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The Art Of

Deanna Crisbacher

From Script to Screen:

From Script to Screen is the third project of the first year at Computer Animation
Arts. At the start of the project each student chose a character, a setting and a prop
from the mysterious Blue Box. From these words, we were challenged to create a
one to two minute animatic and pre-visualization animation using Autodesk Maya.
Once we developed a story that would fit in a one to two minute animation we
were to produce a script, concept art, and storyboards for our story. From there, we
were to create the animatic and a CG pre-vis with sound effects and music to
enhance the experience and storytelling.

From the Blue Box I was gifted with alien as my character, space station as my
setting, and compass as my prop. Seeing as alien and space station naturally fits
together, I focused on the word compass and what it could represent. I also tried to
keep the shape of a compass as a design element throughout my concept art
including the exterior of the station, the guards amor, and the mind-controlling
computer which I decided to call a Compass. By keeping elements such as this
consistent in my designs, I constructed a world that was unique and fit my story.

From Script to Screen:

The Premise

A single alien fights for freedom aboard

a dystopian space station.

From Script to Screen:

The Logline

A female alien breaks free from a mind-control device

used to enslave workers.Faced with the choice of
escaping for herself or staying behind and freeing
others, she must think quickly to outmaneuver the
ruthless guards that stand in her way.



Space Station Exterior


Space Station Interior




Gun Silhouettes


The Compass & Protagonist

Final Design:

The Exterior

Final Designs:

Job Icons

Final Design:

The Interior

Final Design:

The Guards

The Protagonist:

Colour Compositions

The Protagonist

Uniform Designs



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