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Names: _________________________________________ Period: _______ Date: __________

Book Lesson Plan (39 Points)

Title (1 pt): Hush Little Baby
Author (1 pt): Sylvia Long
Illustrator (1 pt):
Theme/Moral (1 pt): Enjoy Life
5. Story Stretchers: (Meaningful questions to ask when reading the story) (5

a. Whats your favorite thing?
b. What do you like to play outside?
c. Whats your favorite song?
d. _________________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________________

6. Choose and circle one of the following to design large group learning
activities for, then, on the back, describe the activities, in detail. (30 points)
Language Arts

Creative Art


Large Motor/Physical


Social Studies

Name of Activity: (Ex.Creative

arts How a Seed Grows) (1 pt)
Length of Activity: (How long
will the children work on this
activity?) (1 pt)
Activity Objective: (What do
you want them to learn/practice?
Why? (2 pts)
Directions for
Caregiver/Teacher: Give at
least five detailed instructions
for the caregiver to prepare for
this activity. (5 pts)
Directions to Tell Preschooler:
Give at least five instructions
that the caregiver will have to
share with the preschooler, use
preschool-friendly language. (5
Objects Needed: (Identify at
least five objects/items that will
be in this activity, then explain
how children will use them. Ex.
Crayons, to draw and color
familiar faces.) (10 pts)

Make a song.

Concepts and Skills

Addressed: (Well designed
activities should address each
area of development, explain
how your activity will do this.)
(6 pts)
Physical: (2 pts)
Social-Emotional: (2

Using their vocal cords

15 minutes

I canmake songs
So that I can music
1. Come up with your favorite things
2. Make a Song about it

1. Think of your favorite toys and people

2. Put them together in a fun way
3. Make a song

1. Paper
2. Pencil
3. Original lyrics

Working w/ others

Intellectual: (2 pts)
Thinking of their favorite things, putting them together in a fun

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