Skill Review Sheet - Questioning: Graduate Standards - AITSL

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Skill Review Sheet Questioning

Graduate Standards - AITSL

Professional Practice: 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.2 Plan and implement effective teaching and learning
Please complete all forms and include in your ePortfolio

Question Type
The majority of the time I asked the class a question as a
your whole, or directly asked an individual, it was apparent that my
questions were clearly questions were understood based on ensuing discussion and
structured and readily from mentor feedback. However, this did not necessarily
the mean that the concept was understood.
In asking questions, I used a loud voice, para-phrased
responses before forming a second follow-up question and
for more complicated questions used the whiteboard or
power-point slides to provide a reference point.
Although I exclusively taught science (physics) there was an
Did you use a variety of opportunity to ask open ended questions, sometimes in an
question types?
ice-breaking capacity relating to career options, interests and
progress with student progress. However, the majority of the
classes I taught were calculation based and while many
times these were open ended questions, the topics
themselves did not facilitate extensive class discussion.
However, I used questions to:
- Clarify concepts (open)
- Demonstrate calculations (closed/open)
- Check for comprehension (closed)
- Provide some context for the lesson (open)
Most of my questions were open ended. However, when
What balances was there checking for comprehension or for alternative answers, often
between the various closed questions were used. For instance, did anyone get a
questions types?
different result? or who understands how this worked?
Open questions, such as tell me how you would go about
connecting a circuit for your house based on what weve
learned? were also used when appropriate in summary at
the end of the lesson.
Consider both why and
when you made use of
the different question

Timing of the lesson cant always discuss topics endlessly,

sometimes need to move on (closed)
Comprehension (closed/open)
Reviewing concepts need to be open so students can
demonstrate understanding appropriately.


Calculation based question sometimes will be closed when

questions are deemed more trivial, but when complex need
to demonstrate full working etc.

Distributing and Directing Questions

Did you recognise any
pattern in the distribution
amongst the students?
Consider reasons for this

Although teaching in the extension class, a very definite

difference in the confidence of students was evident.
Approximately 7 or 8 of the 30 students wanted to readily
answer questions. And 3 or 4 were very inquisitive after and
before class, particularly around my engineering
I also think that individual competition was fostered quite
strongly in this class and that some students may have
experienced some anxiety regarding asking or getting
questions wrong in front of the class. One student came up
in the middle of class and asked me a question in such a soft
voice so no one else could hear. It was a valid question and
there was no reason to have feared other students hearing it.
Having said that, in year nine students are still very young
and finding themselves and for some their confidence is yet
to grow fully.

Initially I asked most of my questions to the group as I

How have you directed discerned the pattern of responses and to grow my own
questions to the group?
confidence. As time went on I changed from asking
questions to the whole group and started ensuring I directly
asked students who were not answering regularly. During the
practical component I also asked for responses/data from
groups for the different circuit configurations we made.
After my first lesson I received feedback from my mentor
Have you used wait teacher that I needed to use more wait time. Rather than
moving on, to pause for at least 3 seconds. As time went on,
I became much better at this, and would often pause for as
long as 10 seconds in my estimate. If no response was
made I would ask a follow-up question or draw a
diagram/formula on the board to prompt and re-iterate
I pride myself on my public speaking ability and from the
Did you make eye word go made sure that I addressed everyone in the room
contact with the group as while speaking. In terms of asking questions, particularly in
your the wait time it was useful to look around the room to gain a
clue as to who might have an answer.


Reactions to Students Responses

How do you deal with
correct responses? Do
you qualify any praise
How do you deal with
How do you deal with
students who stumble
and grope for an answer?

I tried to qualify correct responses with praise. However, I

think overdoing it can come off as condescending. There
were instances where I sensed questions were quite trivial
for the students and so in these cases I backed off in terms
of offering too much praise.
It depends on the context. I think in some cases it is
important to let students know that they are expected to
know content and not to soften the blow too much. Whereas
in other cases, especially with students who are shy, I think
its really important to congratulate them on the attempt. It
can also be useful to para-phrase responses in a more
correct way and to try and understand where students are
coming from with their answers. Empathising can be helpful
in some cases.


Do you keep eye contact

with the students until
they have completed an
Do you cut
students off and go onto
the next point before they

No, this is extremely rude and not the behavior that you want
to see in young adults. A very basic rule is respecting your
students. The golden rule is do unto others as you have
done unto yourself. As a role model teachers must
demonstrate respect.

It can also be useful to para-phrase responses in a more

correct way and to try and understand where students are
coming from with their answers. Often answers are part way
correct and form a really useful base as a teacher for
answering questions.

What use do you make of

the students responses
to develop the teaching
redirected any questions
in order to add to an Of course using follow-up questions to elicit more detailed
initial response?
answer/understanding is useful. For instance, with the
concepts of voltage and current I used a hydraulic pump
analogy and re-directed students answers back into this
context to give a reference point.
No, other students are constantly evaluating the answers of
only other students and this can be both a good and a bad thing.
evaluator of the students In cases where students are judged or teased by other
students this is very definite negative. However, if by
evaluating answers students crystallize a better response in
their mind, or if they provide constructive feedback, then it
can be a good thing.
In this case, I also had another student teacher and a mentor
teacher in the room who were also evaluating the answers.
Yes, for most of the lessons wrote out the sequence of
Did you communicate learning events/objectives for the lesson on the whiteboard,
clearly to the students the reviewed previous lessons and discussed what each lesson
the entailed.

Overall Comments
Questions are critical components of a good lesson and require forethought and
opportunism in equal measure.


Skill Review Sheet Management

Graduate Standards AITSL
Professional Practice: 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
4.1 and 4.2

Planning for Effective Management

Was your lesson plan Lesson plans did not cover behavior management. It was not an
effective for managing explicit field in the template. Similarly, my mentor teacher assured
us our only task was to teach. She would handle administrative
the class?
issues and punishments.

students react to your
lesson overall and to
your planned activities?

Students were mainly very attentive, although sometimes

particular students looked bored or tired, especially in the morning.
The practical activity was definitely successful in engaging

Did anything unexpected

Nothing out of the ordinary. One or two students rejoined the class

when they had been absent for a few days. Also, the timing of
lessons was not always 100% on the mark which was in some way

Did you provide a variety

of activities?
Yes, worksheets, revision questions, theory/note taking and a
practical where students constructed circuits. Students were also
encouraged to come up to the board and answer questions.

Were you satisfied with

your timing, particularly Overall, yes. However, throughout the placement there were
for the end of the instances where lessons did not go according to plan because key
concepts needed elaboration and additional time to ensure they
were understood. It would seem a key characteristic of teaching is
flexibility and the ability to make decisions regarding prioritization
of content and activities based on the curriculum, students
workload and a range of other factors.

Did you feel you were In some instances, I was able to change the way a concept was
able to change things if discussed or to move to a new activity. However, this is one area I
need to improve on as my mentor teacher was of great assistance
when occasionally I hit a road block on terms of alternative ways to
address a concept. This is something that will be learned in time.
For all 6 of the lessons I took, I had all of the necessary resources
Was your organisation of prior to the class commencing, which took a lot of work! However,
materials and resources for the practical in particular, I realized the importance of counting
materials prior and post, and giving more clear instructions
efficient and effective?
regarding what was needed by each group. In the second prac
class I did manage to give more clear instructions and to use
e.g. Did you and the students to pack away materials.

students have everything

you needed?


My lesson plans did lay out the sequence of events pretty clearly.
Did you plan how and For instance, in the practical I asked each student in a group to
would give themselves a number between 1 and 3 and for each individual
distribute and collect number to collect different pieces of equipment.


Having said this, I did seek guidance from my mentor teacher in

relation to when it was appropriate to give back homework or to
collect/not collect worksheets for marking. Occasionally my mentor
made judgement calls as to whether a worksheet should be
handed out at the end of the class for homework, or whether it
would be handed out the next day during class etc.there were
some deviations from the plans.


Were you aware of

and school disciplinary
policy? How much did
you know about your

I understood from pretty early on that CVC had a concerted

effort to streamline behavior management so that students
were getting a consistent message from all teachers. In
particular there seemed to be a policy about being quite
heavy handed with years 7 and 8, with the idea that by the
time they reached year 9/10 they understood very well what
behavior was expected of them. Mostly, in watching several
teachers I did see quite a divergence in behavior
management. My mentor teacher was undoubtedly the
strictest of the teachers I saw. Many detentions were given
out for being late to class in the form of 5 minutes time at
Some students who appeared to be inattentive were shifted
around to different parts of the class or given detention as
well. But this was less and less evident in the older year

Maintaining a Positive Attitude in the Classroom

How did you demonstrate
to the students that you
valued them, and enjoyed

e.g. Tone of voice, facial

expression, sense of
humour, introduction to
students and topic.

Which aspects of your

teaching style do you feel
class attention?
e.g. Variety of activities,
lesson, interest at class

Being very open to questions, comments and different

personalities is a very good start.
Also, asking questions of everyone in the class
Sharing personal stories
Using a humorous slide show prior to one lesson
helped show them I was a human being as well
Asking about career aspirations and interests at the
beginning of lessons
Speaking students outside of class in home room and
assisting with questions prior and post class.
Explicitly thanking them at the end of the placement
of course they were taking a non-consensual risk
regarding the quality of my teaching, they were
patient, very attentive and well mannered.

Being very calm and presenting clearly and articulating key

points well helps students to have confidence in you as a
teacher. I also think the slight variations in their normal
routine, using the slide show of funny model houses, and a
couple of cheesy jokes helps no end.
Being an older experienced teacher definitely helped some
students clearly aspired to being an engineer and being able
to answer their questions in this regard helped to build
rapport and confidence in me.

I didnt have to make too many comments on what was

Did the students know expected of the student in this particular class. I did make it
what was expected of clear in the first lesson that all of the rules regarding behavior


that applied while my mentor taught applied to me as well

respect for each other, respect for myself, hand up etc.
In addition, my mentor addressed students before I started
teaching and asked for their full cooperation while I was

Were you able to redirect

energies of attention
seeking students? Did
enough to do?

There were some instances were the top students would

finish their work well ahead of other students. In these cases,
I made sure to come around and check their work, not only
so I could check if they had understood but also by way of a
tacit acknowledgement of their knowledge and ability. Some
of the brighter students I spoke with after class and during
acknowledgement as well.


Dealing with Minor Misbehaviour

Were you aware of what
was happening in all
parts of the classroom?
Did you know what each
student was doing?

Of course having eyes in the back of your head is a learned

skill and comparing myself to my mentor, I realise I have a
LONG way to go in this regard. It really is an issue of multitasking. Although in my classes I didnt have to worry about
student inattention as much, in other classes there were
many cases where I myself was absorbed in the material
being taught and did not notice some students playing with
all manners of things.
Having said that, I did pull up one or two students for talking
a little too long and one or two students with their head on
the desk attempting to have a little nap.

Did you take any action

when you observed poor
behaviour? Why? Why

The misbehavior witnessed while I was teaching was minor

and merely required my presence at the desk or a pointed
comment I managed to learn names very quickly and this
helped. In other classes, I saw what I consider low level but
highly distracting and continuous misbehavior which I would
have dealt with differently. Having said that, I heard many
teachers refer to picking battles with certain students and
clearly in some cases teachers had decided it wasnt worth
the battle even when they had lost all authority in the class
Very useful to have witnessed as an outsider.

Did you use non-verbal Yes, see answer to last question.

e.g. Contact,
student/s concerned.


Schools as text looking at the whole

Understand the importance of effective communication with students
and colleagues to develop positive relationships.
Graduate Standards AITSL 6.3 and 7.1
Describe the school in
resources (be general
here and do not name
the school).

Highly multi-cultural
Middle class working families
Modern with appealing architecture
Good resources for science
Nicely furnished class-rooms with air-conditioning
Very large oval
Nice canteen (didnt try the food)
130 teachers and over 1000 students, 200 teachers
including support staff
Teachers varied in age from 22 60+
In the science department teachers appeared to be
roughly equal gender

Home room,
What were the roles and
- Answer general admin questions
responsibilities of the
- Build rapport with students
- included assembly monitoring
Year coordinators
- Coordinate year group assemblies and disseminate
Head of Departments
- coordinate assessments and standards between all
- Ensure best practice/current curriculum is being taught
Student Services


- Disciplinary actions
- Case management
- Management of records
- IT services
3 deputy principals
- Represent the school
- Professional development for the school
- Delegated tasks from the principal
- Represent the school (to all external parties)
- Sign off on all changes, capital works, staff hiring etc.
- Address whole school and determine standards
- Build confidence in teachers and school as a whole
- implement extra-curricular activities
- Community engagement strategies
All Teachers
- ensure dress code is maintained
- enforce behavior management policy
- communicate with parents
- Communicate with other teachers
- Teach what is in the curriculum
- Develop

What did you observe

non-teaching staff doing
to support teaching and
learning in the school?

Education Assistants
- Work with students with learning disabilities
- Carrying out non-essential activities to support
teachers disseminate materials, photo-copying
- Escort students who are misbehaving, sick or need
time out form class
- General assistance with learning activities where
possible and capable.
Student Services
- Case management
- Management of records
- IT services
Front Office/Admin
- Whole range of admin activities!
- Maintain grounds, mowing, reticulation etc.
IT Services
- Ensure tablets/CPUs are working
- Ensure all internet based platforms are operational
- Assist in lesson planning where something out of the
ordinary is required
Laboratory Assistants



Liaise with teachers regarding practical experiments

and the equipment required
Prepare materials for practicals

You will have observed
the diverse nature of your
classes. How was this
diversity supported?

Education Assistants for students with learning

Asking questions of all students.
Additional materials for advanced students
Extension classes (for bright students) and focus
classes (for students who need more help)
Homework and projects that are aimed at involving
parents in the classroom
Treating all students equally
Allowing hijabs and other cultural clothing to be worn
at school
Making a concerted effort to pronounce students
name correctly



Function of Schools
Did you observe the
schools with the broader
community? How did this

Looking back I feel that I perhaps didnt have long enough to

observe the nature of the engagement with the broader
community, although in assemblies there would often be
mention of students who had completed a work placement,
or had been involved in extra-curricular events. Second-hand
I also heard of students going on field trips. In addition, my
mentor teacher had also just commenced teaching a new
Earth Sciences class which caused her to approach an
individual from the CSIRO who also worked at Curtin to
mentor her through the development of an entirely new
course that would meet the standards expected of aspiring

What do you think the Although this is a very subjective question, I believe that
function of school is?
schools are critical institutions that form the basis for the way
our society works. Specifically schools should:

provide a place for children can be safe while parents

give students a place to interact with other children;
inspire innovation and an appreciation of the magic
that exists in the world;
teach students to be thankful for what they have to
instill a grounded and compassionate perspective;
provide a wide variety of choices that cater for a
diverse range of backgrounds, abilities and
aspirations; and
provide basic numeracy and literacy skills necessary
to succeed in any career path.



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