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Felicity DeWeese

Biology Period 7
11 September 2015


Yeast Farts


Purpose- Can yeast blow up a balloon?


Hypothesis- If yeast creates gas when added to warm water and sugar, then it can be
determined how much gas is given off depending and the amount of yeast used.


Procedure- First, pour a packet of yeast into a clear plastic bottle. Then add some
warm water to the bottle so that the bottle is a fourth of the way full. Next, add a
teaspoon of sugar to the mixture of yeast and water. Now, stir the contents of the
bottle. After stirring the mixture, put a balloon on the top of the bottle and wait 5
minutes. Repeat the experiment 2 more times, adding one more packet of yeast each
Materials List- yeast, warm water, sugar, a teaspoon, a timer, a clear plastic bottle,
balloons, and a stirring stick.


Data and Observations- The experiment was inconclusive due to lack of thinking.


Conclusion- The purpose of this lad was to determine if yeast could blow up a
balloon. It was hypothesized that if yeast creates gas when added to warm water and
sugar, then it can be determined how much gas is given off depending on the amount
of yeast used. It was predicted that the more yeast added to the solution, the more the
balloon will blow up. It was planned that there would be three experiments; the first
with one packet of yeast, the second with two packets of yeast, and the third with
three packets of yeast. Unfortunately, the experiment was inconclusive because the
group, including myself, made many errors and had to redo the experiment

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