Architecture: VS.: Romanesque Gothic

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1. What is being contrasted?
a. Romanesque vs. Gothic altars
b. Romanesque vs. Gothic arches
c. Romanesque vs. Gothic towers
2. Describe the architectural novelty that occurred in mid 12th century in France.
In cathedrals,
3. This architectural change was related to the theology of (put answer in first
blank below)
a. Peace
b. Love
c. Miracles
d. Light
The _____________________ OF WHOM?
4. The new Gothic feature was (stronger/less strong) and (more flexible/less flexible)
than the Romanesque feature.
5. True / False
The feature difference discussed in this video changed the entire way cathedrals were
conceived, designed and built.

1. In the early Middle Ages, everything was based on
feudal manors.

After the Crusades, people moved

away from manors and there was an
increase in ___________________.
2. With this change (see above) and more
people coming to towns, guilds developed.
What was a guild?

3. What did guilds have control of?

a. wages
b. hours

c. working conditions
d. A & B
e. All of the above
4. Was it free to join a guild? Justify your answer. ____________________.
5. True / False (if false, please correct): Once you joined a guild as a young girl,
you could open your own shop within three years.

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