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Karina Desai

23 February 2016
Buckingham High School
To Senior Portfolio Committee,
I am writing this Cover Letter to summarize and explain my plans after High School and create a
pathway for the steps I will take to make my aspirations, goals, and dreams come true. I am
also writing this Cover Letter for the approval of my Senior Portfolio. I hope to graduate high
school and begin to pursue a career in criminology.
Throughout high school, I have acquired many different skills and talents. The Computer
Technology & Media class I took Freshmen year, enhanced my typing skills and technology
skills that I still remember from today. During my 4 years of high school, I have made a plan for
all the classes I would take and the amount of units I have or need, and the graduation
requirements I would need to meet in order to graduate. So far, Im following that plan and
intend to do so until the end of high school. To prepare for the future, I have taken and am
currently taking core classes and AP Psychology because I want to major in Psychology.
Experiences at BCMHS have influenced my future plans by the career fair, talking with the
counselor and different teachers. For my Service Learning project, I have learned and thrived a
lot, and can work well with kids of all ages as well as serve the community. I am volunteering for
3 different places, and one of them is a ministry for the Fathers House. I am ready to pursue a
post-secondary education because I have the necessary skills and talents that I have acquired
during high school.
My immediate plans after high school is to go to a 4-year university down South. My top 3
colleges that I want to attend are UC Riverside, UC Irvine, and Cal Poly. I have gone
undeclared, but Im thinking about majoring in psychology. Although I do not want to be a
psychologist, I want to use the degree to pursue a career in the criminology field. If time permits
and classes arent heavy, I want to minor in business. Minoring in business will give me prior
knowledge and skills that I can use in the future. Some steps I can take to achieve this goal, is
to first graduate high school, get into the college I want to, make arrangements to go to that
school, and enroll in classes that are related to my Psychology major. I plan to take 4-5 years of
college, and earn my bachelors degree. I also hope to find a job if my school load isnt heavy so
I can keep up with my schooling bills and stay out of college debt.
I wholeheartedly thank you for going through my senior portfolio, and reading this cover letter. I
anticipate your enthusiastic behavior of my portfolio and am looking forward to graduate high
school. I am ready to begin the new phase of my life, go on adventures, and explore the
different studies out there. As my high school career ends, I hope to stay on my pathway and
not stray away from it.
Karina Desai

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