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Sophie Navarro

Mrs. Stronks
February 22, 2016
All But Blind Analysis
In this poem, All But Blind by Walter De la Mare talks about three animals
that we humans render blind but they actually get along just as fine as us. The
first animal the writer writes about is the four-clawed mole. How it 'gropes' in it's
'chambered' hole for worms, sustaining itself even though it's blind. Although to
us it seems as though since it's blind we think it cannot sustain itself but it still
does in this cruel world.
The second animal the writer talks about is the bat which is another animal
animal that we render 'blind'. But is it really if it's still able to soar through the sky
at night flawlessly without difficulty. The same applies for the next animal, the
barn owl. Likewise with the mole and the bat, it is rendered 'blind by us humans
but, it too gets along just fine without it's eyesight. Surely, the senses the mole,
bat, and owl have grown to have may might be even more acute than the gift of
De la Mare expresses the idea of sight being different to many people. Such
as how most will think the mole, bat, and owl are blind, others say 'we are blind'
because we do not see as they do. We all have a preference of how we see 'sight'.
Whether it be being able to see or the way the mole, bat, and owl see but it's up
to you to determine what you think sight is.

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