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Southlands Elementary School PAC Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 6, 7 pm- 8pm

Location: Southlands Elementary School Staff Room

Attendees: Ian Cannon (Principal), Verlee Bromley, John Bromley, Thomas Froese, Carole
Jones, Michelle Kokan, Heidi MacLean, Angie O'Brien, Chrystal Palaty, Sofia Sandover, Ali
Sillmans, Rama Szeremeta, John Stekl, Jennifer Thornley.

1. Co-Chair Welcome Verlee Bromley & Michelle Kokan, PAC Co-chairs

Michelle Kokan welcomed all the parents.

Ali Sillmans made a motion to accept the minutes from the March 2, 2010 PAC meeting, Jennifer
Thornley seconded the motion. Minutes accepted.

2. Principal’s Report Ian Cannon, Southlands Principal

1. IB Update - The intermediate teachers have been provided with release days for program
planning. The teachers will be in the school or visiting other IB schools. The school will soon be
submitting Application B. The fee is $7500, all expenses are covered by the North Growth Fund.
2. Dunbar Community Center - The paralympic activity day on April 1 was a great success. All
activities were well organized and received by the students. Dunbar has expressed an interest in
working more often with the school on these types of activities and bringing more of their
programming options to the school. Starting this week, they will be conducting a Chess Class,
Wednesday's at lunch. Sofia Sandover worked with Dunbar to bring the program to the school.
3. VSB Budget - The preliminary VSB budget will be made public tomorrow. The VSB has an
$18 million deficit. With 92% of the budget used for salaries, reductions of staffing will be
occurring. The possibility of facility closures is also a reality. Last week the school sent home a
school calendar template that is being considered for all schools for the upcoming school year. If
the calendar is adopted, it will mean the end of our modified week, a later start time each
morning, and a shortened lunch.
4. School Assembly -The next assembly is on Thursday April 7 at 9:45 am, and will feature
division 8 sharing information on the IB learner trait of being "principled." The choir will also
perform a song or two. Parents are always welcome at assemblies and performances.
5.2010/11 Registration - Kindergarten numbers are up and it looks like there will be a minimum
of two half day classes next year. Cross boundary applications are no longer being accepted.
After March 31, in catchment students who have not registered at the school are not guaranteed
placement at the school and may be placed on the wait list. The school is no longer accepting
cross boundary application from non- UHill students.
6. Gym/Arts Programs - starting on Monday, Kids Can Move Gymnastics will be here for the
week offering school wide gymnastics during the gym periods. Divisions 7 and 8 started working
with a VSB Artist in residence today. She is here each afternoon for the next 5 days. The work -
Matisse style of painting- fits in with the Unit of Inquiry the grade 2's are currently working on.

Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.
3. Treasurer’s Report John Stekl, Treasurer

No updates on the budget at this time. Waiting on the school memo.

4. Hearts at School Angie O’Brien

The Hearts at School Health Fair will be held Friday, May 7, from 9:30 - 11:30, for grades 5 -7
students. Some highlights of the upcoming event:
• May 7th is also Child and Youth Mental Health Day, so there will be a "chill" station to teach
children about anxiety and mental health. The "Force" is an organization that will attend and
provide ribbons for mental health awareness. Also, John Lipson, a former parent and mental
health liaison will be in attendance.
• Nutrition station
• BC Cancer will be here to talk about Sun Safety.
• Butt out station - representatives are to be announced. Vancouver Coastal Respiratory
unit cannot attend
• Get moving - Debbie Barber from Dunbar will be helping with some of the physical activity
stations. She will bring cardio equipment to get working heart rates.
• Not many donations yet - so please feel free to contribute or if you have any ideas: water

5. Other Business

Grocery Certificate Fundraiser Sofia Sandover

Progressive Fundraising is changing their policy. For IGA grocery certificates, we will get 5% of
the value of the gift certificate, however the cards are reloadable, and Southlands will get 4% of
the reloaded amount, no matter how many times the card is reloaded.

Grade 7 camp
All notices have been approved by VSB lawyers and will be translated before being sent home
after the Spring Fling.

There are several parents who are able to assist with translation. Future fundraiser notes etc will
be translated. In addition, one suggestion was for a "liaison" parent to call other parents to let
them know about school issues or events.

6. Fundraising Carole Jones, Fundraising

Spring Fling Carnival Status - things are going well, however we are still low on volunteers.
There are a number of students from Point Grey who will be helping out. There are many cakes
and silent auction items, however bottles are still short.
• Carnival games - will be $1.00 per game, but we have 2500 prizes, so there is a prize for
each person who plays a game. There will be a $30 "Carnival Pass", a hand stamp which will
allow open access to the games and the cake walk.
• Pony rides are $4 each.
• The silent auction catalogue is going home tomorrow; cash, visa or cheques will be accepted
for the silent auction. Closes at 8:15 pm.
• Volunteers needed at Friday from 10 -1.
• The White Elephant Sale is in the pod. We need to let people know that is where it is
• We can use the PA system throughout the event.
• Book sale - a book sale guy is coming to look over the books. Leftovers are going to go to
Point Grey.

Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.
Hoping that 130 kids will attend. The parking lot will be chained to prevent any accidents.

Subway days - the form will be sent out on Monday for April and May.

Meeting Adjourned at 8 pm.

Note: The upcoming May meeting will deal with constitutional changes and changes to programs
at Southlands School for next year: Stay posted!

Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

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