3. Greater and lesser trochanter are
the landmarks of this bone
2. Fibular facet is landmarks of proximal
4. The bone on the medial side of the
part of this bone just below the lateral
lower leg
condyle where the head of the fibula


The following statements about metatarsals are correct

1. They are bones of the ankle
3. They are bones of the toes
2. In-between the tarsals and the toes
4. Where bone of the ball of the
foot are called


The functions of the foot are:

1. Support weight
2. Protect plantar vessels and nerves

3. Act as lever when walking

4. Weight-bearing bone of the lower

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