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Creativity in the Classroom: 101 creative activities for English teachers

M. Carmen Romero Riera (

Classroom Instructions
Gaining attention

Interrupting working

Quietening students

Checking instructions

Coping with problems

Playing games

Put the following expression under the correct functional heading then add other expressions you commonly use in class:

Whose turn is it?

Coul you tell me what you have to do?

Please turn and face me

We need a tie-breaker

You three over there

Remember, Ive got eyes in the back of my head

Listen up!

Stop messing/fooling around

Its a tie or draw

Take your feet off the desk

Stop shouting

Did everybody catch that?

No peeping!

So, whats the first/next step then?

Can I have your attention, please?

Whats the score?

Please take turns

Settle down, please

Wakey, wakey!

Thats enough of that

Stop what youre doing and look at me now!

Lets flip a coin

On your marks, get set, go!

Stop day dreaming!

Miss a turn

I cant hear myself think!

Pens down for a moment, please

Whoever guesses first wins a point

Keep your voices down

This is my final warninig!

Ive got my eye on you!

All eyes on me

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