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Department of Electrical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

EE 210

Home Assignment #1

Assigned: 6/1/15

For all problems in this course, assume T = 300 K (with VT = 26 mV), unless otherwise stated.

A pn junction diode has reverse saturation current I0 = 10 pA. Determine the magnitude of
the diode current (along with its direction) when it is under a i) forward bias of a) 50 mV,
and b) 500 mV; and ii) reverse bias of a) 50 mV, and b) 500 mV.


Two diodes D1 and D2 are connected back to back with an applied

bias of VAP (= 5 V), as shown in the figure. Calculate the current
ID and the diode drops VD1 and VD2. Data: I0(D1) = 1 pA, and
I0(D2) = 1 nA.


A simple diode circuit is shown alongside. Perform a selfconsistent iterative analysis to find the diode current ID and
the diode voltage VD. Take I0 = 10 pA.

+ VD1


R = 1 k

10 V



+ VD2



The measured junction capacitance Cdep (in F) as a function of the applied voltage VD (in
volts) of an abrupt Si pn junction (area = 10 mm2) is given by 1/ Cdep
= [2.5 105 (4
6.25VD)]. Determine the built-in voltage and the depletion region width at zero bias.


Consider Prob.3. Assuming that the junction is linearly graded, determine the small-signal
parameters of the diode, and draw its small-signal equivalent circuit. Data: V0 = 0.8 V, Cdep0
= 1 pF, and = 1 sec.

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