Newsletter - Jan 18

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Grade 3 Weekly
January 18-22, 2016

My Absence

This Weeks Focus

I will be absent starting this Friday and

Language Arts


will return February 3 . I will be

We will begin our next writing trait this

traveling to Canada for a family wedding.

week, Voice. Students will learn how

Ms. Hasina will be teaching our class. If

authors use voice in their writing to make it

you need to contact her while I am

interesting for their audience. We will also

away, please email her at

begin subject-verb agreement.

We will continue symmetry this week as well


as work with 3D shapes, looking at their

All Scholastic orders are due by

sides, vertices, and edges. The geometry unit

Tuesday morning. If you are ordering,

test will be on Friday. A review will be sent

please make sure they are returned by

home on Wednesday.


Unity of Inquiry (UOI)

This week we will begin our final projects
for our Simple Machines UOI. Students will

Kids A-Z
Students should continue to read each night
on Kids A-Z. Listen to your child read and
ask them questions as they go through the
story. The discussion and questions will help
with their comprehension and assist them in
moving to the next reading level.

brainstorm and invent a product using simple

machines that could be used to make life

easier for the Malagasy people. They will be

spending the next few weeks designing and
making their product as well as display their
information on a poster to present.

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