Wax Museum Narrative Checklist

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As I end the research portion of my narrative and begin the writing process,
I will make sure I have the following items in my narrative.

Tips to Remember:
A well-written 5th grade paragraph has 5-8 sentences

The time limit for my speech is 60-90 seconds

I wrote the greeting to the "audience" that is watching my Wax Museum


I wrote the name of my character within the first 5 seconds of my speech.

I wrote when/where my character was born.

I wrote down any family members my character has.

I wrote information about my character's childhood if important.

I wrote information that transitions from my character's childhood to younger

adult/adult years. (If I went to a university, got married, went on an exploration.)

I wrote information for the reader to understand why my character is actually

famous. (Writer, author, served in military, wife of president, explorer, etc.)

Based on my accomplishments, I inferred (used what I learned from my Wax

Museum character, used what I learned from my research, and used what I
came up with from my personal thoughts) and decided on Character Traits
explaining what my character was like as a real person. For ex: "I was a very
hardworking and dedicated man because I did not stop chasing my dreams
even though others didn't think I could
achieve them."

I made sure that my personal narrative flowed and added in any additional fun
facts that added personality to my narrative.

I wrote down when/where/how my character passed away.

I have a clever conclusion to wrap up my speech and let the audience know
that I am done speaking.

I have a beginning and ending pose planned for when I am frozen during the

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