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PCS181 Notes

The Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom:

Proton carries positive charge
Electron carries negative charge
1913: Electron is in circular orbit around the proton

Orbits are referred to as n, n = 1 -> ground state or Bohr orbit

The Doppler Effect in Astronomy:

Star gives off light waves
If the entire pattern of spectral lines is
o Shifted to the blue end (blue-shifted):
Shorter distance between wavecrests
Object is moving toward you
o Shifted to the red end (red-shifted):
Longer distance between wavecrests
Object is moving away from you
Stars are blue-shifted or red-shifted, never still

PCS181 Notes

Green -> H
Blue -> H
Violet -> H
Red ->

c = speed of light = 3 x 108m/s

= wavelength difference between lab and stellar spectra
lab = wavelength on lab spectrum
vr = radial velocity of star
vr = c
Velocity of a Star:
vr = (3 x 108m/s)(434.1-434) nm
434 nm
vr = 6.91 x 10 m/s
vr = 69.1 km/s

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