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Analysis of Validity of Intelligence Theories

Spearman used factor analysis to discover why we see many different skills as actually
one which is General Intelligence also known as the G Factor. There is also Specific Intelligence
for where you have one good skill. He claims that if youre good at one subject then youre
usually good at many others. A flaw with this theory is gender differences and what woman can
do that men cant. Another flaw, just because youre good at one subject doesnt youre good at
others. There are some people out in the world that can be good at Math but bad with English, for
this not to be a flaw everyone in school would need to have a fairly blended culture and access to
the same materials as others all over the country or world. Spearman would view me
knowledgeable due to the fact that my different skills translate to his G factor. He would say my
weak point is his if youre good at one subject then youre good at the rest, my strong points are
English and History while Im a little bit weaker in Math and Science.
Thurstone uses the seven types of intelligence: word fluency, verbal comprehension,
spatial ability, perceptual speed, numerical ability, inductive reasoning, and memory. His ideas
were meant to challenge Spearmans even he believes that there is no general level of
intelligence. It may be broken down into different categories but it doesnt have a general level
or specific name. Without that you cant make overall classification of those seven types of
intelligence. Youll have to see specific information from each area to learn and understand what
it is. Another thing, those types of intelligence can be affected based on your learning
environment or where you came from or even how you learned some of that info. Thurstone
would view me different for each of his intelligences. He would say this for the following: Word
fluency is sharp and orderly, verbal comprehension is observant and listening, spatial ability is
thoughtfulness, perceptual speed is organization, numerical ability is careful and precise,
inductive reasoning is logic, and memory is anything in your head that you can remember.
Gardner uses the eight types of intelligences which are: linguistic, logical-mathematical,
spatial, musical, body-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist. It includes new
types which are moral and spiritual. Problems with this is that its similar to Thurstones but with
a few different ideas in there. Its broken down into eight categories which can help classify more
based on category not overall. Each one tests on your knowledge of each area, the issue with that
though refers back to the first two theories with how were people taught, how did they learn it,
have they ever experienced or even done something like this in their life. That kind of stuff is
whats messed up about getting results of this. Gardner would describe me in positive ways for
each of the eight categories because I was raised and I grew up with access to these kind of
things and it gives me better knowledge on what they are and what they do. Good schools and
my parents business gave us the right money for me to gain knowledge of this info for me.
Sternberg had the Triarchic Theory where it gave three components of general
intelligence. Componential would give strategies for processing info, Experiential gives us the
ability to use experience on any given task, and Contextual gives us the ability to use external
world into account. Issues with this though is that some people who are troubled or who dont
think right can think creatively and abstractly, theyll struggle to form new ideas, or even adapt
to a changing environment with its altering conditions. Socioeconomic biases and culture can
have a negative impact because doing worse and worse in the economy can reduce youre
motivation and then it will result in struggling to think creatively, get new ideas, or adapt to
changing environments. Sternberg describing me would say that Im creative and I can think

Analysis of Validity of Intelligence Theories

abstractly (outside the box), I can form lists of new ideas without any issues, and I may struggle
a bit at first but after a little bit of settling time I can adjust to a new environment.
Lastly Goldmans theory is the ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate
emotions. He says some studies show Emotional Intelligence to be a greater predictor for future
success than the Intelligence Quotient. The IQ is responsible for logic and reasoning while the
EQ is responsible for how you react or act to certain situations or things. Every culture out there
has their own ways of intelligence and emotions and so as gender as well. Some cultures may be
emotions can predict the rest of your life while others think its your logic. This is something
tough to determine but I believe its a mix of both. Different genders even think and react
differently in certain situations compared to each other. Goldman would using his theory to
observe my emotions would say that Im quiet and reserved from being perceived, but in
controlled and expressed emotions I can be nice, caring, thoughtful, goofy, and more. If he had to
pick one he would use an EQ to test my emotions going into later life to see how my future will
end up.

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