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Design of a residence for a family of four (father ,

mother , 2 children in which one child is
handicapped.) catering to their
Varied needs as required , in a site adjoining a
lake .

- The site have a 4m level difference at its
- The design should be efficient to tap the wind
and scenaries
- The design should be universally accessible for
both the floors..but without using any
mechanical means such as elevators ,
escalators etc.

The design aimed at refining the ambience within
the residence and also to blend seamlessingly with
the picturesque scenery.In addition to a basic
residential module , it also encompassed additional
units to accommodate a dancing room.
Site context was integrated into the design by
effective manipulation of its contours so as to
create interesting and differing levels within the

There is also segregation of views among the

different user types and proper directive elements
have been employed for the same

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