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Nervous system

What is the nervous system?

a linked network of nerves and
connective tissue that provides control,
regulation, and sensory input
relays (sends) messages, processes
information, and analyzes information
Central nervous system
consists of the brain and spinal cord
the brain contains roughly 100 billion
neurons, or nerve cells!

Nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
all the neurons and related cells that
are not part of the brain or spinal cord
sensory division - brings in information
from the senses
motor division - sends signals to the
muscles and glands

Neuron signaling
a cell specialized for sending and receiving
dendrites are short branches that carry signals
from the environment or other neurons to the cell
the axon is a long branch that sends signals
away from the cell body, ending in axon
the axon is wrapped in a fatty sheath called
myelin, which helps protect the axon and send
clear messages
the space between an axon terminal and another
neuron is called a synapse

Nerve signals
Receptors in your sense organs
detect a signal
Signal is sent to brain via sensory
Brain analyzes the information
Brain sends signal to an effector (for
example muscle) via motor neurons

Nerve signals

Describe the path of a signal from
sensing to processing to reaction

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