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Executive Deputy Commissioner

February 19, 2016

Mr. Steven Banks

NYC Human Resources Administration
Department of Social Services
150 Greenwich Street, 42nd Floor
New York, NY 10007
Dear Commissioner Banks:
In the course of the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistances
(OTDA) on-going investigation of emergency shelters operated by the New York City Department
of Homeless Services (DHS), we learned yesterday of an extremely disturbing incident.
Specifically, during our inspection of the Bellevue Mens Shelter on February 18, 2016, OTDA
inspectors were told by a security officer of a gang-rape that had occurred a few weeks ago in
which a resident was hog-tied and raped by several other residents. The Bellevue security
officer stated that the resident was found, still bound, by a security guard.
Based on the information we have received from a security officer at Bellevue, we are
immediately notifying the New York City Police Department and the State Police and requesting
that they conduct a comprehensive law enforcement investigation into this alleged incident.
Further, OTDA was not informed of this incident, nor was there an incident report on file
or any related entries in the security log. Because of this and the other findings from yesterdays
inspection about insufficient security presence, OTDA directs DHS to:

Immediately advise why OTDA was not informed of this incident which was reported by a
DHS security staff.

Provide to OTDA, within 24 hours, copies of an incident report, police report, and all other
documentation related this incident, including what steps were taken to identify and report
the alleged perpetrators to law enforcement.

Post additional around-the-clock police officers at Bellevue until further notice. In

addition, DHS is directed to immediately add patrols in all stairwells in the building during
all shifts.

DHS is directed to install security cameras throughout the facility on or before March 31,

40 North Pearl Street, Albany, NY 12243-0001


Within 24 hours, conduct and provide to OTDA an assessment of the security protocols in
place at the Bellevue Mens Shelter and determine whether those protocols are
adequate, generally, and whether they were adequate on the date of this incident.
Explain why or why not. If inadequate, describe how these protocols will be improved.

This reported incident at Bellevue is yet another in a rash of alarming and violent attacks
on emergency shelter residents administered by DHS, including four deaths (including two
children) and two serious injuries from knife violence within the last three weeks. Accordingly, in
addition to all of the other steps we have directed you to take in the interest of public safety, we
also direct that you ensure that officers are appropriately armed so that they can protect the
safety and the lives of emergency shelter residents throughout the City.
Finally, you have failed to comply with one of the directions set forth in Executive Deputy
Devines February 10, 2016 letter. You are again directed to immediately provide to OTDA an
assessment of security measures in place at all hotels/motels and cluster sites in your district
which are being used to house any recipients of temporary housing assistance, as well as an
aggressive plan for providing and improving security measures at each facility.

Samuel D. Roberts


Superintendent Joseph A. D'Amico

Commissioner William Bratton

40 North Pearl Street, Albany, NY 12243-0001

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