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Guess Paper of Computer Studies 9th Class Important Short Questions

What is the use of OCR software? What is the use of output unit? What is Video Controller? What is Hybrid
Computer? Which is the most powerful computer? Why hardware is useless without software Why RAM is a
volatile memory? Write fifth generation shortly Write basic difference between SRAM and DRAM? How
integrated circuits are better than transistor? Write the use of USB port Define resolution Write two different
uses of CD-ROM Write two advantages of low level languages How does electro thermal printer work? What is
meant by computer organization? Define Disk Drive Machine Differentiate between High Level and Low Level
Languages Write down two negative impacts of computer and internet on society Write down two advantages of
transistor Write down the use of microphone Write down names of any four devices
which are used as input and output devices Why Laptop is popular? What is the use of computer simulations is
education? What is the role of computer is distance learning? How can we categorize secondary storage
devices? What is the difference between Numeric and Alphanumeric Keys? What is system unit? What is meant
by expansion method? What is meant by UPC? What is PROM? For what purpose it is used? Define
EEPROM? What is the difference between primary and secondary memory? What is the purpose of Caps Lock
Key? What is CRT Monitor? What is the use of monitor? What is the importance of computer in the field of
banking? What is the function of TREE command? taleem-e-pakistan dot com Give examples of important
secondary memory What is number system? Write the names of two number systems What is backing storage
device? What is meant by computer storage? Write about Great Gaming Platform in Windows What is function
of Alt key? Define folders How does a dot matrix printer work? What is My Computer Icon? How did
microprocessor affect computer? How are computers used in retailing applications? For what purpose
supercomputer is usually used? Explain the Taleem e Pakistan dot comclassification of computers according to
purpose Differentiate






program? Differentiate




byte Differentiate between Binary and Decimal Number System What is meant by complement of any binary
number? What is short cut? Describe fonts option in Control Panel Describe motherboard Describe a
programming language Write a note on digital camera Describe a Computer Language Define Unicode Define
the computer code Define pocket computer Define Nibble Define mouse event Write names of different mouse
events Write the steps to search files Define microcomputer Define Floppy Disk Define electronic data
processing Define desktop computer Define computers generation and their major functions Convert 1 MB into
GB How does a laser Printer Works? How does the abacus work? How were punched cards used? LCD and
CRT stands for what? Major commands name State the purpose of Seek Time
Theory of the Von Neumann? Use of computer in different fields What are mnemonics? What are
Robots? What are the advantages of using trackball instead of mouse? What do UNIVAC and ENIAC stand
for? What do you know about cache memory? What do you know about Joystick? Define Hardware Write
names of three different hardware units What is EBCDIC Codes? What do you mean by Logic Unit? What is an
interpreter? What is assembly language? What is basic difference between keyboard and type writer? What is
difference Engine? What is meant by EDP? What is meant by coding? What is Main memory? What is impact
printer? What is Graphical user Interface (GUI) What is Computer memory? What is Boolean algebra? What
is bar code reader? What is a literal? What is AND Gate? Make truth table for OR operator What are batch
files? Define wild cards Define VGA? Define the Data Rate Define the byte and byte address Define
shortcut Define scanner Define Recycle Bin Define plug and play Define CD Command with an
example Define Number systems? Define Not Gate Define Copy Command with an example Define Machine

Language Define LISP Define is minterms? Define Icon Define hexadecimal number system? Define file
extension taleem e pakistan dor com Define address bus ASCII stands for? What are anti-virus
programs? Explain Random Access memory Describe advancements during 1950 to 1960 What is meant by
voice recognition? What is meant by identity element? What do you known about Boolean expressions? What
are Magnetic Stripe Cards? How does Dos organize data? What are types of DOS files? Name the different
computer languages Name different types of keyboards How would you rename a file or folder? How would you
open and make selections from a menu? How would you create a folder? How would you copy a file/folder from a
Floppy disk to other drive?

Important Long Questions of 9th Class for Computer Studies 2016

What is antivirus? Write two examples of antivirus program What is difference between track ball and
mouse? Explain the types of computer languages Differentiate between system software and application
software? Explain briefly the Service software and its types What is software? What are the types of
software? What is ROM? Discuss its different types What is meant by Language Translator? Write a note on
different types of Language Translators Explain the history and development of taleem e pakistan dot com
computer List out some differences between PROM and EPROM Explain the Real-time operating system
(RTOS) Explain three main data types used in different computer applications What is Number System, write note
on Decimal Number System and Hexadecimal Number System? Explain the classification of computers according
to type of data handled Write a note on computer virus and also explain how we can prevent our computers from
it? Write a note on first and second generation of computer Define Operating System, What are different types of
Operating System based upon user interface? Write a note on Functions and jobs of an Operating System Define
Bus, Write note on different types of Buses What is Distribution Law and Associative Law? Write down the steps
to open a recently used document Write a note on System software What is the difference between a digital and
analog computer? What is difference between data and information? Explain the types of data Difference between softcopy output and hardcopy output? Describe in detail the purpose and working
of the main memory Describe in detail the purpose and working of hard disk Describe briefly the conversion of
different number systems Define Computer Write note on Mainframe and minicomputer Define computer Give
some examples of computer applications Describe the Data organization within a byte or in a word Describe
various steps involved in speech recognition? Difference between Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer What
is a Windows? Describe different Windows Controls State the purpose of Internet Explorer What are the
disadvantages of using Boolean algebraic laws? Define Boolean algebra and explain various logical operators used
in it Modern computer are based on stored program concept? Who introduces the concept? Name different areas
of a keyboard and some key functions What are advantages and disadvantages of K-map method? What are
command line operating systems? Further explain different DOS Commands How data is
organized on magnetic disks? Explain using a labeled diagram the concept of track and sector when describing
magnetic disk storage What are output devices? Explain any two types of output devices What are ports? Write a
note on different types of ports Describe the advancements in the computer during the 1950s and 2015s What is
a CPU? Describe briefly its main functions What is a plotter? Explain different types of plotters What are
Compilers and Interpreters?

Computer Studies Guess Paper 9th Class 2016

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