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Name: __________________________________________
1. Circle the animal that weights the most and complete.

The cat weights _______________ than the rabbit.

The rabbit weights _______________ than the frog.
2. Circle the heaviest object and cross the lightest.

3. Order each object by writing a number in the blank space, from

the lightest to the heaviest.

Maths 2nd_Unit 3_Weight and capacity. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

4. Observe and paint a fruit in each scale.

5. Observe and think. Would you use KILOS or GRAMS to measure

these objects?

1 KILO = 1000 GRAMS
Maths 2nd_Unit 3_Weight and capacity. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

6. Observe and compare these object following the example:

The cow is heavier than the goat.
The goat is lighter than the cow.



Maths 2nd_Unit 3_Weight and capacity. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

7. Observe these objects and circle the one that has more capacity.

8. Observe these objects and order them from the most capacity to
the least.

9. Match:
Less than one litre

One litre

More than one litre

Maths 2nd_Unit 3_Weight and capacity. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

10. Complete:
This bin is _____________________
This bin is _____________________
10. Write FULL or EMPTY

11. Complete:
TO CALCULATE WEIGHT WE USE ____________________
TO CALCULATE CAPACITY WE USE ____________________
Maths 2nd_Unit 3_Weight and capacity. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

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