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The Pryor Family

Forwarding Agents:
Mr.& Mrs. Dale Dunlap
2407 Rhea Road
Knoxville TN 37920



P. O. Box 997, Madang, Papua New Guinea

June, 1995

This newsletter will feature our older son Jesse,

as he will be graduating from.
high school June 20. We

thought you'd enjoy "seeing" JJ jgiplOmCl

what he's been involved in ^
One ofJesse's extracurricular activities this past
year has been his participation in a singing group
called Light Force. Here he is playing the guitar
when they went on tour.

We had a special '50's partyfor our P.B.T. kids at

our Annual Meeting in January. Here is Jesse with
Debbie and Amanda Parrish.

Besides singing, the Light Force group emphasizes

giving testimonies and sharing one'sfaith. Here's
Jesse sharing with some school children following
a concert. Jesse says he doesn 't enjoy the
performing aspect as much as talking withfolks
afterwards. One highlight oftheir last tour was the
opportunity to sing and share at a jail.

Jesse sprained his ankle last term playing

basketball and had to be on crutchesfor
several weeks. Isn't it nice he hadfriends such
as Kristy and Keren to help him get around?

We praise the Lord for the growth we see in

Jesse both physically and spiritually. Our
prayer for him is: "that He who began a good
work in you will carry it on to completion until
the day of Christ Jesus."(Phil. 1:6)



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Here we are as afamily back in January. We will all be

We are thankful Josh has been with us in
the village the last year. He is such a joy
and has many villagefriends ofall ages.
Here he is giving Eric a ride on his bike.

heading backforfurloughfollowing Jesse's graduation.

Please prayfor our travels
and adjustments to U.S.
culture afterfour years

ofbeing away.

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