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Aquatic Biome

Nashat Lubbadeh, Rasha Barham, Ameed Jabr

8th Honors, Pioneers Baccalaureate School- Palestine, Nablus


The aquatic biome is one of the most important biomes in the world, it contains the most
water too. The aquatic biome is full of species and plants, and the animals that live there are
adapted to the style of living, and animals that doesnt live in the aquatic will have so many
problems living there and will probably die. The aquatic biome is divided into two region: the
freshwater regions, and the marine regions. The aquatic biome is facing problems that is affecting
the water and the animals, and these problems are destroying the arctic over the years and will
probably destroy the entire arctic.

The aquatic biome is the largest biome out of the five. Water covers around 75% of the
earth's surface. It is showed in forms of oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, and many more. It is
homing to numerous of species and lives. Billions of years ago water had an amino acids in it
which made many of the species today, without water that wouldve never happened. Not to
mention it is a beautiful place to interact with nature while swimming.


1. Paint.

2. Paint Brushes.
3. Rocks.
4. Glue.
5. Styrofoam.
6. Sand.
7. Plastic Cups.
8. Paper Mache.
9. Card Board.
10. Balloons
11. Flower.
12. Water.

Climate in the Aquatic Biome:
Water is the common link among the five biomes and it makes up the largest part of it,
covering nearly 75% of the Earths surface. Aquatic regions has species of plants and animals,
both large and small. In fact, this is where life began billions of years. Without water, most life
forms would be unable to sustain themselves and the Earth would be a dry place. Although water
temperatures can vary widely.
The aquatic biome can be broken down into two regions:
1) Freshwater.
2) Marine.
Freshwater Regions:
The freshwater regions are known as having a very low salt concentration, and the
concentration of salt is only 1%. That means that the animal species that lives in the freshwater
regions will never be able to live in places that have a high salt concentration because the animals
are adapted to live in a low salt concentration regions, and they will not be able to survive there.
There are different types of freshwater regions, including:

Some Wetlands.

The freshwater biomes only covers 0.8% of the entire water on Earth, and each region
has its own climate depending on its place.
The average temperature in summer is from 65 F to 75 F, while in winter, the
temperature gets to 35 F to 45 F. The freshwaters temperature depends on three things:

1) The location.
2) The season.
3) The depth of water.
Also, the precipitation depends on the location of the region, many of the wetlands exists
in the temperature zones, so they have high temperature and the precipitation will be greater.
While the lakes and rivers that exists in the mountains will have lower temperature and the
precipitation will be less.
Marine Regions:
The Marine regions covers almost of the water in the world. The marine regions
contains a very high salt concentration which means that the animals are adapted to the salt
concentration in there and they live normally.
The marine regions have different types of regions, including:
1) Oceans.
2) Coral Reefs.
3) Estuaries.
The marine regions is mostly diverse, and its the largest biome in the world. Its
temperature changes from -40 F to over 100 F, and the average is 39 F. It is warm near the
equator because the sun there is facing the water and make it warm, but it is cold in the north
and south poles so the water is too cold and almost freezing. This is because the water is too deep
and the sun cant face it to make it warm.

Places of interest in the Aquatic Biome:


The freshwater regions has many places you can visit and have fun in, these regions
exists almost everywhere in the world. People say that going to the freshwater regions is the
dream vacation because of all the things you can do in there. Many of these activities you can do
in the freshwater regions are:

Fly Fishing, fishing.

Water Skiing.
Water rafting.

There are many fun-lands in the freshwater regions that you can go to, including:
1) The Great Lakes (in Ontario, Michigan).
2) The Amazon River (in South America).
3) The Nile River (in Northern Africa).

Geographic location:
Ameed Jabr
Aquatic is made of water, and water takes 75 percent of the earth surface. Its the place
where some animals and plants live in, and eat from it and it is there shelter. Aquatics are
usually located in South America, Brazil, US, and Ohio.

Natural resources:
Ameed Jabr
Aquatic is made of water, and it is where some animals live.
Some areas of the ocean are saltier than others. This image shows methane mussels living
at the edge of an underwater brine pool in a cavern at a depth of 650 feet in the Gulf of Mexico.
The pool of brine in the foreground is nearly four times as salty as seawater and is so dense that a
submarine can float on the pool (in fact, this photo was shot from a submarine).
Between 700,000 and one million species live in the world's oceans, according to a

thorough new analysis, which also estimated that between one-third and two-thirds of those
species have yet to be named and described.
The first zone (where people swim)
The second zone (where plants live)
The third zone (is deep in the water)

They live under the water, next to the beach, amphibious (they can live on land and water

In an aquatic biome there are three layers stacked on top of each other that complete it.
The euphotic zone is the first layer in the ocean, this layer is where we swim in and not many
animals live in it. The despotic zone is dark thick and is the layer were not a lot of life
lives there but can still be swam in. Some say it is dangerous since fish and other creatures go
out there. The aphotic zone is the last zone that has the most life lived in because many plants
and planktons grow down there and the amount of sunlight that shines through. The third zone
is home to only plants and animals that have lived and adapted to an extreme life and harsh
The aquatic biome is the largest biome out of the five. Water covers around 75 percent of
the earth's surface. It is showed in forms of oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, and many more. Like
the five other biomes, the aquatic biome is divided into two groups, freshwater and saltwater
regions. Each group has its own different kind of living and species that follow it. Freshwater has
a lot of species like insects and is often home a wide variety of species from insects, to
amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds and even mammals. Turtles, ducks, otters, crocodiles, catfish,
dragonfly and crabs can be found in rivers all around the world, and the Amazon river is even
home to the rare and pink, freshwater dolphin.

Plants that live in the water have been adapted to fresh water and salt water, they are also
called hydrophytes. Many species of aquatic plants are widely distributed around the world.
These plants are spread by human activity. Humans have accidentally or intentionally transport
seeds, from one pond or to another, but many of the seeds are spread by flying birds thats been
dropped while flying. Some examples of water plants are free floating plants, submersed plants,
emergent plants and a plant that lives on top of the water, is the water lilies.

The Problems of the Aquatic Biome:


The Aquatic biome has problems like any other biome, and it affects it in some ways, and
some of these problems are building dams, and when dams are built, it barricades and blocks the
fishs way when it travels to reproduce. This leads to the extinction of species over the years.
Another problem that the aquatic biome face is fishing, you might say that fishing is not
dangerous or bad, but in some way it is. When people hunt fish, they may hunt some rare species
of fish that doesnt exist in big amount, and may lead them to extinct. The last problem in the
aquatic is pollution, pollution is caused by dumping garbage, and the factories. These things
affects the aquatic and also affects the animals. The water will be polluted and the fish will die. If
this problems keeps happening, the aquatic will collapse.

Written by Nashat Lubbadeh, Ameed Jabr, and Rasha Barham, wed also like to appreciate our
teacher, Meha Siyam and the School Pioneers Baccalaureate School.

Literature cited


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