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The Boston Times


Boston, Massachusetts December 1864, a year in review

Written by Matthew Levine
two cents

We Need You
We need YOU. Enlist in the
army today to support the
union. We are looking for
people of all colors and races.
The war is ours for the
winning we just need you to
come and fight. All that join
will be rewarded. If you are
interested please send a
letter to your governor and
we will assign you as soon as
we can. We need YOU to
finish this war. Enlist now.



There are snowstorms in the

forecast today
Today there will be a low
temperature of about -5 and
that will increase over the
course of the day until it
reaches about 12 degrees at
three in the afternoon. The

Union Wins
General Philip H Sheridan
had a great victory earlier
this year during the
beginning of March. He
fought with General Jubal
Early. General Early had an
interesting idea to try and
protect his front by having
land there and making a
stronghold in this area. What
General Early did not realize
however was that by doing
this he limited his areas to
retreat which ultimately hurt
him more than it helped him.
After only moments, the
union attack was too much
for the confederate army and
it threw them into a panic
causing the confederate
generals to lose control of
their army and ultimately to
lose the battle. In the end the
Confederacies only escape
measures were crowded by
people trying to flee because
of how few places to escape
there were. This allowed the
union to capture hundreds of
confederate soldiers.
Although we could capture a
lot of the confederate
soldiers we were unable to
capture their general, Early.
Although we won this battle it
is not all happiness. Even

An Editorial on
the War
This war has been very
successful. It was fought for a
great reason which was to
not allow the Southern states
to secede. We have been
very successful overall in this
war and a victory does not
feel very far away. When this
war is over the South must
be punished for what they
have done. The South went
out of their way to try and
break off from the United
States and when they come
back it must be with some
punishment because they did
the worst thing they could
possibly do. I believe that
what they did by seceding
from the union should be
considered treason because
of the fact that they are
literally going against the
country and the union and
breaking off. I believe that
Abraham Lincoln has been a
great president but he seems
to be a little bit too soft to
the Confederate states for
committing an act that
should be considered
treason. Obviously they
should be allowed back into
the union but if there is no
punishment, even if it is just
a tiny thing, I will be
disappointed in Lincoln.This

night will be cloudy with a

slight chance of a snowstorm
and it could go all the way
down to about -10. Stay
inside and stay warm tonight.

Help Your
Country, Join
the Workforce
Most of your husbands are off
fighting right now so why not
do something to help your
country. We are looking for
women of all ages to help
manufacture weapons,
clothing, and other basic
needs for our brave soldiers
who are out fighting. Dont
stay at home wondering what
to do to support our great
country but instead head to
your nearest manufacturing
city and help to make
supplies for your husbands.
We need YOU to help us win
this war.


Earlier this year we received

news from Greece that their
parliament has accepted a
new Constitution. Although
Greece's new government
will not be a Democratic
Republic like our government
it is a step in the right
direction. The fact that they
accepted this Constitution
shows that they are willing to
change and maybe in time
draft a Constitution that

though we left the battle

nearly unscathed there were
about nine men who were
killed or injured. Let us keep
these men in our memories
and finish this war so they
did not die in vain.

Two Weeks Too


A few weeks ago we saw

another battle fell our way in
Nashville. The Confederate
General John Bell Hood made
the mistake of trying to
continue marching with his
weakened army. The leader
of our army, Ulysses S Grant,
and the president, Abraham
Lincoln, both urged our
general, George Thomas to
attack the weakened
Confederate army. Thomas
waited for two weeks in the
freezing cold weather to
attack Hood. General Thomas
ended up sweeping over the
Confederate army and
pursued after Hood when he
retreated South. In the end
Thomas ended up winning
this battle and General Hood
barely got away. He got lucky
with a clever rearguard
action and got away safely
but this battle effectively
destroyed the Confederate
army of Tennessee and
effectively ended the war in
Tennessee. Although General
George Thomas did not listen

war is almost over and I am

looking forward to a stop in
all this fighting and a
punishment for the southern
states that were dumb
enough to break off of the
union and form the

Stay Warm

You know what time of

year it is again. The snow is
falling Christmas is right
around the corner but it is
cold outside. This year we
have had extremely low
temperatures which makes it
even more important to stay
warm so you can enjoy the
holidays at home so come
down to Boston and buy
some warm clothing for your
whole family. We sell clothes
in all sizes that will fit
everyone from your kids to
your spouse. We even have
clothes for your dogs. Come
on down to Boston this
holiday season to stay warm
and have a very nice
Christmas with your family.

Cyclone Kills

We have received some sad

news on the International
level. A huge cyclone has
reportedly killed 70,000

involves a Democratic
Republic like us here in the
United States, only time will

to the president and the head

of our army he still won the
battle and stopped the
fighting in Tennessee so he
was a successful general
during this part of the war.

people in Calcutta in
Northern India. This cyclone
hit land on October 1st of this
year. This is very sad news
and the families and loved
ones of the 70,000 victims of
this natural disaster are in
our hearts and our prayers
are with their families.
Hopefully Calcutta can
recover from this cyclone
soon. God Bless

Why Yosemite?

Fear Wins the


We finally got
to Georgia

Dear editor, I am writing just

to ask for your opinion on
why the president thought
that making Yosemite a
national park was so
important that it had to be
done at this point in time. I
feel that although the
national park is important
this was not the best timing
to make it a park. I feel that it
is very unimportant and it
worries me a little bit as to
why the president thought
this was important enough to
do in the middle of this war. If
he had waited until after the
war was over then I would
understand but I feel that
there are more important
things that our president
should be worried about like
finishing this war and limiting
the union's casualties. I
would really appreciate it if
you could give your opinion
at some point in time
because I want to see if there
is something I do not

In November this year one of

our generals, William T.
Sherman, started marching
with one goal in mind, to
scare the Southerners.
Sherman marched from
Atlanta to Savannah Georgia
causing mayhem along the
way. Sherman and his men
pillaged and burned villages
while they were pursuing the
Confederate army that fled
Atlanta and was going
towards Georgia. Also, while
getting involved in this
pursuit Sherman destroyed
factories, farms, railroads and
other things the Confederacy
needed to survive. This was a
huge morale killer for the
Confederacy and some things
that they wrote have come to
the forefront. From what their
letters are saying they realize
that the war is pretty much
lost and they have no chance
of coming back. While
Sherman was pursuing the

Dear editor, I am writing for

the sole reason of getting my
opinion heard. I wanted to
speak about how I feel about
our army taking the
extremely strategic Fort
McAllister near Savannah.
From the sound of it it seems
that our amazing General
Sherman is finally nearing
the end of his march to the
sea. It was very important
that our army under General
Sherman should take should
a strategic fort. Our general
and his army were in great
need of supplies but the
supplies could not get to
them because of the
Confederacys fortifications.
When General Sherman saw
that Fort McAllister was not
defended with very many
people he decided it would
be best for them to take the
fort because then they would
control the Ogeechee River
which was an avenue to the

completely understand.

British, French,
and Dutch
attack Japanese
Earlier this year the British,
French, and Dutch attacked
the Japanese fleets in
Shimonoseki to control the
Shimonoseki straits. The
Emperor of Japan decided to
go against the country's
traditions and demand the
immediate expulsion of all
foreign people. Going against
the shogunate the Choshu
Clan under Lord Mori
Takachika started firing on all
foreign ships in the strait
which was strategically
important because it provides
a passage connecting the
inland sea to the Sea of
Japan. In response to this the
British, French, Dutch, and a
few other European countries
started a 14 month war on
the water to try and take
control of these straits. In the
last battle, the French,
British, and Dutch completely
outmatched the Japanese in
every way and won the war
taking the straits.

Confederates one battle

occurred when the
Confederates decided to go
on the offensive and attack
our army. This ended so
badly for them that they
decided not to get involved in
any more battles along the
way. As the Confederate
army was running South they
burned farms and other
places that the union was
pillaging before the union
could get there. In the end,
Sherman reached Savannah
and it was unprotected and
Sherman presented the city
of Savannah and 25,000
bales of cotton to the
president as a Christmas gift.
On their way home, our army
pillaged and burned their way
through South Carolina to
Charleston. This has left the
Confederacy feeling scared
and defeated which leads
people to believe that they
are beat and done with the
fighting and a surrender is in
the near future.

sea and this allowed our

army to get the supplies they
needed to march into
Savannah and take it. This
fight to take the fort was over
in fifteen minutes and our
general was overjoyed
because of the fact that the
troops that invaded the fort
were the same troops he led
to Shiloh and since now they
could get their much needed
supplies. This was a very
important fort that is now
under our control and was
one of the big reasons that
Sherman could invade
Savannah and take it. If we
had not taken the fort then
our troops may not have
been able to get their
supplies causing them to be
weaker and possibly stopping
them from being able to
invade Savannah.

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