Essay 2100

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Name: Ivette Ramos

Essay: Earth 2100

Date: February 1st, 2016

Its not a prediction but it might happen

This essay is about How will be the earth in 2100 year, about some actual and future
problems caused by the global warming, some climate changes that are affecting our
earth. The unconscious of people for not understanding the effects of our bad earth
behavior will be the main reason of the world destruction.
Actually, there are many world problems as energy, climate, food shortages, population,
that can be very dangerous because all of them are happening at the same time and the
time for action is now but we dont do anything for helping the world, we continue
burning fossil fuels, wasting water, cutting down trees but unfortunately, the people are
more worried about the economic crisis than the environmental problems.
The population is increasing every year, and that means we need to produce more and
more food, we need to consume more natural resources for living but they wont last
forever and in the future the world suffered from climate problems, water scares,
animals extinctions, storms, droughts and we are seeing the beginning of the end and
still dont understand, we arent able to change our consumption habits.
To conclude, our earth is our house and its our obligation to protect the earth after all,
there is time to remedy our mistakes, we must understand that our behavior will be
guilty of our earth destruction I ask me , what plant are going to inherit to our children,
what problems they will inherit. Be conscious and responsible can be the way to improve
our environment and our living standards.

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