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Lysergic Acid

Peyton Bogue

Where LSD Comes From

LSD is one of the most potent, mood-changing chemicals. It is known as a hallucinogen. It is
manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in the ergot fungus that grows on rye and
other grains.
It is produced in crystal form in illegal laboratories, mainly in the United States. These crystals
are converted to a liquid for distribution. It is odorless, colorless, and has a slightly bitter
Occasionally it is sold in liquid form, but no matter what form it comes in, LSD leads the user
to the same placea serious disconnection from reality.
LSD users call an LSD experience a trip, typically lasting twelve hours or so. When things go
wrong, which often happens, it is called a bad trip, another name for a living hell.
LSD is sold on the street in small tablets (microdots), capsules or gelatin squares (window


The very same characteristics that led to the

incorporation of hallucinogens, like LSD, into
ritualistic or spiritual traditions have also led to
their propagation as drugs of abuse. The
effects of hallucinogens are highly variable and
unreliable, producing different effects in
different people at different times. This is
mainly due to the significant variations in
amount and composition of active compounds,
particularly in the hallucinogens derived from
plants and mushrooms. Because of their
unpredictable nature, the use of hallucinogens
can be particularly dangerous. LSD does not
appear to be physically addictive but can make
LSD users psychologically dependent.

Street Names
Battery Acid
California Sunshine
Golden Dragon
Heavenly Blue

Window Pane
Yellow Sunshine

Street Cost
The typical street cost for LSD is around $40.

Short Term Effects

Dilated pupils
High/Low body temperature
Sweating or chills
Loss of appetite
Dry mouth

Visual hallucinations
A sense of euphoria
Distortion of sense of time
Impaired death perception
Severe thoughts and
Fear of Losing Control
Panic Attacks
Severe depression or

Long Term Effects

Bad trips
Hyperactive delusions
Severe Depression
Increased amount to get a high


Most users of LSD voluntarily decrease or stop its use

over time. LSD is not considered an addictive drug
since it does not produce compulsive drug-seeking
behavior. However, LSD does produce tolerance, so
some users who take the drug repeatedly must take
progressively higher doses to achieve the state of
intoxication that they had previously achieved. This is
an extremely dangerous practice, given the
unpredictability of the drug. In addition, crosstolerance between LSD and other hallucinogens has
been reported.

Stories of LSD Abuse

I started drinking at the age of 15. Then I progressed to taking Ecstasy, speed, cocaine and LSD. I found it difficult to hold down a job
and became depressed and thought I would never overcome my obsession with drugs. I attempted suicide twice by overdosing on pills. I
was put under psychiatrists who gave me even more drugs, antidepressants and tranquilizers, which just made matters worse. As an
outlet for my feelings I turned to self-harmI started cutting and burning myself. Justin
"After taking the acid, I imagined that we had driven head-on into an eighteen-wheeler and were killed. I could hear the screeching
metal, then a dark and evil quiet. I was terrified at this point, I actually thought we were dead....For a year I wouldnt go into any
cemetery because I was terrified I would find my own grave. Jenny
I started hanging out at strip clubs, casinos and became very promiscuous, visiting brothel after brothel and soon to be introduced to
other drugs. I had now lost all my inheritance and had to move into a crack house where I stayed for a year watching people die, losing
my business and becoming a thief. I was arrested in November 2003 for attempted hijacking and went to prison. I had hurt and lost
everyone that loved me and I was disowned. I ended up homeless and on the streets living and sleeping in a cardboard box by the [train]
station, begging and struggling to find ways to get my next meal. Fred

Federal Law

State and Federal Law

Trafficking 1-9 grams mixture (one dose is roughly 100 micrograms

Potential Sentence for Possession
Schedule I or II, 1st offense
Class 3 Felony
4-12 years in prison and fines of $3,000- $750,000
Schedule I or II, 2ndoffense
Class 2 felony
8-24 years in prison and $5,000- $1 million

of LSD, 0.5g including the paper):

First Offense
Not less than 5 yrs, and not more than 40 yrs.
If death or serious injury results, not less than 20 years
or more than life.
Fine not to exceed $2 million.
Second Offense
Not less than 10 yrs, and not more than life.
If death or serious injury results, life imprisonment.
Fine not to exceed $4 million

Trafficking 10 grams or more mixture:

First Offense
Not less than 10 yrs, and not more than life in prison.

Local Sentencing For LSD in

- 4 years probation.
- If violation occurs he will serve 3 - 6 years
in prison.
- $1,000.00 fine.
Crime - Sold drugs to undercover officers, and was
in possession of .3 grams of the substance.

Local Area help for LSD addicts

Arapahoe House -

Red Rocks Recovery Center

Inpatient and outpatient care

Red Rock Recovery Center

Works with Teens

12567 W Cedar Drive

Admin Offices

Lakewood, Colorado 80228

Arapahoe House Administrative Offices

8801 Lipan Street
Thornton, CO 80260



(In order of information)

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