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No. Nama ____Judul Rasional ea] Noni Vitria Alaina Content analysis of Curriculum 20% - Tewtook for Grade X Provide by Educational Niaistey 2. RE Pradindn Me smplementation of dtudent tom a “fe adriemant Divider 'C Gap) tH Leach’ Grammer s 3. | Na Yet Cniad \nenmation Ga Mia facing Ee ot od aN 4, Rafi 2-8 Reaching Teadley to Amgeole fivdent Reading” avility” Aucough eam 6 © nara Cree) ae mie S| PaGratva's [ne Implementation af outive Uidear af an Authentic Matatal in Aeadnivy M@ering & | dnaivulbaly Ar andere of Aidente fel Me Maftery aol here in, Woarigy Conerert, | + (Favors Aura Ae analy ke f Readrace’ abitive wn Actecting Geoding Lelie 8.) Our Paaaln ead eatin oe UE Kime to een | oa ae & J: Mina chaieus Aden Koa lang Na Ka Yietgg laa sahni Que Ware to_anbanes| The eFFeCtS OF Reading moivatiun on feacling, acigvement lo. Mor-yanti (CAdescriPrive sidy ae Firse grade ie QuolitahUe Fefaarch an a Compre Mt. ravaon aiggonee © aed pau Ha. Cur fara on, [ere Uh of 3H dhrotegr Cire, tidden, ww your need Can Keaching Vaading | | PotLina aa Conralvutiont ane Performance AdLerar enyseling Prudent Sone fells 14. Qonci eFends “fre wutlementahion of Pod QUio Asser WW Ernlish Language Teachins CELI SMEYT Banda Acer” Judul Rasional ‘A Wa Mura ped Raadning Grammar ith Ao toLace | Adoniaue to he a * Minuuen ieee Cun ey An bua fe of the final tect Validity. Ca reternive eettack Of Usa _ ar cont 1G Jue \niran Pamarents Witlnng Podveer 80% GUE Lon Aude SS smpeVigy Vecabilanies Ning Anne — pare - thare tenatave to | VY}. [How fia wyple fibers Leanne Okeomer bn Writing 1B. Dad fahoni fockordt “Affecting ftedante’ AchiaVamons! | _ddvate. hog ak.» = = : UEing Graphic omaniZen Ctralegen to 9, Evdey eve ance tan ohn a + 1 END CE pre “§ psaraeye Spay on ch \ payee Teach "| nya Se recs kr eee nqroliny fivdank? alatity on Uakny Say Wve Rene \y é es (cede eee =I [Noe Swaplarnentation, af T6t tehniaue sa[Parmiss Ug Sah pee ree 23. |Nova Riskayanti Appius Slay Stray Technique te Improve Students! Achievenent in Writing Oeteriplive Text 24. |Mautehah Kaela Svdy Vewen vuderstnuina| Nocab vlan Cup grammartal Com rcteure M Banish TO Balok Steaks Sietls }25 | Mustaini The Grateqies wed by Featsh Teacher] w ech) Pecdy Gonphrehersion at Pasantven! Dya 2 Pasaurren pi forqavw % |Herima PEwi The APruCation OF Prozect Based Learning }" Wproving Student'S SfeaKing Kit Classroom Aotion Research ak x1 Ak, = ~-- a. AS. Dewi Teaching Vocaloular, Usa Male. a Mate Tecate 3 (4 Classroom Action Research at the Fou Graders OF MIN Merdvati ) No. Nama Judul Rasional — Applying Reading through Topic and) 37 | ZAHRINA Main Ideas: “straredy +40 improve students’ ara ciodl Ree seth aan pally : "AK Avalysis “Khe Uses of Discourse Marrers 28 | Qulvika \Cos), } Cairo [uteracttous Ca Case [Seidl ko Ue stadeuts ad Reusk sem AW AP Rani ) | Using, Sark Stores Can wiprove ne 29 | Hesbrit teddies Gouprdierton AGUS ( Sey Sy ee Ret euuder of (tak Serure & | Yusmadon ar Teaching Reading comprehenson By set (Asie Stout L works Techniaue. | ; Prrblem -Reateol bearer. TTeuber Rapa Murva P ba ; 8 hig fertng © Comprehonds Jes ex} Hl SA ! 18) frat Tinaenet J ae gl ihe Analysis of Summative Te 32 | KHAIRUN NISAK | OF High School Students at SMAN Gandapurm Bireun « CA cee Study in SMAN Gandopura Bireun | le Effect OF Fostive and Negotivel | 33 /INTArY Mayasae! [feedback in Learning Subject -Verb Agreement by the Hudents of SMA Ali Hasjmi A Study on the Race error (24) Nova Cita regrsiey eean CRreagh ghoy ab St r teenda. eee = iA Descriptive St + 35° | Rainn xed e § lich Woahiers te Testa tarcith ae Babun Aa Melber Taran reed thet & Improwing, Students’ atnity Reacting Conprchetnd 36 | \suemeiyen OA 3 fl grt sel) : the lmplementaton eG Listenin) 34 Dara Yusuida a Ruse Sh A SMA lab school Z Banda Aceh ) - | 38 Wyanc A desciptve chy of teaching vorihin at MA Labschool_Unsyiah+ | orm Nesey Seon oy Off Goperein a Sen a moder of Inide- Ode Tew, A ecrAec eas Ar Sim Lele Choo Anh) 40. Desha Vitra Student's Objectivity im peer alles went Yunella tn eatin GA aoe Study GL UY ArRaniny ) DAFTAR NAMA-NAMA JUDUL RASIONAL NO NAMA JUDUL RASIONAL Al Ferra MaARDaNt An Analysis of aa English Textboor Used lat (MIkN 1 Teunom (Real Times An Ineractye [Enalish Courte for Vit_ Junior High School (ited 1)') 4 ‘Endah Anisa Raha The Effect of Indirect Corrective Feedback in Reducing Error on Students’ Writing (an Experimental study art (grade student of SMAN 1 Mes 43 Oke Liana Using poetry to Teach rg KV Ire Porophrase Sea ay eer Ga AA Acniyatus Shabari yall % Kves Toward the eels Fee ease ee A Shuby in us Can Barons Toupision’ Je Scheele tw Benda Acch end Ach Beohe esate “gear 2014-2015) Developing Peading takaols ko Lhe Sreden OF STAIN Maliknstoler Uhekseumawe ue. Bint Grvita Sari \mprwng Stents Spraking ability ly “utr Carigon Film On Second Lemeter § cal STAIN Malikustalen Lnokseuma.we - 41 Numi Fegrieh The Toth Ach Learners’ Expertence in | Eaglids Teaching an® Learnrae, Recess thresl Fac RewA guniava Teaches’ Views on Vigil Learting Teas mentation in Engr: Languege ACE Ns ee hacer tee | Kadcina Arh ic, Ao Andysis on Techers’ Queshons toes ekg ekg s t CUT MUTIA WARDANI K comparative study of Enslish Teach 4nd caning Ebteciveness) bat ween Moon Agnes Sxpahu’ar Analygs tw underskoudtug 0}, Can bo NS col GH Sri Rahayu JV Code switching for HospTtality : Cut Mulia 2uAps: case Shady on RetepKanis t cust, Areca A Hotel cer vice Applying SCaffolDINé Techniax To ImProve students? Achievement fn | Writing descnbtue 4ext(onergermental Resen a enguich Tecching and learning Prrcess 54. |Mubowmed Buirea | in fn teal ap Lene Pesettns via Cartes Ciildeen's Cemanse Awareness Frow 5S Loran Vlertda Olartse “There Lingurstic_ Models - (Chease dy Ou Claidcen Lugoistre Development, At LATIFA Preexhoo i, 2015). ws & Qisians to Weacler Tak 56. | Cut fallin Mathsom |: ee “gue Tpelaioa yin vers Clas S FOO: 7 | RIaKANA : by ste TA Shely of Verbal and Nea Teacher | 5 dba ia ae are ote i = 1 59. | PAMIATI Seay pt Seger os a 5 The .Use of paar Throwing me, | ae Go | Rima Erwing (arr, Sars? as es Analycis on the Appliation oc dul Gt |Hayarun Nufas be eggeive. Nowkiae ae ier ciel nwa yqaken ren (2 Ceguear ea. AelietS Pacers RMA IDA DATA pene eos 3 iE Lanouage A Tees toward Greater G3. | Soraya = and_North jie dialects on, eee @. |N FAS oS heal fr | astiati mis fue of” anion hidh cial | ‘An Anatysis on The Grammatical Error in The. a inting De; 65 [earidarun Huswn Nee codon fete Aash | 6 \DA FARA te \nnplementatton of Teaching dking oA | et on | G2. {Hust hatioah Ratt ae Meaening writ) Ch tase Souls x Engish Edacarion renee of vin ee FA2HLAN ee Por w se lath NO NAMA JUDUL RASIONAL The edtedt of Using leamer- Centered, Modul < 7 | Micee Headey he Deeeathee Aug NINestt rer ar Honea Claes AN Hegcleneatvad ¥ Cducehon cigs = [Rwae Dow TEACHING Reape Comp 2e HENCion Fee aoe ope is TEC RATED Compe: ome Bepe TAL fruoy ves THE pirep Sébesree. kr ACCounrHg Alon 6F STIG Titkn, AKAN AT Bhaj6cA CHOkCEUMawe 7! RIADHUL MaRHAMaH TEACHERS’ INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS IN EFL CLASSROOM 72 NASE AT} Teachers Obrl4ade In Aare TAG sclenific AbpeesCH Barep ON cueeiculum “Bs (K-13 7 Pad Gescreive quetwinv'e Leremrewii: OM [At Ma Alea 4 Bieeuen >) ie Rees use OF CLT aes 45 Rodatsl Sveh | sets ee Stree cea Barres Wn Comment dn | | #4: a. unika Tenens (Ematish 40 img14 peeuges! Peetnne Ackla Terception on Wacker! Ocal Grek) Class (A udy at Acker eae a ig + ‘| G Nurlayti Yanti ee eat sree? y Autonomour Learning, exploring Lestrecy Use_oc Ut a 77 Roby ? i ea Lgsrooma CA paar aa Negeri 7¢ Risa Dhian nushur Sociolinguistics Analyas of Hes dtikayt rand fab, es Affected the Spine of Act To Nidar Velayati ale Felationship between Ceittcal Thinking Ability aud Stdents ~ Reading Con 0 Nova Rika Absita Th 5 : - hscigte The Ux of Bl U ir Writns 81 |QivBl PUTRA urama. Lega aan = gee mt Amal li “eds! MB. | Zamecaey ee wn ots ieee ease. Pot SMA/MA__ GRADE | Sevester 1 Cé textbook based on | |

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