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How to Install/Configure Open-Filer

First of all we will learn how to install openfiler inside vmware-workstation and then we will learn how to
configure it to be used as software based SAN storage.

Select Typical as an option for virtual machine configuration


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Give the path of directory where your openfiler.iso is stored

Select Linux as guest operating system and select RHEl-5-64bit as version.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Give any name by which you want to save your virtual machine.

Choose disk size as 15 GB max because openfiler requires very little space for installation


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Click on customize hardware tab to start guest o.s customization

Change Network Adaptor setting from NAT to bridged if you are in a LAN environment.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Click on close button to finish your customization.

Now power on the virtual machine to start the installation process. Press enter on getting below screen.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

After a few moments, the first screen of the installer will be presented. Press next.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Select keyboard preference on next screen.

Next comes the disk partitioning. You must select manual disk partitioning as it ensures you will end up
with a bootable system and with the correct partitioning scheme. Openfiler does not support automatic
partitioning and you will be unable to configure data storage disks in the Openfiler graphical user
interface if you select automatic partitioning.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

On the disk setup screen you can create partition as per your requirement.

Network Configuration
Now configure your network devices, system hostname and DNS parameters. You will need to configure
at least one network interface card in order to access the Openfiler web interface. You can choose either
static IP configuration or you can use your dhcp server for the same.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

On the next screen select your time zone as per your country and click on next.

On the next screen set your root password.

About To Install
This screen informs you that installation configuration has been completed and the installer is awaiting
your input to start the installation process which will format disks, copy data to the system and configure


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

system parameters such as setting up the boot loader and adding system users. Click next if you are
satisfied with the entries you have made in the previous screens.

Once you have clicked next in the preceding section, the installer will begin the installation process. The
following screenshots depict what happens at this point.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Installation Complete

Once the installation has completed, you will be presented with a congratulatory message. At this
point you simply need to click the Reboot button to finish the installer and boot into the installed
Openfiler system.

After you click Reboot remove the installation CD from the CD/DVD-ROM drive.
Once the system boot up, start configuring Openfiler by pointing your browser at the host name
or IP address of the Openfiler system. The interface is accessible from https port 446.
Management Interface: https://<ip of openfiler host>:446
Administrator Username: openfiler
Administrator Password: password
For configuring Openfiler as SAN or NAS you have to add an extra hard disk to your open filer virtual
machine because the first disk that was added to Openfiler was used in installation and you cant create
any physical volume or volume group on that disk.
After adding second disk reboot the Openfiler virtual machine for changes to take place.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Select the System tab and scroll down to the Network Access Configuration section. Define the
networks you require Openfiler to accept connections from (set the Type value to Share for each of

Select the Volumes tab and click the Block Devices link. Confirm the presence of disk /dev/ sdb.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Note: Disk /dev/sda is the disk that Openfiler is running on; /dev/sdb is the second disk that was
added and that will be provisioned as iSCSI storage.

Click the /dev/sdb link and scroll down to the Create a partition in /dev/sdb section. By
default, a partition will be created that fills the entire disk. Accept the defaults and click Create.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Click the Volume Groups link. Enter a Volume Group name volume group select /dev/sbd1
and click Add volume group.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Click the Add Volume link. The only existing volume group of volume group will be selected by
default. Scroll down to the Create a volume in volume group section. Enter a Volume Name of
volume , a Volume Description of VMware, adjust the Required Space slider up to the maximum, select
a Filesystem/Volume type of iSCSI and click Create


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Select the Services tab. Click the Enable link adjacent to iSCSI target server. Click the Disable link
adjacent to iSCSI initiator.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Select the Volumes tab and click the iSCSI Targets link. Modify the auto-generated Target IQN to
include the Openfiler name (iqn.2006-01. com.openfiler:openfiler03 in this example) and click Add.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

Select the LUN Mapping sub-tab and click Map to map the previous defined volume as a LUN to the
newly created iSCSI target .

Select the Network ACL sub-tab and change the Access from Deny to Allow. Click Update


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

With this Openfiler configuration has been completed. You can configure other options as you like.


Installing/Configuring Openfiler Step by Step

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