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B3 DB3 E2

Number the pictures. Number the sentences.

He went back feeling sad.

Kudin was invited to the feast by his neighbours, Alim and
Haji Leman.

When he arrived, Haji Leman says Theres no more food

because you are late.

Kudin thought he has to go to Haji Lemans house first

because he was rich. But the house is too far.

Then, Kudin went to Alims house and again theres no

more food because it was already dark.

B5 DB1 E2
Look at the pictures. Number the sentences.

At last, they got the white radish out.

Once upon a time, a sheep and a goat

saw a big white radish on their farm.

The horse and the rabbit helped them.

Now, rewrite the story of The White Radish in correct

They tried to pull out but they failed.

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