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Name: Winkie Law

ISSUE= Inequalities in laws against women driving in Saudi Arabia.
Possible elements of my issue I could study (you may add more):
1. Policies in question that limit this freedom 2. Local attitudes towards women versus men
3. Possible religious, cultural, or social influences on this injustice.
Issue element # 1

Issue element # 2

Issue element # 3

What do I already know?

What do I already know?

What do I already know?

Some aspects that I already know

include the fact that there are
certain religious/political laws that
limit women's freedom.

I already know that in the Saudi

Arabian culture, women are still not
regarded equals with men due to
various different cultural and
religious beliefs.

I already know that this issue is

possibly fuelled/supported/ based
on a possibly religious, cultural, or
social difference in the role and
attitudes towards women in Saudi

What do I need to find out?

However, I will need to find out the
exact names of these policies/ideas
as well as the target audiences (who
it applies to), and the source of
these policies/laws that created or
lead to this injustice.

What do I need to find out?

Aspect that I will need to find out

include the reasons/source for
these differences (whether it is a
social cause fuelled by society or
religion, etc.), as well as the various
other restrictions and specific
What search terms should I use? (personal/individual) attitudes
towards women in Saudi Arabia
Some possible search terms that I
What search terms should I use?
should use include the key terms
Driving, Policies/Laws, Women,
and Saudi Arabia, as well as other Different search terms that I
terms such as restrictions,
should use other than the key terms
source, etc.
include Womens roles, Gender
attitudes in Saudi Arabia, etc.

What do I need to find out?

However, I will still need to find out
the specific influences (if any) as
well as the reasons behind these
opinions or cultural beliefs, including
supporting evidence as well as the
main points or those who oppose
the action of women driving in Saudi

What search terms should I use?

Some additional search terms to use
include influences, reasons
against women driving, and
religious/cultural/social influences


(add more rows if needed)

SOURCES of Information: Dont just say Library, Books or Google. For example, Library Database
eg Time Magazine, Biography in Context, Issues: Understanding Controversy & Society etc
Fill this table in BEFORE and DURING your research.
What information do I need to What SOURCES could I use to How useful was this source?
get this information? (be
The specific laws/policies
regarding this restriction in driving
in Saudi Arabia (including the name,
party of creation, persons it
affects/applies to, etc.)

Various sources that I could use to

gather this information include
various online newspapers or
databases such as the Independant
News and Huffington Post, as well
as online databases like Wikipedia
or international organisations such
as or official
national databases like www.

These sources were quite useful

as these different newspapers
and databases helped to provide
different aspects on the
(inexistent) legal policies
regarding this issue. These
sources have also provided
insight into the religious
policies that regard this ban.

Possible influences for this

restriction, which includes possible
social, ethical, or religious causes
for this injustice, including but not
limited to social gender attitudes,
ethical or cultural aspects, or the
influence of religious law.

Various sources that I could use to

gather this information include
various articles or papers regarding
social or cultural attitudes or
ethics in the Saudi Arabian society
from various sources including
hosting sites such as, as well as
other organisations regarding
social opinion or survey such as, which
analyses and provides data on
different social opinions.

These sources were not very

useful in this context, as it
turned out that other sources
such as opinionated articles or
analysis documents were more
effective in showing the
possible influences for this ban,
which are mainly social with a
religious foundation.

Reasons in which this injustice may

be correct or incorrect. For
what reasons was this inequality
tolerated for so long? What
arguments for and against this
injustice have been made?

Various sources that I could use to

gather this information include
different opinionated sites,
including secondary sources like
newspaper articles, as well as
primary sources (quotes from

These sources were very useful

as they clearly showed and
explained various different
reasons for both sides of this
argument on this issue. These
sources were also very useful as
they were also effective in
establishing possible influences
for this ban as mentioned above.

Possible ways in which to limit or

even extinguish this injustice.

Various sources that could be used

to gather this information would be
primary sources such as the
analysation of previous events
regarding the same cultural
injustice, in which an analysation of
the different previous actions
(including physical protests,
written petitions or appeals, etc.)
could help to identify the most
effective ways to help limit or even
extinguish this injustice.

This source has been useful as

analysis of previous actions
against this ban have helped to
identify some of the most
effective peaceful means of
achieving and acting against this

Methods or tools I will use to COLLECT & RECORD my information are: (give some detail be
clear about HOW you will collect & record)
Tools: eg. easybib, diigo, word, evernote, scoopit etc.
Methods: eg. notetaking, summarising, paraphrasing, mindmapping, brainstorming, cutting & pasting
relevant notes etc.

Fill in BEFORE you start your research

Fill in AFTER you finish



will I use to collect & record
information? (incl detail)

Why will I use them/do this?

(justify why you chose this/
these methods)

What did I actually do?

Planning Tools/Methods
Various tools/methods that can
be used for planning include
techniques of brainstorming,
mind mapping, and the usage of
word documents, or even just
plain paper and pen to map out
research aspects and possible
website layouts.

Main reasons in which I would

use these tools/methods in this
stage would be due to the
individual organisational and
planning properties, as using
these tools and methods have
helped during planning in the

During this stage, I did indeed

use methods for planning such as
brainstorming and the usage of
word documents to layout an
overall arguments and research

Research Tools/Methods
Tools/methods that could be
used in research include
documentary applications (eg.
words, pages), while using
summarising, note taking, and
cutting and pasting methods to
highlight and showcase the main
points of information collected
from various different sources.
Other tools such as diigo can
also be used to document and
highlight main points in research.

I feel that I could use these

tools/methods during research
as these tools/methods would
help greatly to highlight the main
points and ideas of sources,
which would be ideal as large
amounts of sources can be
available, and using these tools
and methods could help decrease
the time needed.

In this stage, I did indeed use

tools as suggested (pages), as
well as different methods such
as summarising, note taking, and
copy and pasting methods in
order to show the main points
and bits of information needed.

Organisational Tools/Methods
Tool/methods that could be used
for organisation include tools
such as Evernote (which is known
for its amazing organisational
settings) and dropbox (to insure
safety of document), as well as
methods of organisation based
on logical thought process or
time (in history or numbers)

I feel that I could use these

tools/methods during
organisation, as tools like
Evernote and Dropbox make it
much easier to categorise and
organise different points so that
it would be much more easier to
locate various sources,
documents, or pieces of
information. I also feel that I
could use methods based on
logical thought process or time
as this would make it easier to
create a website logically.

In this stage, I did indeed use

different methods of
organisation such as organisation
through thought process or in
time (dates and numbers) in
order to organise the different
bits of information collected for
and against this issue,

Website Creation Tools/

Various tools/methods that could
be used for and during website
creation includes tools such as
Weebly ( or,
which is a well known website
creation tool, as well as other
methods such as referring and
referencing other existing
websites for inspiration.

I feel that I could use these

various tools/methods in the
creation of this website as tools
such as or
are reliable and versatile
examples of website creation
tools, in which using these tools
would allow me to create a
creative and informative website
without having to worry about
aspects such as coding, which
tend to be upsetting and
frustrating at times from
previous experiences. The usage
of methods such as referencing
or referring from inspiration
from other existing websites
would also come in handy as the
best way to find your own unique
style is through looking at other
peoples and giving theirs a try.

Evaluation Tools/Methods
Some tools/methods that could
be used for evaluation including
tools such as turnitin (for
teacher feedback or originality
checks) and methods such as
peer editing or collecting various
other forms of feedback.

I feel that I could use these

tools/methods for evaluation as
tools such as have
many different functions for
teacher or peer feedback, in
which methods such as peer
editing and other forms of
feedback could also help in
evaluation as peer opinion would
help create a wider perspective
in self-evaluation.

Reference And Citation Tools/

Different tools/methods that
could be used for reference and
citation include tools such as
EasyBib or BibMe

I feel that I could use different

tools/methods in reference and
citations as different tools such
as EasyBib and BibMe are both
reliable and useful tools to
categorize and organise
references and citations.

In this stage, I did indeed use

website creation tools - mainly
Weebly Web Creator
( in order to layout
and present my arguments on a
website, in which I used other
existing websites as reference
to website layout and content
(images, videos, RSS feeds, etc.)

In this stage, I did indeed use

citation tools (more specifically
EasyBib), which helped me to
organise and present my
citations clearly in the APA

Pages needed to complete my website: What information and links will I need

Fill this table in BEFORE and DURING your website creation.

What information do I need to What Pages could I use to get How can I link the pages
this information across to the together?
audience? (be specific)
What issue is being discussed Who is affected, where does
this issue take place, and
generally, what does this issue

This information can be briefly

conveyed on the Home (Title)
Page and Introductory page (in
any manner of phrasing, with
some possible titles being The
Issue or What Is This?)

I can link these pages together

through repeating the brief
introductions on the home page
and use them in the
introductory page.

Why is this an issue? What are

the inequalities or injustices in
this issue of womens driving in
Saudi Arabia?

This information can also be

conveyed briefly in the
introductory page , as well as a
more specific page with titles
similar in meaning to Why Is
This An Issue? or The
Inequalities Of This Issue.

I can link these pages together

through repeating/ summarising
the key ideas of the previous
page in the first sentence/s of
this page.

Why We Should Care-

This information could be

combined with the previous
information in a page titled Why
Should We Care? or Why Take
Action? in order to partially
explain why this website was
created and also why this
activism is important.

These pages can be linked

together through a brief
summary/mentioning of the
issue mentioned in the previous
pages, with a quick listing of
main injustices, which can then
be linked to our daily lives in
this page.

Different ways for activismHow can we act against this


This information could be

conveyed in a Take Action or
Help Now page, in which the
audience is given a chance to be
involved in this activism.

Pages can be linked through rementioning/ summarising

previous information and reusing some points to point out
good and influential points for
different types of possible

Other Opinions-

This information could be

conveyed as supporting evidence
or references in The Issue (or
What Is This?) page, as well as
used as counter-arguments that
are answered in order to
support activism in Why Should
We Care or Inequalities pages.

These pages can be linked

throughout different
paragraphs, with these other
opinions being briefly mentioned
in The Issue Page, which would
also be elaborated in the
Inequalities Page.

How does this issue impact or

relate to our daily lives? Why
should we act against this?

Why is this considered

correct and equal in some
perspectives? What specific
influences/arguments are there
for this issue?

Different references and

citations used


This information can be

conveyed with a Reference and
citations page.

These pages can be linked

through establishing a link
between the content in the
website created and various
other sources.

(add more rows if needed)

Steps in the Process: Briefly outline Intended Date

(list) the steps you will work through to
complete this assessment. You should
include planning BEFORE researching,
WHEN you will research, then WHEN
you will put together the final product.
Fill in the Actual Dates as you go.


If dates differ briefly

explain why.
(If the dates are the
same, you do not need to
fill this in)

Break the steps down to be clear and

specific. You need a minimum of SIX

Identify Chosen Aspect

January 26.

Jan .26

Identify Elements For Research

Jan. 28

Jan. 28

Create Action Plan - Sources of

February 5
Information and Tools And Methods

February 7 These dates differed due

to inefficient usage of

Formulate Pages Needed

February 8


Formulate Estimated Time Frame

February 11


Collect Research

February 15


These dates differed to

different CNY activities.

Plan And Format Weebly Website

February 20

Analysing and Evaluation

February 21


These dates differed as

the deadline was
extended, which gave me
more time to proof read
and add more relevant
data to the site.

Things that went
Things that went well in
the creation and
Creating &
following of the action
plan would be the
action plan
satisfactory completion
(sources of
of all steps with
satisfactory depth, as I
tools and
was able to collect a
variety of information
pages needed,
from varying forms of
and time
sources (eg. articles,
databases, videos, etc.)
as a result of a clear
listing of different
aspects of research
needed. In addition, I
also gained significant
insight to both sides of
the argument on this
driving ban (including
its origins, reasons
behind this ban, the
daily effect of this ban,

Things that need


Ways of improving

Things that I feel need

improvement in the
creation and following of
the action plan include the
time needed (taken) to
complete certain aspects,
as it took a particularly
long time in process to
identify all sources of
information as well as
tools/methods. I also feel
that I could have been
more specific in the
formulation of the pages
needed as well as sources
of information, as I felt
that the content under
some of these categories
were slightly redundant.

Some ways that I feel could

effectively improve these
aspects include a more
specific time frame (with
more specific allocation of
different parts), as well as
more organised and logical
schedule adjusted to various
different events and
occurrences. I could also
improve these aspects
through being more specific
in the details of the
previously mentioned

Collecting and


Some things that I feel

went well during this
stage would be the
overall quality and
variety of sources of
information collected
during this stage, as I
was able to collected
information on
different key aspects
of this ban from a large
variety of different
source types (including
articles, blogs, videos,
interview transcripts,
etc.), where I was able
to understand and gain
knowledge on both sides
of the argument for and
against this active ban
of driving as a woman.

Some aspects that I feel

could be improved in this
stage includes a possibility
of larger variety in the
article source type, as
most information collected
from this source came
from four main publishing
sources (Huffington Post,
The Economist, The
Independant, and The

I feel that this aspect could

be improved through a more
specific research and
collection of data from a
larger variety of news
agencies from other areas (as
the main sources previously
mentioned are mainly based in
the United Kingdom) in order
to collect additional opinions
as well as possible additional

Some things that I feel

went well during this
stage would be the
overall time and effort
as well as the visual
aesthetics of the
website itself, as the
tool Weebly provided a
large variety of
customisable widgets,
themes, and mediums of
data expression in the
form of text, images,
videos, etc. As a result,
the process and time
needed to create and
organise the content of
the website was greatly
decreased and resulted
in a more efficient
usage of the time
provided in this project.

Some aspects that I feel

could be improved include
the overall layout of the
pages, as although the
general layout was similar
and quite efficient, I feel
that some pages
(especially The Issue page)
were more crowded than
others. I also felt that
some various widgets or
forms of communication
were limited (eg. the
presence of audio, and
other forms of
communication) as a result
of the application/tools
used. I also feel that the
various pages could be
more connected
throughout the entire

Some ways that I feel could

help improve these issues
include the usage of more
links and reference of
content between pages (which
can be used to separate and
further organise page
content), as well as fluidity
and connection between
different ideas and aspects
of this issue. I also feel that
these issues could be
improved through the
possible usage of other tools
due to limitations of
communication. However, this
is not a large issue, as has proven to be
more user-friendly,
interactive, and customisable
in many various aspects.

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