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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Brittany Walters
A. The keywords I used to find these articles were privacy and mobile
electronic devices.
B. The database that I used was the CINAHL Complete.
C. I used this database because I knew it would have scholarly articles that
would be compliant with my assignment.
D. 1. British Journal of Community Nursing, Feb2016; 21(2): 100-102. 3p.
(Article) ISSN: 1462-4753, Database: CINAHL Complete
E. 2. Terry, Mark; Podiatry Management, Jun/Jul2015; 99-104. 6p. (Journal
Article pictorial) ISSN: 0744-3528, Database: CINAHL Complete
F. Article 1 and Article 2 Screenshot

A. The name of this internet article is Tech Company Settles FTC
Charges It Unfairly Installed Apps on Android Mobile Devices Without
Users Permission. It talks about a company called Vulcon who illegally
downloaded apps to consumers devices who had already downloaded
their popular game Running Fred. They downloaded apps to bombard
them with ads without the users permission. They believe that by
downloading these apps without the users permission it actually put
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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Brittany Walters
their privacy at risk. They believed it would allow them to access
address books and other device identifiers.
B. Tech Company Settles FTC Charges It Unfairly Installed Apps on
Android Mobile Devices Without Users Permission. Federal Trade
Commission. Federal Trade Commission, Web. 5 February 2016.

A. The keywords I used for this article were mobile tracking and
B. Goldstein, Joseph. New York Police are using Covert Cell Phone
Trackers, Civil Liberties Group Says. Todays Paper. New York Times,
12 February 2016. Web. 11 February 2016.
C. The two search engines I used were Bing and Google.
Search Engines

Which was





# of Results

At first Google
came up with the
lease about of
However, Bing can
filter how long ago
and article was

Before Filter:
No Filter allowed
Before Filter:
After 30 day Filter:

A. It was written on February 11, 2016 and there have not been any
B. It does relate to my topic because it shows that the police are
actually about to hack into your devices and betray your privacy.
C. The author is Joseph Goldstein. He is not qualified to write this
article because he has no ties to the New York City Police or the Civil
Liberties Group. He got all of his information as a reporter.
D. The article is not trustworthy because it is basically he said/she said
information. The police are saying that they arent doing anything
wrong when the Civil Liberties group is trying to show how these things
are wrong. Nothing has been proven yet.

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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Brittany Walters
E. It was written to persuade you into thinking the police may be
potentially invading your privacy. I believe it is a little biased because it
seems like the writer is siding with the Civil Liberties Group by giving
more opinions from them and not a lot from the police.

A. The Ease of Access was a little easier in DB 1 rather than article 1. It
was easier to filter scholarly articles DB 1 and I knew I could pretty
much pick any article it would relate to my subject. However, for
Article 1 I would have to go through the searches I received and make
sure they related to my topic.
B. It was much faster to find an article in DB 1 rather than Article 1.
Like I previously stated it was a much faster filtering process. Not only
did I know the article would be appropriate for my topic but I knew the
writers would knowledgeable on the topic. With the article you had to
personally filter because you didnt know what you may find.
C. The authority was better in DB 1 rather than Article 1 also. In DB1
you knew that the writer researched and knew exactly what they were
writing about. However, in Article 1, the writer was just a reporter who
was getting their information from the two parties that were involved.
Not much research really had to take place for Article 1.

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