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San Luis Gonzaga Highschool

Martn Benites
Sunday 21

d) Write a letter to a company and ask for their support.

Dear Sir/Madam

As you already know, Im the owner of a new private hospital that helps poor
people paying all their expenses in order to offer them the best assistance and
Nowadays, Ive been working all my life
into this great project that have brought me the most rewarding experiences.
My hospital has almost all the things that sick people need, but is still
uncompleted, because I dont have the money to build the place where Im
going to attend women who are pregnant. Its for this that Im writing to you
I was wondering if you could invest the money in order to finish the last section
of my hospital and help poor people who dont the money to pay themselves a
good medic.
I really appreciate your time and your generous soul, and thats the reason I
hope you accept supporting me in this amazing project.
It would be an honor to offer you free care for life to you and your family in my
Thank you for considering my request.

Martin Benites

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