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Competency 7: Assess

Individuals, Families, Groups,

Organizations, and
Haley Bean

Gen 7.1
Collect and organize data, and apply critical
thinking to interpret information from clients and
My Practice Behaviors:
Conducting assessments on clients, as well as
looking at their behaviors online, and then going
over the information in the office for accuracy and to
ask the social worker any questions I have about any
of the information collected.

Gen 7.2
Apply knowledge of human behavior and the
social environment, person-in-environment, and
other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks in
interventions with clients and constituencies.
My Practice Behaviors:
Using what I have learned in theory classes to
determine how I approach an issue and the
intervention I feel is the best option.

Gen 7.3
Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals
and objectives based on the critical assessment of
strengths, needs, and challenges within clients
and constituencies
My Practice Behaviors:
Discussing the behaviors of residents with the social
worker to determine what the best intervention
options are. Then, meeting with the resident, or
contacting their responsible party, in order to
discuss intervention options and deciding together
what the best intervention/solution is.

Gen 7.4
Select appropriate intervention strategies based
on the assessment, research knowledge, and
values and preferences of clients and
My Practice Behaviors:
Discuss with clients what they want to do about a
problem or situation, and use that information to
guide the intervention process.

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