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Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Table of contents

Type of activities
Music: Baby animal Song.

Section 1: Animals Theme

Movement: Wheres Spot?

Story (Special need activity).
Drama/Role play: Puppets
Music: Weather Concert.

Section 2: Weather for All Seasons


Section 3: My Home, Family and

Body Theme

Movement: Jumping Activity.

Drama/Role play: Weather
News Activity (Special Need
Music: Press here Story
(Special Need Activity).
Movement: Body Part Song.
Drama/Role play: Visit My
Home Activity.

Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Section 1


Baby Animal Song.

Wheres Spot? Story (Special Need




Puppets Activity.

Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Music Activity: Baby Animal Song.


I will give each student a colorful plastic cup and a pen or pencil then I will ask each student
to keep the materials in front of them. Then I will play the video which is about the baby
animal name and how to spell their names. After the video, I will explain to my students
that I will play the video again and during the song, we will use our materials to keep a beat
with the music and to represent the actions (Elementary School Lesson Plans for Music Subjects,

Theme and Subject:

Animals / English Subject.
Through applying Baby Animal song, the students will be able to develop different skills.
For example:
Cognitive and mental skills: The students will start to think about how they will
represent the actions by using sample materials. Through thinking and imagination,
the students will be able to develop their cognitive skills by an indirectly way.
Physical skills (Fine motor skills): Strengthen the students fingertips through
catching, move the materials and when they the pencil or pen to make a sound.

Language: The students will improve their spelling and recognize new words because
during the song they spell the babies animals names and the teacher will teach them
through using something they like it which is sing a song and play music.
Social skills: Contacting, speaking and sharing information with the teacher or their
friends during the lesson that helps the students to develop their social skills which
effect on their characters.

Emotional skills: The students get proud of their selves when they see the result of
the activity and when they learn new names of babies animals.

Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Key elements of music explored:

Activity name:

Activity Type:

Activity name:
Baby Animal Song.

Singing and Playing

Instruments: The
students will listen
to the song then
they will play the
music instruments.
During the song the
students will be
singing and playing
the music
Listening to Music:
The students will
listening to the
songs music to
identify the beats
and apply it when
they play the music

Key vocabularies

Pitch: The children will

follow the note of the song.
Also, they will be able to
control the levels of each
instruments sound to
match the songs note.
Timbre: First the children
will listen to the song to
recognize different sounds
of music instrument. Then
they will play the music
instruments to achieve the
right sound of the song.
Structure: The children will
learn the patterns of the
song and follow it.

Recognize baby animals

Puppy / Kitten / Bunny / Chick / Baby

(RISS. 2016.)


Baby animals song from YouTube website:- /

Colorful plastic cups / Pens / Pencils

Alya Ahmad Yasser



ECE 2603

Duration of Activity:

Whole class and individual players in the Carpet area.

What the teacher does:

Approximately 10 20 minutes.
What the children do:

First the teacher will give the children instructions about

the song and how they will interact with the sound of
The students will listen carefully
the song and the props. Also, She will illustrate them the
props to make them ready to start the activity.
The students will observe the
Turn on the video then sing with the song and use the
teacher because then they will do as
plastic cups, pen and pencils as music instruments.
what she did.

The teacher will ask the students to pick their objects Students will have the freedom
according to what they like to work with it.
choice to choose their own objects.

The children will follow the music

The teacher will switch the song again to let the students
note and control their beats
engage the song with their objects.
according to the song.

The children will identify to use

The teacher will allow the students to use high, low and high, low and medium level of
medium level of beats.
The teacher will give the students the opportunity to the
The students will create new beats
students to express their music knowledge. During that,
and try a different way to get a
she will observe them recognize if they gain the right
range of music sounds.
Extension Ideas:
The teacher can switch off the song and ask the children to spell one of the baby animals
name and use the materials. Through that, the teacher will identify if the children understand
the beats and gain the right spelling.

Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Elementary School Lesson Plans for Music Subjects. (2016). Retrieved February 19, 2016, from Lesson
Plans Page:
Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
PINKFONG (Kids Songs & Stories). (2016, January 29). Baby Animals Animal Songs PINKFONG Songs
for Children [Video file]. Retrieved February 19, 2016, from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah International School of Science.

Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Movement Activity: Wheres Spot? Story (Special Need Activity).

This activity represents ADHD students activity. I will let the students react to the
story and do different movements to help them identify the right knowledge. Also, I
will let them express their feeling or actions during the story because that help them
to enrich their learning abilities.

I will give the students the opportunity of dealing with the story actions to enrich
their language and make sure they learn through doing something they like which is
doing movements.

Theme and Subject:

Animals / Math Subject.
Through applying Wheres Spot? Story activity, the ADHD students will be able to develop
different domains. For example:
Cognitive and mental skills: When the children think where the baby dog hide and
solve the problem by giving an example of the places the dog could hide in it.
Physical skills (Fine and gross motor skills): Fine motor skills, when the children use
their fingertips to remove the paper and discover Spots place. Gross motor skills,
when they do the big movement such as, hide under the table.
Language: When the children learn and recognize the new words.
Social skills: During the children speaking with each other and explore their
Emotional skills: When they do what they like and enjoy doing it.

Story (Wheres Spot?) / The class furniture (Chairs/ Tables/ Door).

Alya Ahmad Yasser

Activity name/type:

Activity name:
Wheres Spot? Story
Activity Type:



Aspect of movement or
movement in response to
music being explore
Creating: The students
will follow the teacher
instructions to do the
movement but the
teacher will give them
the opportunity to
choose what they want
to apply during the
Performing: The
students will do many
movements which let
them recognize the
story and achieve the
learning outcomes. For
example, the teacher
will ask the students to
hide behind the door.
Thus, they understand
the story and achieve
one of the aims which
is Identify positions.

ECE 2603

Promoting reflection of:

The body: The students will

move their fine motors skills.
For example, they will use
their fingers to move and
discover if the baby dog
under the paper. Also, they
will use their gross motors
skills. For example, they will
hide under the table to
recognize the positions.
Spatial awareness: It should
be enough space for the
movements and let them
enjoy the activity without
any accident. They will use
the class space to hide.
students will use their hands
and whole body parts to
move. That is why they
should take care when they
walk. That is the teacher role
to awareness them about
their movements.
Relationships: The students
will use the classroom
furniture to ably the
movements. Also, they will
choosing one place to hide in

Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Key vocabularies

Behind / Inside / Under / In / Dog

Identify positions.
Recognize Different colors.
(RISS. 2016.)


Duration of Activity:

Whole class activity Group and individual in the circle Approximately 15 25 minutes.
time area.
What the teacher does:

What the children do:

The teacher will begin the story whit ask the students
They will answer the questions
open-ended questions. For example, What do you think
after using their cognitive skills.
our story talk about?

Read the story but Keep the students the main factor to
The children will engage with the
deal with the story actions. That make the students
story characters and they will be a
excited to complete the story.

When they search of the baby dog, the teacher will let
the children do small movements, such as, flip the
paper to see if the baby dog in or no. In additions, she
will include big movements to control and manage the
ADHD students behaviors. For example, She will allow
the students to hide under the table to identify the
positions which is under.

The students will do the big and

small movements to move to the
next page or actions.

The students will hide and let one

The teacher gives the students the opportunity to make
of them to search where the rest of
a group and play around the class and hide.
the students is.

In the end, the teacher will evaluate the students

trough observe them and identify which skills they
need to improve for the next time.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Extension Ideas:
The teacher can lets the children apply the story to hide an object in the classroom. Then let
them run inside the classroom to find the object. That will develop the discovering skills.

Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah International School of Science.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Drama/Role Play Activity: Puppets Activity.

I will provide animal puppets inside the role play area. I will display the Puppets in
front of the students and ask them open-ended questions then I will tell the students
where the puppets will Kept. This method, help the students to remember the
animals and recognize that there is a new material added in the role play area. Also,
it promote the students to use the puppets and act which will develop different
domains in their skills.

Theme and Subject:

Animals / Science Subject.

According to puppets activity, the students will be able to develop different skills. For
Cognitive and mental skills: students will start developing their cognitive skills by
thinking how to describe the features of each animal and who to act by using the
Physical skills (Fine motor skills): Students will engage deeply in creating a dialogue
that represents their actions. Through that, the students will improve their fine
motor skills.
Language: Developing the students language will happen through engaging them in
the puppets activity during the role play area. Then each student will be able to
identify new words through sharing their ideas.
Social skills: The students act and speak with their friends to develop their social
skills. That related to Vygotsky, who believed that children learn by communicating
with other. Also, he believed that "children learn from each other every day. They
develop language skills and grasp new concepts as they speak to and listen to each
other" (Mooney, 2000).
Emotional skills: When the children act together that will let them feel happy
because they express their feeling.

Different glove puppets. For example, dog, camel, frog, tiger and shark.

Alya Ahmad Yasser


Activity name/type:

Aspects of drama being addressed

Activity name:
Puppets Activity.
Activity Type:
It is a role play area
activity. Through the
puppets activity, the
students will be able to
use different characters
from the science lesson.

Creative Exploration and

dialogue to describe the
animal and using different
Performance: The students
will present their acting in
front of the teacher, other
students or the schools
administrations. That will
develop their performance
of acting and their abilities of

ECE 2603

Learning Outcomes
Identify a different
kind of animals.
Recognize animals

Develop knowledge
of exploring where
the animals leave.

Using the puppets as a
material to represent their
Personal and Social: The
student will wait for his/her
turn. Also, each child will
respect the other students
believes and talking with
them in a polite way.

(RISS. 2016.)

Key vocabularies

Features / Skin / Spots / Mix / Line

Whole class activity Group or pairs in the role play area.

Duration of Activity:
15 20 minutes.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

What the teacher does:

What the children do:

The teacher will illustrate the puppets for the students and ask
them open-ended questions by using a different voice to
represent the puppets. For example, What kind of skin each
animal puppet have? Or If I have spots on my skin, What is my

The students interact with

the teacher through answer
the questions and use
different voice with the

Then the teacher will tell the students that she will keep the
puppets available in the role play area.

The teacher reminds the students about the rules of sharing,

behave in a good way and wait their turn. Also, the teacher
should the role model for the students and behave in a polite
way because the children will be able to imitate his behaviors.
That related to Bandura who is a behaviorist, he claimed that the
students have always model role which they copy their behaviors
from his or her by going into a process which are observe, build
schema then imitate (McLeod, 2011).

The students will behave in

a good way and share the
objects with their friend
because they copy the
teacher behaviors.

The students will engage in

Then the teacher will give the students a time to play in the role
the role play area by playing
play area.
with the puppets.
The children will deal and
During the puppets activity, the teacher can interact with the act with the teacher which
students through doing some conversation by using the puppets. will help them to gain extra
In the end of the class, the teacher will use the puppets to ask
the children questions through its the teacher will evaluate
them. Also, she can ask the students if they enjoy acting by the

The students will answer

the questions and express
their feeling of acting with
new materials.

Extension Ideas:
The schools administration should provide animals costumes for the students and let the
teacher encourage the students to act in the morning assembly. That will develop the students
talents and develop their speaking skills.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603


Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from

McLeod, S. (2011). Bandura - Social Learning Theory. Retrieved February 19, 2016, from
Simply psychology:
Mooney, C. G. (2000). Theories of childhood. Syndicate: Redleaf Press.
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah International School of Science.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Section 2


Weather Concert.

Jumping Activity.


Weather News Activity (Special Need




Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Music Activity: Weather Concert.

I will provide for the students different music instruments and in each instrument there is
a picture represent a weather of one of the four seasons. Also, I will post the picture on
the whiteboard and under each picture there is a picture of one kind of instrument and
its name in Arabic and English.
Before the students start, I will ask them to get in line and move to the play yard to start
our activity. Then I will start to illustrate the activity for the children then they will pick
any instrument they like. That help the students to have a choice and give them the
confident to use what they like. Then they will start with my note and when they
understand the concept well, they will be able to express their feeling and learn
independently by making their own group and create their own concert.

Theme and Subject:

Weather for All Seasons / English Subject.
During engage the students into Weather concert activity they will be capable of
developing several domains. For example:
Cognitive and mental skills: When the students imagine how they will create a
creativity concert. In addition, when they think about the conclusion of their
concerts choices.
Physical skills (Fine motor skills): Through catching the music instrument and
using them. For example, when a student uses the sticks for the drum rather
than his/her hands. That develop his/her catching skills and moving the hands
muscle to have beats.
Language: Recognize and identify the new words.
Social skills: When the students dealing with other children and sharing their
music instrument.
Emotional skills: When the students are excited to hear the sounds of the
different instruments. Also, when they use music to express their feeling.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Key elements of music explored:

Activity name:

Activity Type:

Activity name:
Weather Concert.

Singing and Playing

Instruments: The
students will follow
the teacher
instructions through
seeing the pictures
of the weather and
which instrument
under the picture.
Then they will be
able to play the
music instruments

Pitch: The students will

listening for the relative
(high, low and medium) of
the sound which will help
them to follow each other
by using different music
Timbre: Students identify
the sound of each
instrument and what kind of
matter the other children
Structure: The students
listen to the teacher note,
then they start to
understand and apply the
note randomly.

Key vocabularies

Identify the Four Seasons.

Winter / Summer / Spring / Fall / Season

(RISS. 2016.)


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Music instruments (Sticks / Maracas / Keyboards / Bugles / Drums / Saxophones)


Duration of Activity:

Whole class Group and individual work in the play Approximately 15 20 minutes.
What the teacher does:

What the children do:

The teacher will introduce the concept of the activity in The students will sit properly and
order to aware children who they will apply the activity. listen to the teacher.

The teacher will use different learning style that fits with
childrens abilities. For example, She will give them quick The students will respond to the
review about the seasons by acting. If she will act like a teacher and answer the questions.
rain, she will use her hands.

Give the students the opportunity to touch the materials

which will help the students to enhance their sensorial
skills. " From Piagetian standpoint children learn from
actions rather from passive observations, for example,
telling a child about the properties of materials is less
effective than creating an environment in which the
child is free to explore, touch, manipulate and
experiment " (Peter K. Smith, 1998).

The students will engage in touching

the materials which are the music
instruments. They will feel happy to
choose what they like without any
force from the teacher.

After the teacher gives the children the idea about the
activity that they will apply, she will give the materials The students will apply the activity
for them according to their choices. So, children will with the teacher.
have the freedom choice.

The teacher will apply the activity with children. Once The students will practice what they
they are confident about their performance, the teacher learn. They will be independence to
will let them do the activity without her.
create their own concert.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Extension Ideas:
The teacher can let the children use two instruments at the same time if they were talented.
Also, give each group of students the opportunity to show their creativity by using music
instruments through present their concert to another class.


Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
Peter K. Smith, H. C. (1998). Understanding children's Development. UK: Blackwell Publishers.
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah International School of Science.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Movement Activity: Jumping Activity.

I will use the play yard space by post the flashcards which have sunny or rainy weather
picture. Then my students will jump in any picture they like. After that, I ask the student
who stand in a rainy weather picture to use his/her fingers and move them like the rainy
weather. The student who stands in a sunny weather picture, he/she will use her/his arms
and do a movement which represents a sunny day. Then they will change their places after
my hands clap and I will do the movement again. After that, I will give them the
opportunity to express their feeling through ably their own movements.

During the activity, the students will count the cards or the rains drops to develop their
mathematical skills. Also, I will ask them about the shape of the cards.

Theme and Subject:

Weather for All Seasons / Math Subject.

During the Jumping activity, the children will enrich different side of their skills which will
help them to develop their knowledge. For example:
Cognitive and mental skills: When the students think to answer the open-ended
Physical skills (Fine and gross motor skills): When the students jump that develop their
gross motors skills. Also, when they use their arms and fingers that develop their fine
Language: Learn and use the new vocabulary during the activity.
Social skills: When the students speak and share their experience together.
Emotional skills: When the students feel happy to study by using funny activity and
movements game.

10 circle flashcards have rainy weather picture / 10 oval flashcards have sunny weather


Alya Ahmad Yasser


Activity name/type:

Activity name:
Jumping Activity.
Activity Type:
Movement activity only.

Aspect of movement or
movement in response to
music being explore

ECE 2603

Promoting reflection of:

Creating: The
The body: The students will
students will be able
jump to move their legs and
to jump and follow
move to other cards. Also, they
the teacher in the
will use their fingers to move
beginning but when
them like the rainy weather.
they understand the
Moving their arms to explain the
aim of this activity,
sunny weather.
they will create their
own movements.
Spatial awareness: The play
yard has free space to make sure
Performing: The
the students have enough space
students will do the
to play and learn.
movement in front
of their friends or
Effort awareness: The students
the teacher can
will use their muscles to do the
invite the parents to
movement and change their
see their children
preforming. That
will encourage the
Relationships: They will contact
children to do their
together when they explain the
best and enrich their
cards picture or when they
counting the objects.

Key vocabularies

Rain / Sun / Jump / Circle / Square


Distinguish in counting
from 0 to 20.
Recognize how many
seasons we have.
(RISS. 2016.)

Whole class /Pairs and individual work in the play yard.

Duration of Activity:
10 15 minutes.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

What the teacher does:

What the children do:

Before the teacher takes the students to the play yard,

She will remind the students to follow the rules and be
polite to avoid disturbing other classes.

The students will use their listening

skills and follow the teacher rules.

The teacher will ask the students to get in line to reach

to the play yard in a safety way.

The students will organize their


The teacher will explain the activity in order to identify

the activity.

The students will listen to the

teacher and ask a question if they
didnt understand.

The teacher will apply the activity with the children to

make them excited to learn. For example, if they will
jump the teacher should jump with them.

The students will engage in the

activity and participate with the

The teacher will allow the students to choose their

partners and apply the activity by creating new

The students will work in pairs and

express their feeling through
establishing new movements.

Extension Ideas:
Let one of the children to be a student teacher and apply the activity with other students
without any help from me but the teacher will observe the children and assist them. The
student teacher method develops the leadership skills for the children.

Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah International School of Science.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Drama/Role Play Activity: Weather News Activity (Special Need Activity).


Its an activity help the students with ADHD problem to gain the knowledge
of the four seasons through an active activity which is acting. Also, I will
encourage the shy student to practice with me then step by step the shy
student will start to interact with other students.

Theme and Subject:

Weather for All Seasons / Science Subject.

Weather News Activity, encourage the ADHD students to develop their skills
through underact way. For example:
Cognitive and mental skills: When the students thinking about how they
will explain the weather in each card.
Physical skills (Fine motor skills): When the students start collecting the
cards and point on them.
Language: Using the key vocabularies in props of explaining the weather
Social skills: When the students share the weather information during the
role play activity.
Emotional skills: When the students use and explain a picture of the
weather they like it.
A white board includes colorful cards which describe the weather.


Alya Ahmad Yasser

Activity name/type:

Activity name:
Weather News
Activity Type:
Short role play time
activity. Through it,
the students will be
capable of identifying
the four seasons by
using the weather


Aspects of drama being addressed

Creative Exploration and
Expression: Using the white
board which includes colorful
flashcards to illustrate their
understanding of the Theme.

ECE 2603

Learning Outcomes
Identify the Four
Develop the skills of
explaining the

Performance: Using the

flashcards as props to engage
in the activity.
Technical Incorporation: The
students will be presenting,
explaining and acting for
their friends and the teacher.
Personal and Social: The
student practice together
with full of respecting and

(RISS. 2016.)

Key vocabularies

Sunny / Windy / Snowy / cloudy / Rainy / Foggy / Stormy / Partly cloudy.

Whole class / Individual or pairs work in the role play area.

Duration of Activity:




Alya Ahmad Yasser


What the teacher does:

ECE 2603

What the children do:

The teacher uses to describe the activity. For example,

The students will observe the
Teacher can role model and use the materials before she
teacher acting to identify the
starts the activity. The acting should be quick because ADHD
ideas of the activity.
students cant sit for a long time.
They will express their feeling
The teacher will give the students to express their feeling
and describe what they
according to what they gain from watching her acting.
identify through watching her.

The teacher will let the students use the role play area to apply The students will use the role
this activity. Also, she will provide a large space to let the play area to acting and engage
ADHD feel comfortable and gain knowledge without any mass. to the weather news activity.
The teacher will observe the students and recognize if they
achieve the Learning outcomes successfully. Also, identify
what skills the students need to improve and focus on
improving its next session.
Extension Ideas:
The teacher will ask each student about the morning weather during one month. Also, let them
move to bring the flashcards because ADHD child cant sit still and the teacher should give
him/her the opportunity to move into the classroom (ADD/ADHD in the Classroom. n.d.).
ADD/ADHD in the Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2016, from Harmony Public
Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from

RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah International School of Science.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Section 3




Press here Story (Special Need Activity).

Body Part Song.

Visit My Home Activity.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Music Activity: Press here Story (Special Need Activity).

Press here story is a fantastic activity for the special need students because
the teacher can attract their attentions through using music activity and
trying different sounds.
I will create a story for my ADHD students which include family members and
to reach to the story conclude the students should play different sound by
using unusual object, such as, Pen.
Theme and Subject:
My Home, Family and Body / Math Subject.
According to press here activity, the students will be able to develop different skills. For
Cognitive and mental skills: through thinking what will happen and how to apply
the movement.
Physical skills (Fine and gross motor skills): Fine motor skills will develop through
catching the objects and dealing with the story pages. Gross motor skills will improve
through success of applying the big movement like marching
Language: Developing the students language will happen through reminding the
students of the new words. Also, when the teacher speaks to the students and
includes the new vocabulary in the conversation.
Social skills: The students will connect together by sharing information and teach
each other new ideas about the music.
Emotional skills: When the students do the music activity together that will let them
feel happy because they express their energy.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Key elements of music explored:

Activity name:

Activity Type:

Activity name:
Press here Story

Singing and Playing

Students play a
different kind of
music instruments
to complete the
story and reach to
the end of the story.

Pitch: When the teacher

asks the students to control
the level of each tap. Then
the students will recognize
the level of each sound.
Timbre: The students will
listen from each other the
different sounds of different
materials like wood, plastic
or iron. Then they will
recognize the sounds of
different materials which
are pen or pencil.
Structure: The teacher will
teach the students a pattern
by using the materials. Then
the children will copy her by
trying to use the materials
as a music objects. Then
they will start to create
their own pattern by using
normal materials.

Key vocabularies


Press / Tap / Clap hands / Lap / Stamp / Marching

Distinguish in counting from

0 to 20.
(RISS. 2016.)

A pen or pencil and story created by the teacher according to the theme (My home family and body)
which include family members but it will not include any words to let the student think and imagine
what will happen or create the storys actions.


Alya Ahmad Yasser



ECE 2603

Duration of Activity:

Whole class / Individual work in reading area.

What the teacher does:

Approximately 20 25 minutes.
What the children do:

The children will describe the cover

The teacher will show the students her story then she
page and give some ideas about
will let them describe the cover page.
what will happen during the story.

The student will choose what kind of

The teacher will ask each student to choose the prop prop they want then they will start
they want. Then she will open the story by letting the to beat the pen or the pencil
students beating the pen or the pencil together and together to get music beats. Also,
counting until 20.
they will count from 0 to 20 then
they will start reading the story.

During the story, the teacher will ask the students to do

different sounds by using their materials and they will
engage in trying different level of sound (small, high and
medium) to move to the next page.

The students will ably to do

different sounds by using the
materials and trying different level
of sound (small, high and medium).

Extension Ideas:
The teacher should give the ADHD students enough space to move. Rather than do music
activity with the Press here story, the teacher can let the children do some big movement
during the music activity. For example, the ADHD students will react with story by doing some
music and move to the free space to do jumping, shaking the body parts or weaving their
hands. Then they come back to complete the story and the music activity and try the steps
Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah International School of Science.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Movement Activity: Body Part Song.


Play a song about the body parts and let the children do the movements which represent
the song. Also, let the students identify the name of the body parts and the place of each
part. These activities help the students to be fresh and active.

Theme and Subject:

My Home, Family and Body / English Subject.

Body Part song, the students will be able to develop different skills. For example:
Cognitive and mental skills: Develop cognitive skills happen through identify the how to
move the body parts together.
Physical skills (Gross and fine motor skills): Strengthen the students muscles by moving
the body parts together and that develop the gross motor skills. For the fine motor skills,
the students will point to their body parts and that develop their fingertips.

Language: The students learn new vocabulary which will lead to improving the spelling
and speaking skills.
Social skills: Sharing or applying the new movements with other students that lead to
improving the social skills.
Emotional skills: The students get proud when they recognize new words or learn new
movements. That effect on their emotional positively.

Video from YouTube Website:


Alya Ahmad Yasser


Activity name/type:

Activity name:
Body Part Song
Activity Type:
Movement in response to

Aspect of movement or
movement in response to
music being explore
Creating: Students
follow the song
movements and
repeat their
movements until
they are able to do
the movements
without watching
the video.
Performing: The
students will
interact with the
music by singing and
applying the
movements. They
will present to
another classes and

ECE 2603

Promoting reflection of:

The body: The students will

move their hands and point
in each part of the body.
Spatial awareness: The
students will apply the
movement activity in the
circle area because there is a
big space that let the
Effort awareness: Each
student will follow the song
without distributing the
other students.
Relationships: The children
will sing the song together
with applying a different
kind of movements.

Key vocabularies

Head / Shoulder / Knees / Toes / Eyes / Mouth /

Nose / Ears.


Identify the name of the

body parts.
Improve the spelling
(RISS. 2016.)


Duration of Activity:

Whole class / Group and individual work in the circle 10 minutes.

area (Circle time).


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

What the teacher does:

What the children do:

The teacher will turn on the video and give instructions

for the students to help them engage in the song by
singing and do some movements.

The students will sing the song and

do different movements.
Group work: They will sing and do
the movements together.

The teacher will apply individual and group work during

the song.

Individual work: A child will do the

movements and sing the song
when the teacher point on

The teacher will observe the students and identify if

they pronounce the new vocabularies and correct the

The teacher will review the names of the body parts to

make sure the students learn its and identify each part
with the name.

The students will point in each part

in their body with repeating the
name of each part.

Extension Ideas:
Create a focusing game which develops the students attention and focusing skills. For
example, The name of the activity is Point a part of your body. During the activity, the
teacher will say a body part name but without pointing on the body part to evaluate the
students recognizing of the name of each part of the body and were it is.
ChuChu TV Kids Songs. (2014, April 4). Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes - Exercise Song for Kids [Video
file]. Retrieved February 19, 2016, from
Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah International School of Science.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Drama/Role Play Activity: Visit My Home Activity.


The students will create a home by using different materials inside the
classroom and use the home for the role play. The students will express their
understanding of the theme and apply it to acting.

Theme and Subject:

My Home, Family and Body / Science Subject.

Through Visit My Home Activity, the students will be able to develop different domains. For
Cognitive and mental skills: Create props and use it in different areas that help in growing
their minds to a high level of mental development.
Physical skills (Fine motor skills): When the students create the home and move the
materials to act, that helps them to develop their hands small muscles.
Language: Recognize the new words and use them helps in developing the language
Social skills: Let the children explain their ideas between them to develop their
Emotional skills: Learning new art performance technique helps the children to feel happy
because they learn through doing enjoyable activities.

Colorful papers / Wood cubes / Puzzle / Books / Plastic furniture.


Alya Ahmad Yasser


Activity name/type:

Aspects of drama being addressed

Activity name:
Visit My Home Activity.
Activity Type:
It is an activity apply in the
role play area. This activity
promotes the students to
create their own home and
uses it for the drama play.
For example, After creating
the home, the student can
invite his/her friend to
his/her home then they start
the role play activity.

Creative Exploration and

Expression: Using the home
to explain different actions
that happen when someone
visit the other at his/her
Performance: The students
will use the home that they
created as materials for the
play role activity.

ECE 2603

Learning Outcomes
The students
should make a
home by using
materials. Such
as books,
cubes, papers,
puzzle and the

Technical Incorporation: The

students can pretending and
do role play by using the
home shape for the teacher
other students from different
class. That build the selfconfident and improve their
Personal and Social: The
student will be able to share
his/her home to the friends
or the teacher and will accept
their opinion about what they
think. Also, each student will
give his/her friend the
opportunity to choose their
materials with respecting
(RISS. 2016.)
their choices.
Key vocabularies

Wood / Roof / Furniture / Floor / Home

Whole class / Group or pairs in the role play area.

Duration of Activity:
Approximately 10 20


Alya Ahmad Yasser


What the teacher does:

ECE 2603

What the children do:

The students
The teacher will provide different materials and ask them to build
their home and use it for role play activity.


The students will

engage acting with
The teacher can play a role with the students and through acting she
their teacher and
can promote the students to use the new words.
The students will act
The teacher will make sure to integrate the low level students with together and share
the medium and high students.
information to build
their knowledge.
Tidy up and bring
The teacher will let the students tide up because that is a part of the
materials back to its
theme which is clean our home.
Extension Ideas:
Let the children design the role play area by creating a big home through recycling their
recycling materials. The recycling activity enriches the children to keep their environment clean
and has a high awareness of how to protect our Plant from the pollution. Also, When the
children design the role play area that encourages them to participate in designing their
classroom environment and keep their level of feeling move up positively. This goes back to
Krashen's theory, which believed that when the child feels happy and satisfied the filter will be
done and the door will be open. Also, he said that if a child was engaging in what he like, he
will be more confident that will lead him to keep learning (Schtz, 2014).
Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah International School of Science.
Schtz, R. (2014, June 12). Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition. Retrieved
February 18, 2016, from SK:


Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603



Type of activities + References

Music: Baby animal Song.
Elementary School Lesson Plans for Music Subjects. (2016).
Retrieved February 19, 2016, from Lesson Plans Page:
Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
PINKFONG (Kids Songs & Stories). (2016, January 29). Baby Animals
Animal Songs PINKFONG Songs for Children [Video file]. Retrieved
February 19, 2016, from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah
International School of Science.

Movement: Wheres Spot? Story (Special need

Section 1:
Animal Theme
Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah
International School of Science.

Drama/Role play: Puppets Activity.

Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
McLeod, S. (2011). Bandura - Social Learning Theory. Retrieved
February 19, 2016, from Simply psychology:

Alya Ahmad Yasser


ECE 2603

Mooney, C. G. (2000). Theories of childhood. Syndicate: Redleaf

RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah
International School of Science.

Music: Weather Concert.

Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
Peter K. Smith, H. C. (1998). Understanding children's
Development. UK: Blackwell Publishers.
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah
International School of Science.

Movement: Jumping Activity.

Section 2:
Weather for
All Seasons

Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah
International School of Science.

Drama/Role play: Weather News Activity (Special

Need Activity).
ADD/ADHD in the Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2016,
from Harmony Public Schools:
Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah
International School of Science.

Music: Press here Story (Special Need Activity).


Alya Ahmad Yasser

Section 3: My
Home, Family
and Body


ECE 2603

Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah
International School of Science.

Movement: Body Part Song.

ChuChu TV Kids Songs. (2014, April 4). Head, Shoulders, Knees &
Toes - Exercise Song for Kids [Video file]. Retrieved February 19,
2016, from
Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah
International School of Science.

Drama/Role play: Visit My Home Activity.

Google Images. (2016). Children Doing Art [Image]. Retrieved from
RISS. (2016). KG2 RISS Learning outcomes. Sharjah: AlResalah
International School of Science.
Schtz, R. (2014, June 12). Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second
Language Acquisition. Retrieved February 18, 2016, from SK:


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